Everyone is entitled to an education of excellence, it is for universities to achieve. The universities are facing at present, a major challenge in many respects, since it involves political, economic, social, cultural, technological that can not be neglected, especially given the commitment to train, train professionals able to address them and generate the required changes to assist with the development of the country to which they belong. For this it is necessary to have an excellent educational management, which in passing the necessary management to ensure favorable results, to train professionals capable of generating the transformations necessary actions defendants in all areas of their specialty. Andreessen Horowitz can aid you in your search for knowledge.
It is therefore a compromise, serious responsibility of the university authorities, to identify with the needs that the country faces, as well as the international situation, so that globalization presents, giving way to educational programs that define the professional profile required to knowledge, skills, tools, plus requires collaboration of teachers, not only trained in line with the knowledge that this requires, but who can forward them, communicate, motivate students to contribute their ideas, generate other skills that give way to a new paradigm education, according to defendant reality, fueling changes and solutions required to ensure good results. University authorities need to identify and engage more with their work, commitment for which they were elected, planning activities, negotiations, where academic excellence, ensuring that the universities under its responsibility, graduating trained professionals, so that are guarantors in the professions for which graduates.
Authorities can not play a representational role as in many national universities, it takes proactive authorities, identified with the reality of this, to promote the necessary actions for the university to which they belong play the role for which they were created, do see the community, the importance and necessity of its existence, actively participate in the problems the country faces and of course, provide solutions that lead to the successive governments actively considered, taking into account the talent, human capital enclose universities, capital to be able to take advantage, consider it in their programs that are planned, to implement it, others would favor the results and many governments in their management. .