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Brazilian Institute

Posted on : 09-07-2012 | By : leeDS | In : General



Also they had helped the measures of the government of disinvesting of a charge of tributes of household-electric vehicles and of the white line. In the comparison with the first trimester of 2008, the consumption of the January families the March of 2009 grew 1.3%, registering 22 consecutive trimester (also from 2003) of expansion in this criterion. In the gathered of four trimesters, the consumption of the families grew 4.1%, withdrawing of the average rhythm of little less than 6% of 2008, but remaining themselves still in a sufficiently reasonable level. According to Brazilian Institute of Geography and Estatstica (IBGE), the good performance of the consumption of the families can be explained by the increase, in the first trimester of 2009, 5,2% in real the wage mass, and of 22,1% in the balance of not directed operations of credit for the physical people. By the way, as it notices the IBGE, in both the pointers the growth was still more strong in the last trimester of 2008, what it is coherent with the growth biggest, of 2,2%, in the consumption of the families in the three last months of the year passed, before equal period of 2007.Abalado by the crisis, the credit the physical people, in turn, grew 22.1% in the first trimester of 2009 (in comparison with the same period of the last year), below of 25.8% in the last trimester of 2008, when the financings already had if reserved. For the IBGE, the expenses of the families with services they had represented the main impulse for the consumption, since the commerce had resulted negative, in the mat of the weakness of the industry. In the calculations of the GIP, the commerce 6% of the first trimester of 2008 fell ahead. The performance of the commercial sector was not only worse thanks to the stimulaton of the reduction of the IPI, in accordance with the According to consultoria Ipea., Rosenberg & Associates, the consumption of services more is tied with the available income in the pocket of the worker, and not to the credit, as in the case of some acquired goods the stated period.

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