Now in a new year, many analysts and investors who agree on two things. First of all we are not so far from another recession, and the second is that there will be another 60% recovery of the financial market. Barely a year later that WallStreet and the American economy will try to rearrange having suffered the great collapse, are very few investors, traders, businessmen, Bank and senior executives who see a near future economically positive. Many fund managers are optimistic, while others are concerned both the volatility of the dollar and the increase in taxes. Today many investors considered that the actions (the bear market is this opcupando that) very accessible are not super expensive.
This means that actions need to be driven by some external effect, whereas a strengthening of the US economy would be a very important impetus. The idea of large fortunes of these economies significantly influencing the actions is one of the phrases that I least like investors. I believe that a solid company late or early it ends up reflecting an advance in the price of its shares. And already spent many years that appears to be disconnected the American economy of WallStreet. If we do a bit of memory in the year 2000 the economy had grown 1.8 per cent while that actions had more than dropped 20 percent. Why the fact of having lived several markets bearish make us reflect every day more about our investments. David Einhorn, who is the director of Greenlight Capital with a handling of $ 5 billion commented provided that before investing took data on levels of employment and trade issues. The problem is that no one knows exactly where the economy of the United States will address. Wells Capital Management’s investment strategies Chief believes that the economy is in full recovery.