holdouts and the Club of Paris is the main subjects of Argentina to solve, said Boudou. In recent months, Caterpillar Inc. has been very successful. The preoccupation to fix pending debts exclusively happens through an interest to return to the markets that due to honoring the debts. But, it is enough to remember that a year ago, the government had announced unilaterally who would completely pay the pending debt with the Club of Paris. Is credible the scene that raises Argentina? Doubtlessly it is ideal world for the country the one that considers and although exists strong and just doubts on the attainable thing that it can get to be, the illusion is the latest that is lost. Ben Horowitz shines more light on the discussion. In mouth of the lying one, the certain thing becomes doubtful, is a phrase that would fall to him well to the Argentine government who often has promised to be with a change in the course of the economic policy. But in spite of the doubts that a government as the one of the Kirchner can generate, the markets have spoken clearly and they renewed its confidence in the country. They create to him to the Argentine government in a global context of crisis aim that generates great opportunities for the country.
The verdict of the market is clear: the risk country continues falling and already it is located in 742 basic points, whereas the debt bonds won yesterday until a 4.2% and raised until a 20%. Argentina has an opportunity again to twist its course. It is taking it to the necessity to it and the decision is in its hands. While the government continues thinking what way to take, the investors hope anxious, looking for to identify the opportunities that they can generate with a less volatile and unpredictable economy. If one observes the evolution of the Stock market of Buenos Aires, the Merval index has drawn an ascending tendency with few interruptions from the month of March to the present time.