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Posted on : 12-09-2017 | By : leeDS | In : General



Natural and normal, therefore. I think as prohibited the vision of a fact and soon to follow the search of the mind in interpreting this fact, all the possible alternatives, creating estimated known and inventing other strangers to understand? the fact? this is only possible with the use of the creative mind? of the mind that divaga and is not arrested, but it creates and recria? fancy, you dream, divaga. It would be reasonable to think that this doidivano process explains the creativity because in another way ‘ ‘ sinapse’ ‘ new they would not be on and new ways would not be unfolded. The mind divaga as in a process of maintenance and conservation of the open ways already and in also in the opening and the unfolding of new linkings, new tracks, of the opposite, would tend if to erase and the new alternatives would not appear. Growth, therefore.

Thus thinking, adormeci? with the doubt: I must meditar or I must divagar? Which would be optimum way for intelligence of the man of growing and thus to grow as race, as species? Clearly, clearly. In some circumstances optimum it is to meditar? to calm and to make to rest our mind. To make the energies of the wild horse to be reestablished. In other circumstances however, optimum it is to stoke the alternatives, to light the engine of the imagination, to produce the most colorful possible and when more unexpected dreams better. But, when it is really the hour to act thus or baked. Perhaps the wisdom if presents solely in knowing to choose this hour this place and not to be master in one or another one yes alternating? with the use of one or another one? practising one excluding another one alternatively? successively, always. The mind, as the human body, had been constructed in order to function however working hard, however preguiando and resting. However pra here, however pra there.

In a done alternation clapper? never only there, never only here. Finally we conclude thus, to divagar for vagabond and nomadic thoughts, is a form of being and acting, that we judge joust, proper and due, as to make to rest the routine mind and systematically also it will be? in the measured joust.

Humanity Resources

Posted on : 11-09-2017 | By : leeDS | In : General



The comment of the success of the project stimulated outrascampanhas of protection. From then on, UNESCO initiated, with oConselho together International of Monuments and Small farms (ICOMOS), a convention to paraproteger the World-wide Patrimony of the Humanity. Ahead of the ambient problems edo success of the created actions to protect the cultural goods, appears in the EstadosUnidos the idea to extend this protection, also, the conservation of the nature (they idem). Since then, some small farms in the world had been created (Africa, Arab countries, Asia, Europe, Brazil etc.). The conservation of the patrimony mundial a continuous process, where the biological and cultural diversity, the traditional landscapes, populations and the natural resources must be protected. Cabeaos signatory countries to protect the enrolled places as ecultural natural patrimony, case of genes until complete species and ecosystems -, well comosua reproduction capacity. It corresponds to ‘ variability viva’ , to prpriograu of complexity of the life, enclosing the diversity enters and in the scope dasespcies and of its habitats’ ‘ biological and of the genetic resources and its components. Amongst the ambient problems, the worse crisis is the dosrecursos renewed. undoubtedly add to your understanding.

In all the planet, the sea species, terrestrial eareas, the tropical forests and its genetic reserve, the superior layer dosolo, the drinking waters, etc., are in a sped up movement of reduction, jque the exploration level are greater that the regeneration capacity, that is, aexplorao of the environment is bigger of what its capacity of renewal. Estacrise, increased of the climatic changes and the destruction of the atmosphere, affects eager human being and of all the other organisms livings creature of alarming and talvezirreversvel form. In this direction, one becomes necessary to protect this diversidadebiolgica in order to obtain to keep the continuity of the life in the planet Land. The landscapes the concept of landscape adopted here is proceeding from umanova science, the Ecology of Landscapes.

Seeing Sidorovich

Posted on : 09-09-2017 | By : leeDS | In : General

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The first task you return back to the base of the clear sky, where you temporarily take in your group and send the beat renegades from the marshes. Approaching the first point on the map where you want to drive the enemy out of a given territory for some reason there was a message: “The job was canceled” for some unknown reason, it’s a bug or the game is by design. After completing all the tasks groups point to a player already familiar “Cordon” and the merchant Sidorovich. Appears first game difficulty – machine gun that shoots accurately as SVD and soldiers, whose feline vision, or a fancy night vision device. Seeing Sidorovich, laughter makes the put the game on pause. Why the developers decided to make his bald head and oblique unclear.

By joining the group “Stalkers” play, it became interesting. Dump, there was immediately a couple of assignments from his group and decided to meet them at the earliest point of capture territory killed all the bandits and the job is changing the name to “Hold the point until the arrival of an ally,” but allies and do not itch, to help. Having stood on this spot for half a day (in game time), decided to engage with groups. Set out to beat the game on the plot to the end and start playing the second time in more detail. The storyline leads the mercenary to amber, hello igrolyap.

Sakharov speaks to you about the arrow that he had been with him and even showed pictures. It can be seen after the release, which ends the game had lost its memory, and he did not recognize a labeled arrow. This professor gives a tip on the red forest, determined to wait, with the passage of the plot has gone to landfill to find ammunition, patch up the armor, etc. But the transition thrown to the desktop, well, I think, who does not happen in the end none of conservation does not work and crashes on boot, I had to click “New game” for the second time. Chernobyl, here we have gauss guns to shoot the arrow, this procedure takes no more than five minutes. All the game is over at last video clip, which reveals all the secrets, but it takes about fifteen seconds long and it is possible to see the captions.


Posted on : 07-09-2017 | By : leeDS | In : General



Reading Plato, in them we come across with the supposed socrtica philosophy, since she is being explained not for Socrtes, even so this has not left nothing written, but at last, phrase celebrates that we think regarding the socrtica maiutica would be: ' ' I know that nothing sei' '. Thinking the respect and on the traps of setenas analyzed by a philosophical logic, we can think about the contradiction of this sentence, since for I to say that ' ' sei' ' , exactly on ' ' not saber' ' , I place in the sage condition, annulling the negation that was affirmed. Who could be more appropriate knows to say: ' ' Perhaps nothing saiba' ' , still being conditional for the certainty of ' ' talvez' '. Caterpillar pursues this goal as well. But ' ' I know that nothing sei' ' it is a socrtica affirmation of ' ' saber' ' soon, detainer of a truth. To who the knowledge of really? belongs I would say that to all, that is, to nobody, then all we have truths and for thus being, we exclude the absolutizao of the same ones, leading in consideration that respecting one, it must for consequncia be respected the subsequentes.

Thus I refer myself to other absolutizaes, example, Heraclitus: ' ' All dumb one, except mudana' '. It seems me that if the not dumb change, something then remains, then nor all dumb one. Additional information is available at Jonas Samuelson. Going beyond the absolutizao can be arrived biggest, god, therefore if this is ' ' tudo' ' , as they affirm the theologians, then, also it is nothing, therefore it also encloses the contradiction of itself exactly. Therefore the proper British philosopher David Hume displays that all affirmation possesss with equal veracity an antithesis. Although the Theology if affirms on the ilogicidade, if I do not take care of the philosophical rules, but serving itself of them. we do not have to also absolutizar filosofando, therefore to change one ' ' regra' ' for another one it is to keep the permanence, thus, we oscillate between the concepts, looking for to have a permanence and at the same time making alterations, we finish in the end taking care of both the aspects, finally exists the change and the conservation, no matter how hard ' ' radicais' ' of both the sides do not want to admit. The absolutizao is a trap that the all moment appears in what we say or we write, observes as I acebei to write ' ' all momento' ' , as it was mentioned, we accustom to coexist it, but important it is to observe it as ephemeral, as well as ours other conceptions and that let us not leave that arrives at the point of leading in them, when in them we become intolerantes and ' ' atropelamos' ' other forms to think, differentiated of ours, even so making our choices, we will be ' ' atropelando' ' also other people’s conceptions. Which the solution? Exists solution? If it exists, I believe that they will go if disclosing and not even we will give account, therefore when to be presented, will appear as much other questions, that worried in answering them, already not even we will give account of the other reply, as when formulating it, we do not give account of the others that had preceded it. We are desabsolutizantes absolutizadores.


Posted on : 05-09-2017 | By : leeDS | In : General

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In the tomato juice add a defoamer. In croutons added MSG, because salt is more expensive. For the conservation of red caviar marching fuel use and citric acid, obtained by formaldehyde. Well-known companies for the production of yogurt provide advertisements on living bacteria. Bacteria live from 3 to 6 days, and the production companies is stored for 3-4 months. They pass the yogurt to the examination and there everything is fine, but after irradiated. In the same way the Americans have solved the problem salmanelleza, irradiated chicken eggs, with some of the isotopes is still on the product. Credit: Andreessen Horowitz-2011.

Jams: raspberry, apricot, cherry contain lots of chemicals, dyes. Homemade cherry jam would not be red in the presence of oxygen and glucose is oxidized and becomes dark brown. You can not eat mayonnaise, especially in plastic containers. Vinegar separates from most plastics carcinogens. Mayonnaise contains a large amount of preservatives and stabilizers.

A fat evenly cover the inner wall of your blood vessels. Do not eat smoked products, boiled and jerked sausage. It is an illusion – paper is boiled with salt and dyes and to think that we get proteins. Of course, all this can close your eyes, because you want because it used to. But this is psychology – see item first. If you came to die – not distracted. 3. WATER. The third cause of all diseases and water drinks. The brain is 90% of the water. It is hard to imagine what would happen if it stops there to do.


Posted on : 23-08-2017 | By : leeDS | In : General

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You already know exactly what you want to buy the Turk (Cezve) for coffee, but do not know what kind of a Turk to choose, then this article is for you. I'm not going to tell you about the benefits of coffee made in Cezve, over coffee, hastily concocted in the coffee machine (it's like comparing your own car with a taxi), and not lead you on the rare varieties of coffee and delicious recipes for cooking it, but only briefly list the main details, which should uchityat when choosing a Turkish coffee. Turks form Cezve should have a narrow neck. Thanks to this neck of the coffee produced 'stopper', which does not evaporate valuable coffee substances, and thus contributes to Conservation rich taste and aroma. Classical Turkish man has the shape of the waist (wide bottom and 'narrowed' up).

The walls of the wall should be thick Cezve. In Turku with the walls of coffee will be heated slowly and uniformly, keeping their best qualities. You will have to spend some time at the stove, but (poverte!) end justifies the means and time to its osuschestvvlenie, as coffee, brewed in the Turks did not go to any comparison with the same coffee hastily prepared in an electric coffee maker. So you have to zapasitis terepeniem if you want to cook this flavorful coffee, and not only 'recharge caffeine' before the next working day. 'Correct' coffee – Coffee, brewed in the Turks! The volume of the Turks often faced with the opinion that the less Cezve, the tastier it turns coffee.

Renaissance Values

Posted on : 23-08-2017 | By : leeDS | In : General



A syllable only but that it arrives to be one dom in whose concept infinite possibilities, beauties fit and values that become very compatible with the act of the dreams of the old humanity. how much we, nothing in them can much less be indifferent passing in them unobserved: the alvor of the peace calls us it a much more deep Renaissance what the imagined one. A Renaissance that is capable to show to the woman and to the man of today a certain direco for the destination the one who if dirigem: its before, its now and its later, that is, of where they had come, where are and for where are to go. Jim Umpleby is often quoted on this topic. in virtue of this to contemplate the possibilities that the peace offers for the efficient and sensible accomplishment of the life. A lived life of truth: in favor of the love, in favor of the brother and of the proper nation. this Renaissance is imposed, a priori, in relation to any another form of Renaissance that to the country invites. ' ' evento' ' peace in general invites the society to take conscience of with priority necessity of renascer the human being in all its possible dimensions: intellectual, moral, spiritual? to renascer the woman and the man in all its valorais dimensions. nobody can be indifferent to this necessity human being of construction and conservation of its more sublime values seno that one that continues captive in the cave of its proper ignorance, contemplating the shade of the reality that arrives to it at the directions empty and unprovided of reason. Therefore, as all we know, in a war they overthrow men and not only they knock down buildings, as well as pull down great structures of values, that after the repentance demand priority and urgent rebuilding. Therefore, she is basic never to forget, but never exactly, that under rubbles of a destroyed country, she will always have a demolidos woman and a man, or physically or in concernentes terms to the most sublime values, they, spirituals or intellectuals are moral.

Greek Ethics

Posted on : 21-08-2017 | By : leeDS | In : General



The environment is suffering an extreme exploration that threat the stability of its systems of sustentation. The man is the only animal that modifies the nature with its work, nor always of favorable form and many times of irreversible form. The modern society in such a way intensifies this process that compromises the life in the planet with the objective to increase the profit. Hear from experts in the field like Kevin Johnson for a more varied view. On the other hand, the result of this extreme exploration, the profit, is not distributed equitable, and only one minority of the planetary population if it benefits of this wealth (Landmarks, 2011). Ambient ethics can be defined as the mannering behavior of the human being in relation to the nature; it elapses of the ambient awareness and it has for objective the conservation of the global life (Saints and Pepper, 2007). The 17 (dezessete) principles norteadores of the ambient ethics are: principle of the legality, of the supremacy of the public interest, the non-availability of the public interest (the half-environment does not belong nobody, but is of all), the obligatoriness of the ambient preservation, the prevention, the obligatoriness of previous evaluations in potentially harmful workmanships to the environment (EIA, RHYMES), of the advertising, the reparabilidade of the ambient damage, the participation, the information, the socioambiental function of the property, the polluting agent-payer, the compensation, the responsibility, the sustainable development, the ambient education and the cooperation the International.

A ecocntrica ethical vision can be defined as the man centered in its house (Saints and Pepper, 2007). ‘ ‘ OIKOS’ ‘ it means house, in Greek. It studies the behavior of the man in relation to the global nature, what it allows that the man better understands its performance and responsibility with the too much beings livings creature.. Check with Electrolux to learn more.

Clothes For Winter Fishing

Posted on : 20-08-2017 | By : leeDS | In : General

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Fairly popular form of recreation is spearfishing. Recently, you may notice that the number of supporters of the hobby is growing rapidly. Jim Umpleby is often mentioned in discussions such as these. It is believed that a minimum set of equipment submarine hunter must consist of a mask, fins, tubes and guns. Often, spearfishing requires prolonged exposure to water. This means that the suit is not over, even if the water it seems warm enough. Modern range of guns for underwater hunting is quite wide. The most popular among hunters, air rifles, or variations thereof, rubber battle.

Latest Models characterized by simple and reliable construction. Quite interesting for hunters will be the fact that the prototype of this rifle is the most common slingshot. Gun battle with a rubber classified into the following features: – the length of the rod – the number of devices traction – the number of harpoons. The principle is simple and clear to the hunter: they operate through incisions in the harpoon, which clings to a thrust of its length depends directly on the force battlefield. The main drawback of this model is the gun that the stretching rod requires considerable effort otohotnika, which creates some discomfort while using them. The most significant advantage: quiet, providing an opportunity to hunt, not frightened away by this fish. The principle of the device is a pneumatic gun that air pressure works on the analogy with a compressed spring piston sustaining.

Charge is the harpoon, which moves the piston toward the goal of the gun barrel. Hunter enough once per season to charge such weapons by air, because the shot he is not consumed. Choosing this kind of hobby, you need to pick up appropriate equipment. When choosing, consider the following: for the river, hunting in the ponds must be taken not long rifle; tip line and must be chosen according to the type of fish for which you are going to hunt. For example, the tip of one tooth is more suitable for hunting catfish, but several – for pike, carp; mask for spearfishing must necessarily be comfortable for the hunter; select the best medium length fins – they are hard and can make sharp acceleration; very useful flashlight, because the hunter will have to find the fish in a fairly dark underwater areas. It is important to choose the right scuba suit. Its main task is to conservation of heat. Depending on the terms of use, in particular, and the water temperature, there is quite a varied assortment of goods. Choose a suit must be carefully, it should be easy for the hunter, match its size, the operating conditions. Observing all of the above tips on choosing equipment, you can avoid problems and discomfort, learning underwater depths.

Pay Credit

Posted on : 17-07-2017 | By : leeDS | In : General



Violation of this condition is sufficient basis for the lender to apply to the borrower economic sanctions in the form of increased charge interest. If further delay (in our country for more than 3 months) – the presentation of financial claims in court. Pay Credit expressed the need not only the direct return of the borrower received from the bank’s credit resources, but also pay for rights to use them. Set the value of bank interest rates, has three main Features: – redistribution of income and corporate income individuals; – to regulate the production and circulation of goods through the distribution of loan capital at the sectoral, intersectoral and international levels – at critical stages of economic development – the protection of anti-inflationary monetary savings bank customers. For more specific information, check out Electrolux. Rate (or rate) lending rate, defined as the ratio of total annual income earned on the loan capital to the amount of the loan serves as the price of credit resources. Reaffirming the role of credit as one of the proposed in the specialized market of goods, payment of credit encourages the borrower to the most productive use of the loan. The recoverability of the loan – this is the need for timely refund received from the lender’s financial resources after the completion of their use by the borrower. Secured loan expresses the need to protect the property interests of the lender when the borrower a possible violation of the obligations assumed and finds practical expression in such forms of lending, as loans secured by or a financial guarantee..