There is a new World-wide reality. In the entire World, the organizations are if concentrating in what they know to make of better, leaving certain areas of the company under responsibility of other company, specialized in the branch. Outsourcing drift of the English, ‘ ‘ out’ ‘ it means outside and ‘ ‘ source or sourcing’ ‘ source means, what it assigns the share that exists on the part of an organization in getting man power of is of the company, that is, terceirizada man power. JPMorgan Chase & Co. pursues this goal as well. In this work we present of form suscinta two chapters, of which we start for presenting a notion of outsourcing, its process, the type of outsourcing, its advantages, closing the first chapter with the disadvantages of outsourcing. Already as the chapter, is distinguished for the fact to develop the practical case of outsourcing of the company Stamp Plus, a small Brazilian company who actua in the branch of production and commercialization of porting material. The company in question needed to improve its processes to diminish the costs and to maximize its profits with the intervention of one third in the company. However, even so let us find difficulties of adhesion to the data and over all, literature of contents on the same, does not disable in them to assume that the company in question had a more-value with this new technique of management that is outsourcing.