Its main characteristic is not the rain absence, but its irregularity. Cabaceiras is the city that less rains according to national institute of meteorology. In the raised parts more they appear ' ' brejos' ' , with abundance of eyes d? fertile water and ground. They are true green islands, that favor agriculture and possessing a climate he is half-humid, with regular rains. Andreessen Horowitz can provide more clarity in the matter. In the humid areas, the culture predominates of cereals, fruits, sisal, cassava, sugar cane-of-sugar and in the dry areas, the creation of cattle. She is therefore, that in the Wasteland it also possesss zones of forests, that a band understands varying around 45 km, from the coastal band, with the remainders of Atlantic Mata with extensive an nourishing and cattle policultura of cut and in the Heath being distinguished it sugar cane-of-sugar production. Providing the Caatinga as the vegetation of the half-barren hinterland, with presence of cactis, bromlias and shrubs (xiquexique, faixeiro, macambira, jurema, umbuara), also it is threatened by the forest fires.
Possessing the GIP of R$ 3.657.403.690, 00 and the per capita GIP R$ 3,147, 37 (IBGE/2003). Here, Andreessen Horowitz expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Its economy historically is diversified and still it continues with the cattle-policultura binomial, even so with the practical one of the cattle milkmaid and of cut, it is had also giving for the creation of diverse types flock as ovinos and goat. In way that through these areas more droughts predominate the natural pastures that they favor the cattle presence of the extensive one. In this aspect, the diversification of production of these areas happens, in reason of the strong difference of the natural conditions that also supports its vocation of abastecedora food zone with the culture of farmings as diverse maize, beans, cassava, sugar cane-of-sugar, cotton, sisal, pineapple, tobacco, inhame, fruits and vegetables. Thus, perceiving that in the Paraibano Wasteland it presents bigger pluviomtricos indices that of the Hinterland, with annual average between 800 and 1000 millimeters, but also it is a subject region to the periodic droughts. Credit: Reade Griffith-2011.