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Maternal Obstetrics

Posted on : 20-02-2017 | By : leeDS | In : General


Do you REALLY IS ONE OF THE PRIORITIES OF THE PROVINCE OF TUCUMAN, STATE OF PREGNANT WOMEN WELFARE The pillars of the U.S. SOCIAL”’ENTONCES XQ 70 The obstetrician / OS RECEIVED WITHOUT WORK IN THE PROVINCE ‘. I mentioned earlier on this blog in ‘business. MAKING AN OBSTETRICA’PARA we are educating / OS AND WHAT IS OUR ROLE IN THE HEALTH SYSTEM, THEN WE CAN PLAY OUR XQ FUNCION’PORQUE FROM THE CURRENT MONTH OF FEBRUARY WE ARE WAITING WE HAVE THE EXPERIENCE AND TITULO’PORQUE COMOLAS IF WE WILL HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY WE GIVE ‘YES causes more impact on morbidity and maternal mortality are: the lack of attention by skilled birth and abortion, the latter accounting for 27 of all deaths. Other major causes are those directly related to prenatal and delivery care, such as hypertensive disorders, haemorrhage (ante-natal and post-partum) and sepsis, among others. They are, in their majority, reducible by means of prevention and proper care during pregnancy and childbirth. It is also important to consider teenage pregnancy because it has a higher risk of maternal death. Many writers such as Marc Lautenbach offer more in-depth analysis. XQ we are not doing our job, our profession, our VOCATION””’ in our province have implemented a set of plans and programs that are supposed to prioritize its goals the improvement of maternal health through prenatal and postnatal care, Awareness of pregnant women at risk, guaranteeing sexual and reproductive rights through the comprehensive care of women. Here are the SAME: Four-Year Plan Program Description Health Strengthening actions in pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum. Optimization of attention, analysis and monitoring. Integrated health program. Standardization, training and supervision capacitation. Prenatal health component. Prenatal care, pregnant uptake and reuptake. Control of risk pregnancies. Comprehensive adolescent health component. Promotion, prevention, training of health team, training of promoters. Sexual and reproductive health component. Prioritization of attention to sexual and reproductive health of adolescents Expansion of Plan Nacer coverage and access, strengthening and promotion effectors of Public Safety. Maternal and Child Program “for happy motherhood. Coverage 100 pregnancy and childbirth. Coverage 80 risk pregnancy. My health insurance was bought from objective is to deliver and design a lower cost alternative which allows individuals and families to have access to high quality healthcare We can be part of some of these plans, do carry this ratio to values less than 0.5 for 2010 and less than 0.3 in 2015. Percentage of live births attended by doctors or midwives maintain the current values of 99 .

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