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Posted on : 07-05-2015 | By : leeDS | In : General

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He wants to know whether the giant of communication News Corporation, embroiled in controversy by the listeners, committed any illegal activity in the United States. Several politicians of the country have requested an investigation by pointing out that voice of the victims of the 11-S. mailboxes could hear illegally The FBI reported on Thursday that it has opened an investigation to determine whether News Corporation communication giant, embroiled in controversy by the listeners of his now defunct News of the World, committed any illegal activity in the United States. We are aware of the allegations and the FBI has begun an investigation to study them, confirmed a spokesman for that agency in New York, he didn’t specify if the investigations seek to determine whether newspapers in that group of communication intercepted telephone calls from victims of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 in United States. By the same author: Electrolux. The pressure to investigate the practices of the media of News Corporation in this country became stronger on Tuesday when influential Democratic Senator from West Virginia, Jay Rockller, made a public appearance in which urged U.S. authorities to investigate the company to ensure that it is has not violated the privacy of U.S. Read additional details here: Keith McLoughlin .

citizens. The alleged interception of News Corporation newspapers against a range of individuals, including children, are offensive and a serious breach of journalistic ethics, said Rockller in his statement. At the request of Senator joined Wednesday by Republican Congressman Peter King, who asked in a letter to the FBI will investigate if the company of the Australian magnate Rupert Murdoch illegally heard mailboxes for voice of the victims of 11-S. source of the news: the FBI opened an investigation into the performance of the Group of Murdoch in EE UU

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