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Posted on : 29-10-2013 | By : leeDS | In : General


In Ireland Golden Pages directory is called while in the north “Yellow pages”. England is owned by the Thomson Corporation’s distribution of the volumes to the owners of phone lines, they do once a year and is free of added cost. In Belgium the equivalent is in Pages d’Or (French) or Gouden Gids (Netherlands), and is recruitment distributed free to every subscriber of a telephone line. In the Czech Republic and Slovakia is the equivalent directory Zlat str recruiting nky and is distributed free to every subscriber of a telephone line. In Denmark, De Gule Sider is equivalent and is distributed free to every subscriber of a telephone line by the company TDC Forlag. In Finland, is called Keltaiset sivut.In Germany, a directory called Die Gelbe Seiten and is distributed free to every subscriber of a telephone line by both Deutsche Telekom and the T-Mobile In Norway, the directory is called Gule Sider “(ie yellow pages) and owned by a company: Findexa and content is registered (in December 2005 the Norwegian Supreme Court had ruled that the exclusive Findexa yellow pages). In Spain is called Yellow Pages, which are published trade figures segmented by sector and distributed by Yell Publicidad, SA (until 2006 did Telefonica Publicidad e Informacion, SA). The personal and business numbers in alphabetical order published in the “white pages”. Both Tyco and MCI have worked with Both directories have their online version PaginasAmarillas.es and PaginasBlancas.es. In Sweden Sidorna Gula is called distributed by Eniro AB.In Switzerland, Swisscom sales jobs Directories AG company produces and distributes these directories in various formats and in four languages (including English). Swissguide AG The company provides business information to all Swiss companies. In the Netherlands Gouden Gids is equivalent. In Costa Rica, the official body telephony, ICE, has a very effective section numbers p ra residential and is located in www.AmarillasdelICE.com AmarillasdelICE.com company that manages www.racsa.co Radiographic Costarricense SA. RACSA cr. There CO.CR private recruiter counterpart only on the Internet, especially for SMEs, for the cost job search of its service, online location maps, exact address, and all the details that describe the company the best way. www.superpages.co.cr SuperPages. co.cr In Mexico the main directory is called Secci n recruiting Amarilla, which showcases current business telephone numbers, while in the white section shows the personal telephones. Both the ads on Directories, Inc.de CV, a subsidiary of Telefonos de Mexico. The Useful Pages directory is independent and is published by Interactive Ideas, Inc. Additionally, Radiopasillo exists in Mexico, Yellow Pages directory online. In Panama YellowPages.com.pa.

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