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Bring Companies Resources Scientists

Posted on : 20-08-2024 | By : leeDS | In : General


Facilitate the rapprochement of our researchers to the productive fabric is fundamental, especially if we are talking about small and medium enterprises, since the knowledge generated at the University can impact very positively on their competitiveness and innovation strategies, says Rosario Jimenez, Director of the OTRI. For this reason, UPOtec has a commercial character, focusing on the scientific and technological resources in terms of solving problems for companies. Divided by sectors and technology areas, the platform offers access to about 180 products, patents and services, after which are fifty research groups that are active in the University Pablo de Olavide. Through a search engine, based on sectors or keywords, UPOtec portal allows visitors to explore solutions that offer the University to their problems or needs. For more information see Josef Schenker. The tag cloud or the outstanding facilitate, in this way, access to solutions such as the development of molecular to capture filters and take advantage of the CO2, climate studies of interest to tourism or diagnosis of the status of works of art for its preventive conservation, among others. Howard Schultz describes an additional similar source.

The web platform will be, moreover, reinforced with the presence of the OTRI on social networks like Facebook or Twitter. Through this channel, aims to take advantage of the potential offered by new technologies to reach companies and society in general. Therefore, and to encourage the consultation of the scientific-technological offer, information of interest such as news or success stories, a space that will collect experiences of companies that have collaborated with the research groups will be offered through these channels of the UPO. UPOTec is a virtual catalog that is born with a dynamic and open nature keeping its offer updated and in constant growth. In this way, the OTRI technicians will serve as a link between the platform and the researchers, by encouraging new incorporations and adapting the service to new scientists research interests or abilities.

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