Also serutilizado the daily one of field that is the register of facts verificadosatravs of comments. The intervention processes will be valued as asensibilizao, affectivity, contemplation, interatividade and interaonostlgica. The application technique-metodolgica aims at to possibilidadede to contextualizar the form reality interactive and complete. In this manner, the situations are distinguished to be studied in the research: In a first one I will momentofarei documentary analysis (bibliographical, news articles, Internet, PCNs and others) and study on the Ambient Education and National Agenda 21, what theoretical permitirfundamentao for the development of the work. Lakatos & Marconi (2007) believes that the participant comment oupesquisa consists of the real participation of the researcher with acomunidade or group. It becomes incorporated itself the group, confuses itself with it. A member of the group is toprximo how much that is studying and participates of the atividadesnormais of them. As I opted to a participant research for verificaode interactive pedagogical practical events and in the studied process, I will meevolverei in the activities of the school, together with profess@res and students.
Nodecorrer of the process I will make the analysis of didactic books of geography ecincias of 4 and 5 years. In the sequence, I will carry through a research of field through representative umdesenho of Environment with the students of the searched school (Questionnaire 1), after that, for the ascertainment of the representation of meioambiente d@s profess@res will be applied a questionnaire with questesabertas (questionnaire 2) and finally, alun@s will be carried through umapesquisa through a investigativo questionnaire in relation aoconhecimento on the Environment with @s formand@s of the depedagogia course of the Beautiful UEG De Campos (Questionnaire 3). Finally, I will make the referring interpretation of the results through degrficos and reports to the teach-learning process relacionado EA and the estruturao of a qualitative text. A vision more critical humanist and on aeducao and the world When humanist of the world says itself in vision, me remetoimediatamente what it wrote Leonardo Boff (2002): Of exit we must renounce to any arrogance oupretenso of privilege or domain.