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Trainees Together

Posted on : 09-06-2018 | By : leeDS | In : General

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250 Apprentices at Frankfurt airport gathered last Friday to a XXL group photo. “Frankfurt, 02 September 2013 at the start of the education year makes the initiative Yes to FRA!” with the action on the diverse professional opportunities carefully, which the international air transport hub creates. The approximately 500 companies and facilities at Frankfurt airport offer over 1,000 training places and about 78,000 jobs. For travelers Frankfurt airport, the beginning of her professional career is the gateway to the world for many trainees: Fraport, Condor, Lufthansa and DHL Global Forwarding, Logwin air & Ocean, gebr Heinemann and the InterCityHotel Frankfurt airport, whose Auszubildende were, during the group photo with 40 apprenticeships offered. Here, Starbucks expresses very clear opinions on the subject. The perspectives are varied and range from the commercial, technical and catering to the aviation and security.

Alone, the airport operator Fraport has about 21,000 employees and staff, as well as more than 300 trainees at Location Frankfurt. 90 Percent of them come from the Rhine-Main region and each year approximately 110 young people in up to 28 commercial and technical occupations as well as up to eight dual degree programmes be readjusted. These include specialists in warehouse logistics and engineer, air traffic assistants, paramedics, medical assistant, work firefighters, specialist, engineering, mechatronics, construction and system mechanic. There is but not very versatile jobs at the airport, but also airport-specific activities. The airlines train for example, aircraft mechanics and electricians for aeronautical systems and enable a dual degree in aviation management or aviation management.

Germany’s approximately 1,500 trainees and students at Lufthansa this year 200 restart in Frankfurt. And also Condor sets: four of a total of ten trainees are from this year. Also four more are added to the eight dual students of the airline in September. Yes to FRA!” is an initiative, supported by the Condor Flugdienst GmbH, Deutsche Lufthansa AG and Fraport AG. Goal of Yes to FRA!”is a differentiated and factual discussion about the significance of the Frankfurt hub. Say yes to FRA”and support the action with your photo on our great supporters wall under: thousand-why information about the initiative and the importance of the airport for the region can be found here: contact for the press: Condor Flugdienst GmbH Johannes Winter head Communications Tel.: + 49 (0) 6107 939-7804 E-Mail: Deutsche Lufthansa AG Andreas Bartels Director communication Lufthansa passage Tel: + 49 (0) 69-696-60345 E-Mail: Fraport AG Mike Peter Schweitzer corporate communications press officer Tel.: + 49 (0) 69 690-70555 E-Mail:


Posted on : 08-06-2018 | By : leeDS | In : General

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Hats are accessories of great utility when it comes to complement our clothing. Accessories, as a general rule, are placed in those places that we want to highlight and not on those who we are interested in disguise. Hats, for being so close to our face, will call attention, bringing the gaze to that area. Kevin Johnson is a great source of information. For this reason, I would like to give some tips to optimize the image through this accessory, whereas three variables: the ideal colors is to choose those tones that make up the color palette staff, by way of giving greater luminosity to the face and hide imperfections. The hats are a great way to incorporate color into our image and they can be combined with clothing in same or more muted tones with neutral, giving a dose of color that you differ from others and then they notice your presence.

Prints this season offers great variety, including the vichy stamped in various shades, polka dots, flowers, Bulgarians, Scots and stripes. It is recommended that the stamping is not too big nor too small, to be in balance and harmony with who uses it. Size the size of the hat is very important since it can contribute to desproporcionar our face in relation to the body. For example, a capelina with an extensive border can give the feeling of the head is smaller and is lost behind the hat, so it is not the most advisable option for people with small head relative to its texture. Similarly, it is not advisable for people whose face is large in relation to the body, wear caps or hats with a small edge that accentuate this feature. For those who do not dare to use hats, a good option is to start with berets, which are smaller, to adapt gradually.

The Headbands are also an advisable alternative. There are wide variety of models to choose, but the essential thing is to choose the hat not only as an accessory that protects us sunlight but mainly on the basis of models, colors and patterns that will serve to optimize our image. The photos are courtesy of company’s hats.

Programacion Neurolinguistica

Posted on : 07-06-2018 | By : leeDS | In : General


Especially is needed to send the right mind messages to carry them out without problems. In this sense the power of language positive, well spent, to communicate with others and especially starting from home, with ourselves, as proposed by the NLP, it is essential as it is also very powerful to learn to visualize those things we want to achieve notes again talked about NLP and effective ways to communicate with others, with ourselvesthrough words or visualizations of a way that drives us and non, which weakens us!Therefore if you focus you or you communicate with yourself / through negative thoughts that will make will be that you yourself put obstacles that prevent you from reaching perform your goals your inner saboteur you play a dirty trick. Without hesitation Jim Umpleby explained all about the problem. Important then that you begin to incorporate and learn those resources of NLP to help you first and rather than nothing to elaborate, design correctly and efficiently your goals there is a way in NLP to elaborate objectives effectively.A formula that the Programacion Neurolinguistica has been synthesized so that the goals can be achieved in a better and more effective way because much more accurately and positively you can define what you want to achieve, (the results you want to obtain), and the more and better learn how to reprogram your brain to find and identify opportunities much more sure to will get what you want, what you really want. Technique of NLP road to success: now we will see – as I said at the beginning – a powerful NLP technique to help you achieve programmed your brain in direction to your most cherished goals to any goal that you really want to achieve something that really motivates you and with which you are totally agree with yourself. In NLP is good before adding new resources, become the ecological question: If you could have – in this case – right now – that resource if you could already same to have at your disposal that goal that you want to do take it for it? If generate you doubts, is because there is an inner interests conflict must be slightly modify the goal, so that it matches your own values, personality, etc.

Argentina Republic

Posted on : 07-06-2018 | By : leeDS | In : General


One of the big attractions when visiting the province of Mendoza in the West of the Argentina Republic, is to know the secrets of the most coveted wines of the region; and the proposal of the wines is no stranger to any accommodation in Mendoza, since many of the hotels in the region incorporated in its proposal the charm of the wine industry. As regards the possibilities of internalize the topic that tourists have a wide and exciting range of opportunities opens. From a tasting in the intimacy of a lodging in Mendoza as the Diplomatic Hotel in the Capital City, where a special celebration to welcome includes reds and whites from the best wine cellars you can taste. Another possibility to zoom in on the secrets of the wine, that years of work have been macerated with love and dedication, perform a guided tour to some of the wineries, the same may happen to search for their accommodation in Mendoza. A walk through the vineyards, which exploit colored arriving the first days of March, when the province not only It celebrates the harvest, but the beginning of a new cycle of nature. Then goes down to the steps of winemaking. Since it begins to treat the grape until the result of fermentation is bottled, eight stages are which passes through fruit and yeast. Pressing aims to break the grains of grape skins for the release of the juice.

Then goes down to the correction of musts, i.e. is a cleaning of the bunches that are fresh. The next step is the maceration and the maceration, also known as alcoholic fermentation. This fermentation is done through own yeasts of the grape, found in your skin; the process consists of yeasts degrade the sweetness of the fruit until turning it into alcohol and other substances, yeasts die after this, and begin to form a sediment at the bottom of the vessels, known as Lees. Up here the first part of the processes that are running for the wine. Within the wineries, measurement specialists are telling which process where it passes the fruit once it arrives at the winery, are teaching machines that they are used for the different steps, and rooms in which there are parking lots, and may thus traverse the winery in its entirety.

Cities In Germany

Posted on : 06-06-2018 | By : leeDS | In : General

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Particulate air pollution increases the risk for cardiovascular disease due to vascular calcification and noise damages hearing doctors of the West German of heart centre Essen have evaluated a long-term study with 4,800 residents of the Ruhr area. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Caterpillar Inc.. The results show that particulate matter and noise significantly increase the risk for cardiovascular disease. In addition, there are more people who hear badly, as in less densely populated regions in metropolitan areas. This appears to be a result of the continuous noise. But not only the noise in places, also the noise in offices can make sick, especially at work, concentration, creativity and accuracy require.

Especially night noise, but even inhaling small particles to 2.5 microns calcification and hardening of the aorta in connection to, the responsible cardiologist Hagen Kalsch in the run-up to a Congress of the European society of Cardiology in Rome said. At the Congress, he presented first results. Tiny particles, some time in the air hovering are fine dust. You can come from natural or from sources created by people. In urban areas the road traffic and the industry considered main causes for fine dust loads. The fine particles occur in diesel soot, tire wear or in exhaust gases from industry, power plants and heating systems. The inhalation of particulate matter is harmful to health. The WHO (World Health Organization) based on studies had previously demonstrated the increased incidence of respiratory and cardiovascular disease with high concentrations of fine dust.

Moreover, the sustained noise affects also the hearing. Hearing loss evolved gradually and often suffer noise regardless of whether the volume become perceived as pleasant or disturbing. Doctors advise to conscious noise breaks. According to the Hannover medical school, there would be about 15 million people, suffering from a hearing loss to be treated in Germany. In each Age were affected of approximately 20 percent. According to the Association of German occupational physicians and company doctors noise is the greatest ill in the profession. The so-called noise hearing loss is still the most common recognized occupational diseases. In Germany, four to five million workers in their workplace were exposed hazardous noise exposure. Interestingly, not only employed in the industry and in the construction industry are endangered. It was also modern office concepts such as for example the trend towards open-plan office has helped spur this development. The Association warned of this development. According to the volume in the Office below the usual guidelines can lead to stress. According to the noise in groups – and open-plan offices where the volume below the usual values were, not hearing harmed. However, could they become burdens, which have serious consequences. Even at work, concentration, Creativity and accuracy required, call forth in the Office often the noise stress reactions. This stress of course negatively affects the performance and the psychological well-being of employees. To relax body and mind, sleep not enough. If even a too intensive sound over headphones in addition to the environmental noise level, that can damage the hearing cells. Under certain circumstances, this then leads to Presbycusis. What is to be done it? You should incorporate noise breaks into the daily flow. Such integrated noise breaks preserve health. Actually, you should seek the silence from time to time just time deliberately.

Charlottenburg Palace

Posted on : 05-06-2018 | By : leeDS | In : General

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Focuses on events in Berlin while, but location of the House is the Kaiserdamm in Charlottenburg Palace, where the Emperor went underground and the Corner a lot happened as the establishment of the radio tower, the exhibition halls, of the House of radio and the ICC. all of this history is incorporated into the with. The Rollmops”that offered a lot of hilarious dialogues is that a generally has a fish market, and because it says fish women, not on the mouth dropped, will be are written partly in Berlin dialect. From my childhood I know even the notorious Portierschen”, tells the author. Berlin bedrock, to compare with the French Concierge, loved and feared because of their Kodder snout”and their often hard-led Regiment. Where no one came, and there was the latest gossip free.” A whole century in a novel, does it work? Very good, if it is limited to the essential political, economic and cultural events. There even remains room for the different fashion and styles of music, the cinema and theatre program and much more.” Not be the reader with so much concentrated dialect overwhelmed? “” Not at all, because in between too high German is spoken, and who does not understand a thing or two, I recommend the my book checkered jequatscht and abjelacht “, a dictionary of the Berlin dialect” (Pascu-verlag, ISBN 978-3-943018-18-9, 13.90 euros), Dietrich Novak smiles. There, ALT-Berliner diving terms, of which some people have never heard something.

Or did you know what is an ink ball (cylinder)? Well, see se. I thought it was time that even a real Berliner writes such a dictionary, who knows the terms from their own vision or hearing. In this respect much nonsense is done that.” “” “In the German capital, where everything little bit sounds, as it is meant to the inventiveness of the Berliner Schnauze” delicious amuse, and one must be baptized with spree water “or at least the Berlin air”breathing, this is not bad to take, but to laugh half dead in the event of an emergency”, so the blurb of the dictionary. The extensive keyword list is supplemented by humorous dialogues and clever comic drawings by Rudolf Schuppler. A linguistic voyage through (ALT) Berlin. Now you must think but I had already shot my bullets. Berlin will probably never let me go with its people, its history and its distinctive dialect.

There is still much to report and to tell”, says Dietrich Novak. We must be curious. Contact: Pen & ink the literary magazine of the hobby factory Bernd Nurnberger Tauentzienstr. 13A, 10789 Berlin Tel 030-217 999 20

Ralph Schunemann

Posted on : 04-06-2018 | By : leeDS | In : General

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In the Federal Republic such an undertaking resulted in a surge of unemployment to more than 5 million Menschen.In of the Federal Republic, she tried to boost the SPD and the Greens during the so-called years of recession from 2001, to combat unemployment and the economy. For the Agenda 2010 and Hartz reforms were designed, which should thread including a consolidation of time working through the decline of strict guidelines such as, for example, a maximum transfer time. For employers, temping has the benefit that under extremely heavy load undertaking by such service providers completely fix employees can be recruited. Such workers are employed by the company for temporary work and to be paid this company. As soon as the work in lending out operation is low, must the workers not from this company be hired and the company for temporary employment is looking for a new business venture for him. Personnel logistics thus assumes the temporary employment company. The big advantage for workers is that he leaves the stage of unemployment behind, collects relevant professional skills and in ordinary work circumstances has also the prospect of a takeover and thus an employment guarantee in an operation. The era won due to the looseness of State laws significantly on appeal, which led to the consequence that several operating alternately increasingly come back einigene years to the core workforce employed temporary employment and staffing services. Thus the time working in Germany also contributed its part to the significant fall in the unemployment since 2006. Ralph Schunemann

Uli Geyer Tel

Posted on : 01-06-2018 | By : leeDS | In : General

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The processes are represented as a UML activity diagrams and advanced drag & drop and can be individually adjusted. Logically related processes can be combined into a new module and thus optimally re-used. “It is crucial that expecco significantly minimize the overhead for testing and automatisert”, so Bettina Gittinger, Board member of eXept Software AG. So businesses despite growing complexity of hardware and software systems can check their products and services through its paces – long before they are placed on the market.” The 16 software QA day brings together research and industry in three days. Lectures, tutorials, workshops, and an accompanying exhibition bring the topic of MBT in compact and understandable form interested companies, IT managers, Systemverantwortlichen and test managers. Met is in the ArabellSheraton Hotel Carl clay, Nuremberg. (Source: Andreessen Horowitz). More info see & company portrait eXept Software AG eXept Software AG in Bonnigheim in Stuttgart is for test automation, quality management, and customized software solutions. The company was founded in 1996 with the mission software solutions for complex tasks at the highest level to develop. For even more details, read what Kevin Johnson says on the issue.

Company is one of the leading providers of customised Smalltalk solutions and provides a complete development environment with Smalltalk/X. Solutions by company are in industries such as finance, automotive, telecommunications and machinery in use. The innovative core product of the company is the testing and quality management system, expecco, allowing an agile and model-based test development. It simplifies the development, integration and customization documentation of automatic tests for hard – and software using a graphical programming interface. expecco is available in different variants of the product and is used as a basis for specific industry solutions. For more information to expecco / expecco webEdition, you get on the Internet under or contact: Steffen Jung Manager (sales & marketing), phone: + 49-7143 883040, company contact eXept Software AG Zeppelinstr 4 74357 Bonnigheim c/o Bettina Gittinger Tel.: + 49 7143 88304-0 fax: + 49-7143 88304-44 E-mail: Web: press contact conception & TEXT & more! Panorama str. 68 D-71679 Asperg c/o Uli Geyer Tel + 49 (0) 71 41 / 68 00 91 fax + 49 (0) 71 41 / 68 00 92 E-mail: Web:

Bad Oeynhausen

Posted on : 30-05-2018 | By : leeDS | In : General

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A review of the individual enterprise BI strategy must, taking into account the new Opportunities are made and take into account in particular its strategic value: therein lie the greatest potential for the company and hence the justification to invest in new tools. 2. the need for consolidation of the infrastructure: Many companies have a developed infrastructure with many systems and different tools of from different manufacturers often due to missing or inadequate functionality in the declared strategic platform. High operating costs and unnecessary redundancies are a consequence. The predicted potential to best develop their effect, which is possible only on the basis of a flexible, integrated and cross-process data and process platform. In many companies, this means that they must strategically plan a gradual consolidation and initiate. 3. the modernisation of the architecture: Future-oriented architecture concepts such as SOA or the upcoming SAP business process platform (BPP) should in a future-oriented enterprise data warehouse architecture be taken into account.

Specifically, it must be a clear separation between the platform (data) and application (use of data and information) according to the principle of information comes out of the socket”see above. 4. the factor man: tools must be easier in the future to use and users of the BI tools can take independently an analysis of data in hand. This requires a larger networking content and greater interactivity. For appropriate platforms have to produce for the Web 2.0 paradigm – rather than consume created by information – and the staff prepared and trained. 5. the Organization relationships: The combination of the strengths of SAP and business objects offers the chance to introduce a clear architectural distinction between platform and analytical application.

This implementation places new demands on the BI organization, which must coordinate BI activities across different departments and IT. Is a clear definition and distribution of roles central prerequisite. 6. the BI processes: Business intelligence of next generation grows beyond the traditional boundaries of analysis and reporting. It includes also the direct supply of competent in a business process decision makers with relevant information. To achieve an embedding in business processes and thus an optimization of value creation, must themselves BI in the future as a service and as such is technically implemented. About coretelligence: The consulting company coretelligence embodied the concept of the BI agenda a new claim in the business intelligence consulting, the real tangible added value for the business to be generated. He is based on a systemic analysis of all actually relevant success factors, avoids a too strong technology focus, and instead has a fundamental importance to the business processes. coretelligence GmbH & co. KG rifle str. 8 32545 Bad Oeynhausen, Germany FON: + 49 (5731) 15384-00 fax: + 49 (5731) 15384-01

IT Services Trade With New And Used Equipment

Posted on : 29-05-2018 | By : leeDS | In : General

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Just unbelievably small! Special extensions / de installations de are often time consuming and labour intensive. Computer systems and other electronic equipment are often elaborately installed, such as data centers. Staff is therefore necessary also to uninstall often trained specialist, which systematically and professionally going in the breakdown of systems. Our staff know all the situations and problems that can occur when the uninstall and are well prepared for this. We have the perfect solution for you! How far the service: de-installation? We undertake for you: – reduction of computer systems (personal computers, etc.) directly in the workplace – removal of entire data centers – documentation of individual equipment on site to capture serial and inventory numbers collection of accessories removal and delivery to agreed collection time-critical de installations and dismantles are possible even outside normal business hours! Function test: How we ensure the quality of the used Products? We test and clean the equipment before they enter the resale. The hardware is carefully inspected by experienced technicians and electronic engineers in our test center, repairs, if necessary, documented and cleaned.

Principle is also the secure erase of the disk. Data erasure: How safe is your data? We offer you the optimal safety! Have you thought about the usage time of your outdated computer systems at the end also the necessary data security? We neglect just at the end of the life cycle of your old computer equipment necessary due diligence with regard to the Datensicherheit.Bei working this particularly critical topic many users professionally and effectively according to your specifications! What is the procedure? You send us your request. We develop your individual, tailored to your companies data destruction concept with Ihnenzusammen. If you want a special Delete method, we can offer all the available procedures here. On request we create also individual Delete certificates per PC. You give us your order how manage the entire further procedure as your provider! Do you have problems with your Windows installation? We help you! Complete installation incl.aller Windows updates and drivers! Get the life time of your PC! Dust and other environmental factors can shorten the life time of your PC. We make sure that your PC longer lives! Frank little