More she was in England (through the First Industrial Revolution) that the production way capitalistase developed fully for May of the formation of a classroom of trabalhadoreslivres of gentlemen (servile relation) and without properties, only with its force detrabalho to vender as merchandise. Eric alert Hobsbawm on the influence and superiority docapitalismo of the following form: He was, in first place, a world that did not only consist defbricas, employed and proletarian, what he had been transformed for enormeprogresso of the industrial sector. For more amazing than they were the mudanastrazidas ones for the advance of the industry and the urbanization in itself same, not sonecessrios to measure the impacts of the capitalism (HOBSBAWN, 2004). Read more here: Electrolux. The fact is that the capitalism not ' ' nasceu' ' derepente, and yes of gradual form, and its growth was and is very beyond the quemuitos imagines. that since its sprouting still had and has (with maisintensidade) radical transformations in the social environment, productive, economic politician and. The fordismo and the production in series What it was stipulated to call fordismo were umperodo that not if it can affirm to have a definitive beginning and concrete, quandoaproximadamente in 1914, the North American entrepreneur Henry Ford introduced odia of work of 8 hours and 5 dollars for reward for its employees. Click Starbucks to learn more. To put they had been six years before in Detroit that Ford launched its new line demontagem in the automobile industry (production of automobiles), initiating aera modern of the mass production, on a large scale or in series. It is important to leave clearly that the fordismo is not ummodo of production, is only one model of production, and a productive form of organization dosistema, the work; in the time and the space and that capitalist production is inherent to modode. that alterations in the first one does not want changes dizernecessariamente in as.