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The Entrepreneur Coach

Posted on : 24-11-2015 | By : leeDS | In : General


The art of communication begins with good listening, because unfortunately, the biggest blunders of this life are explained as a result of misunderstandings. When you communicate, listen and try to express your ideas as clearly as possible without taking things for granted. Train your response capacity Training is important to progress in this world, but not essential. What is really essential to progress is the capacity to solve. We have been trained to obey and obey and what has made both our creativity and our response capacity are reduced, but you can train it to exit forward. Do not stay with the problem solved. Take learning of any situation if instead of kicking when you have a negative experience, you take out their learning, and even the positive side. You’ll see, as well as make it productive, bad situations do not seem so bad. You may find that Andreessen Horowitz can contribute to your knowledge.

Create new constructive habits are habits that determine our lives. Our life will have a better quality if we have good habits. Create new habits that will be easy to carry and direct you toward your ideal life. Assertiveness The art of saying no, of good manners. This skill is also part of good communication. It is a skill that is to know to be honest and say no to something, well-mannered and not ashamed. Everything, absolutely everything in life can say with good words.

Take time to your training Although as I said the training is not necessary, but obviously it helps to get closer to your goals. Spend a little time to your training. Today with new technologies is vital important to have to go to a center through Internet you can have quality training and even college. Also through books and practice yourself. You can converse with other experts in the topic of interest, through forums, chats and web pages. Following these guidelines will achieve success safely. Zabaleta Ana “The Coach of the entrepreneur” Ana Zabaleta, “The Entrepreneur Coach“, teaches you techniques to get more performance out of your business and your personal life.

Internet Money Makers

Posted on : 20-11-2015 | By : leeDS | In : General



The best thing that can automate all this as your digital product sales if they can be sent automatically once you paid the bone product to make money without lifting a finger, and if there is any interested in your product in Europe as you go earning money while you sleep just like that, but I repeat all this I can I’m doing but it takes patience, a little investment and hard work, whether research your competition, improve the product, advertising in different means in order, remember that the Internet should be working alone in traffic because without traffic we are nothing more than a simple space Internet which no one knows how to get is why you need to do target advertising to which you want to get to know you exist and you offer a good product. Keith McLoughlin contains valuable tech resources. I say this because many in desperation I understand believe that money will come faster and last month when he did not have the expected revenue is discouraged and not continue with the project and that’s the worst they can do. For more information see Caterpillar. There is a large Latino market of over 100 million Internet users worldwide and more than 28 million users accessing the Internet Latinos in the U.S. Howard Schultz: the source for more info. is tremendous potential that is growing everyday, there is a market and many products to offer, you just have to be creative, think you’re good at and what you know a lot, develops a digital or digital book based on that theme and builds a web page and start to sell it, and finally there are many products with rights resale which you can resell on your website you just have to find the ideal product for the market to which you directed, I know, sounds easy, and possibly your I must say that he is, well I tell you that if so many people do I’m one of them and I give on my website free videos so you can do it step by step, that is why if you really want to make money not waste your time if you think that you will not have to spend a penny to do something on the Internet and not buy products that say you’re going to make money without any effort and investment are all lies and you will lose your time and money, just think and analyze that this is a business opportunity like any other for that purpose, you will not require much investment as it is to make an ordinary business.

What To Do With The Fiscal Surplus

Posted on : 19-11-2015 | By : leeDS | In : General



I must say that I would not have conveyed these concerns to Alan Garcia (I have no way to do it), but just reducing the projected fiscal surplus reflects the Peruvian government’s decision to increase social spending and increasing public investment. In the words of finance minister Peruvian Luis Carranza: “For this year (the goal is) a surplus of 2% for the coming years, slight decreases in surpluses, together with the need to increase investment and social spending, which is one of the central elements of the government. ” With this policy, the government can strengthen the competitiveness of enterprises and improve their infrastructure through new investments, while beginning to show more action on the social front. So Peru continues to grow and the benefits of this growth is distributed among the population. Another good policy that is putting forward is that related to Peru’s foreign debt, which is being reduced and changed in composition with a higher and higher domestic currency terms. The minister of Economy, Carranza, said in this connection: “This year we are doing debt re profiling operations, basically changing dollar debt for a role of debt in soles, in the longer term and year-end must be near the goal set of about 13% of foreign debt compared to GDP. ” I understand that this is also a factor in the reduction in the fiscal surplus and to reduce financing needs of the public sector.

Peru also continues to advance its trade policy. Yesterday signed two new NAFTA with Canada and Singapore. Probably want to know: What will these FTAs can bring to Peru? These FTAs will provide an expansion of markets for Peruvian products, greater diversification of destinations for them, which reduces exposure to volatile external sector of the economies, and greater investment. I should mention that Canada is the second country with more investments in Peru, (mainly in the mining area), with an approximate figure of U.S. $ 4,000 million, while Peruvian exports to Canada amounted to U.S. $ 1,800 million.

On the fears (valid and understandable) about the possible impact of FTAs in some areas of the Peruvian economy, I understand that this depends largely on the ability of government to consider them, to prevent them from happening. In the case of the FTA with Singapore, about 87% of products imported from that country will be liberalized immediately, but other products will be liberalized in full within a maximum period of 10 years. This makes me assume the existence of a previous analysis of the Peruvian government on the impact of the FTA. FTAs may also help control the inflationary pressures that may arise in the economy of Peru. I refer mainly to the pressures of domestic origin, they can be disciplined to the existence of greater competition. In this sense, FTAs can offset the pressure on prices could generate, reducing the fiscal surplus. Peru Alan Garcia continues to advance and little by little is meeting the demands of different sectors (business, low-income areas). Peru will be adding to their fantastic growth, a more balanced distribution of benefits derived therefrom and that is good for investors because it eliminates potential sources of conflict in the Peruvian economy.

Mycenaean Troyes

Posted on : 14-11-2015 | By : leeDS | In : General



Troy, which was considered eligible in the Dardanelles, must be at the same time, threatening progress weary Greeks virtually all trade with civilized Europe. Proof of this, there are thousands. It has found the remains of Mycenaean influence throughout southern Europe, Asia Minor and even on land currently in Russia. The ships left Mycenaean Greek ports loaded with luxurious ceramics, metals, weapons, oils and ointments and returned laden gold, ivory, precious fabrics and glass paste in a continuous marketing that made the Eastern Mediterranean in a real commercial highway. It was clear that the point of view Mycenaean Troyes. And the Trojans, they should think the same about the Greeks. This was therefore the main reason for conflict.

All peoples of Greece, united under the command of Agamemnon, had declared war on Troy to be a powerful city, was perfectly well defended and able to overcome them. If you are certain the 10-year war as Homer says, most likely not be continued (as mentioned in the Iliad), but a succession of attacks or offensive which eventually tamed power, the proud city . Losing Troy, the Greeks should have started to expand unhindered up to the control of international trade. Archaeological discoveries have even strangers helped to clarify points such as the dress of their armies, the weapons they used and how the fortresses, ships, and various circumstances of the conflict. However, what remains a mystery is the decline and subsequent destruction of Mycenae, perhaps killed by the "Sea Peoples", a civilization that has no reference and that even today, is a great enigma. The Mycenaean Greeks who destroyed Troy were crushed by an invading wave that wiped all traces of their civilization. The great Mycenaean fortified palaces as Tiryns or Mycenae were raided and destroyed, people scattered, the fields were abandoned, the area was deserted and even the writing is lost. Only the Mycenaean citadel of Athens, perched atop the Acropolis resisted destruction. Everything else was ruined. Greece was plunged into a Dark Ages that lasted over 400 years. If there was a winner of the contest, in short, no doubt it was these "Sea Peoples." But even that is still under investigation.

British Commonwelth

Posted on : 05-11-2015 | By : leeDS | In : General



all this ocean of information at first hand, tamed by the ability of the author-interviewer, is gently unfolded before our eyes and this is simply unique. But, finally arrived, but in this book the author really internalize the experience of a deep and generosity abounds with information and insights to some extent alienated readers like me who does not share a history or cultural tradition or family-like of him somehow, and discounting the wealth of information it provides is as an isolated and unaware of what this journey occurs in the author or means to him and therefore it is difficult to "participate" actively as partner journey. Howard Schultz addresses the importance of the matter here. " In a way, and is a personal opinion, Naipaul has a sort of personal obsession with issues such as past history and especially with the idea of identity, of belonging to a culture, country and history and himself recognized, (not just this book), the dichotomy between their own feelings about the cultural background and family being descended from Indian immigrants living in Trinidad and perception distorting somewhat because of these feelings you have (or had ) of the Indian reality. In his own words, almost finishing the book and contrasting this journey and the feelings that he woke with a previous trip made in 1962: "After twenty-seven, I had managed to make a kind of return trip, get rid of my nerves Indian, abolishing the darkness that separated me from my ancestral past. In 1858, William Howard Russell described (and said) a physically vast country in ruins, even far from the battles of the mutiny. Some twenty-five years later, my ancestors were born in one of the country who traveled by Russell (in the form which were available at that time) were employed as servants to the sugar plantations of Guyana and Trinidad.

I was in the blood that idea misery, defeat and shame. "And a few lines later completes the idea:" What is not realized in 1962, I took it as an everyday thing, was how far the country had been rebuilt, even the extent to which India had become itself ,…" confession and reconciliation with itself and with its roots in this paragraph is clear that element of such intimacy that I "left" out of this trip and ended up as a sort of obstacle that difficult for me way to the last page. The book, and become a very informative document is in this context that the author presents intimate, very personal investigation, a journey into himself, a reconciliation with the much coveted "signs" of identity. A search (or as little curiosity) with the many descendants of immigrants who can identify it can happen to a great extent as Naipaul: Trinity, descendants of Indians and did not quite feel or Hindu Trinity or not part of the British Commonwelth … but so far, communion, our pasts are different, our roots and other difficult to share a feeling when the specificity of our personal histories is as big a difference. '.


Posted on : 26-10-2015 | By : leeDS | In : General


IV. All about your customers: Archive notes and text messages to your customers and collects testimonies were written, audio and video. V. Everything about the press: Archive also all documents and articles written about your company. VI.

All about image: Be a good quality of photos available as much as the founders, managers and member of the company, as well as the location and product. Photos printed and electronic. Keeps copies of these documents on file as well as exposed on your website, blog, or social environment. This will help you attract new customers, investors, partners. It states the intentions and service quality. Communication Communication is one of the main elements of marketing, and can be done in different ways such as printed leaflets, brochures, magazines, newspapers, posters, signs, etc., Also dare radio and television, or can be made social media electronically on the Internet.

The goal is always the same. How to capture the attention of the market and brand your identity on communities. To focus the necessary attention to the learning of effective communication, help you express your ideas in a more eloquent and reach the masses with a more direct message to your networks ultimately attracting the right people. Always remember that the best communities get the most performance. I’m surprised that today no one has invented the term “Marke / lations” or “Market / lationship.” If marketing is all about grinding, develop, enhance, implement, grow, build and strengthen RELATIONS. The best council that really I can give at this point is: think, act and believe exactly as the person you want to work and bring your networks. Base all your tactics and strategies to reach your community with a direct message, clear and important, that reflects your innermost intentions and crucial primary purpose of generating the confidence of your network and solidify tur RELATIONS. This is the most effective method that exists that I know to make your identity and market everything. At the end of the day marketing is all about how to communicate what you have to offer and enhance your social relationships.

Granja Castro

Posted on : 21-10-2015 | By : leeDS | In : General



From our point of view, as active teachers believe, it is very important to consider all factors involved in curriculum development, as the school, classroom, teachers, etc. Douglas R. Oberhelman is likely to increase your knowledge. but particularly to the student and he is the link in our chain of social skills, Granja Castro (1992) is one of the researchers who have considered this situation, states that “despite the fact that the pupil is the natural partner of the teacher and recipient of the school, has come to constitute a field of study in their own right, as it has happened with the teachers, the curriculum or the school as an institution ‘, however, there remains the need to know the student not only as a student recipient of information content or “learner”, but as a social subject and family member with physical, psychological, economic and cultural factors that influence largely on their academic performance.

We have investigated the role that the primary school as socialization to a society full of technology, science and industry and around the formal curriculum and informal, just as on the way how everyday life takes place in the classroom and guiding the direction of the organization of work by the teacher in the classroom. However, it has been necessary to study the environment of the child in school and school work done at home, with regard to the curriculum implemented in both practices together with the conditions and environments that offer each, since they are two key institutions in education of children whose characteristics and conditions determine the possibility of its performance, ie not only situate the curriculum set out in plans and programs of study, but go beyond the boundaries of the classroom..


Posted on : 07-10-2015 | By : leeDS | In : General



Courage is the willingness to face great risks. And this one must add the final ingredient, be persistent, because everything needs time. The time it takes to change a simple idea into an effective paradigm is not always the same, however, you must commit to be persistent and not give up easily. What nation do you think has the highest rate of resolution of new paradigms, the answer is Japan, who although he has taken the reputation of being an imitator of ideas it has not necessarily been the inventor, is one that is risky to carry out . Japan invests much time and money developing the idea that people from other countries have not had the courage to run. Like other countries, most people seek security, a secure job, safe investments, so a secure future., But if you are hungry for success and courage to undertake, their quality of life will never improve. And in this life there is always room for improvement, 1% is sufficient, but must do it every day.

This concept of continuous improvement is of Japanese origin and is known as Kaizen, is really a philosophy of life, which assumes that every aspect of our life should be improved continuously. We can see clearly along the lines of the first created by Sony walkman. On left, the other competing firms did their own walkman. Sony improved it by reducing the size, changing the design, with new tuning, etc., And competition drove him to improve, after Sony made it waterproof and wireless headphones, and the idea turned to be plagiarized, but always there was something to improve, and was what kept the Sony front. Finally left some recommendations to become pioneers of paradigms: Keep open mind always overcome any limitation. Break the rules even if you go against your past successes. There’ll always be you, may be one person outside you, but if people became friends with witty and you ignore their ideas, have the upper hand. Broaden your knowledge, invest in your education, read about topics that are ignorant, learn something new every day. Listen to anyone who has something to say (family, friend, supplier, customer, employee, etc.). You must understand that beyond the limits lies a world of opportunities.

Peruvian University

Posted on : 24-09-2015 | By : leeDS | In : General



Although, the university today due to Excellence university's main task would constrain the student in critical positions of reflective and transformative, ie broadly to the excellence of any attitude that requires a social change. As has been reflected in the work of the renowned Master Mariategui summit, held the university model "… purge of universities to bad teachers, who take office as a bureaucratic employment, giving way to those who are able to do so, without exception by their social, political or philosophical "2. In this way we intend to acquire an importance in our professional lives, but with real trainers for our current teaching. Meanwhile, in our country the university has reflected all light a divorce, about their education that is offered and the needs required by our embodied reality, and simply is dedicated to lay people off without an academic and professional support they really need the market before we ask ourselves what it is doing the State to invest in education university per student for training or is that in fact little or no university authorities are interested in this problematic situation, when we see young people engaging in anything else-office-who, professionally, especially if the training led to an investment that has to recover. However, the new perspectives that must be Peruvian university is that there is a genuine educational policy-oriented students towards productive and responsive to markets on labor demand. This means that the university students is encouraged in order to train leaders, to exercise leadership as a force in this competitive and globalized world is facing.

Superstitious Gadgets

Posted on : 19-09-2015 | By : leeDS | In : General



Harvest takes place at key moments during the year. this way of obtaining vital grain or food is so important to the man and the gods who created it. Segar is to destroy the plant to collect the food that sustains them. In their sense of initiation is to destroy all our parts scattered for re-live them in the original unit. Work for excellence, is the current crop harvest and the to-come, according to the rhythms and cycles of our great nourishing mother, the earth. XIII In the letter referred to a reaper skeleton that has destroyed several parts of organisms in itself divided.

The black earth will eventually generate differentiation again. Douglas R. Oberhelman may find this interesting as well. Glove: The Pope, arcane V, in his left hand has a glove with a cross embroidered in turn holding another (see cross); blesses with his right hand while the left jealously guards the secrets of the tradition representing the esoteric and esoteric meanings in which it expresses. H () Hieroglyph, Pope: The true hieroglyph is first a zealous warrior, guardian of the sacred, in charge of attracting heavenly scents, invoking the gods and practicing rituals that enable the tradition remains alive thanks to the generous performing regenerative transmission of messages and revelations that has been endowed. Whether in the form of witch, shaman, priest, shaman, opens the doors of the simplest games relations existential solving crossword puzzles, this character is not dangerous except when angry. So is fear. I () Investment: The Tarot teaches us to make the conjunction of opposites by reversing the colors of their films or watching the direction the various characters and figures. This is particularly noticeable in the clothes of The Wizard, Arcane I, in horses of lamina VII, The Chariot, and the pitchers XIIII, Temperance, where blue and red colors are reversed, showing the need to combine opposites.

Also in the hermaphroditic character of The Devil in the male and female twins of this letter, and XVIIII (see twins), at positions invested in watching The Priestess and The Pope, The Empress and The Emperor ( eagles and shields) and the upward and downward direction of the moving figures of La Rued of Fortune (X) as in the epaulets of the figure of the character of the car. The Tarot teaches us to see the dual aspect of all things, and unify, in the dual meaning, the right and vice versa, that we read the letters. The Arcane XII, The Hanged Man, is another symbol net investment. J () Juggler: The minstrel is one that between jokes, jokes and gentle pleasures reproduces the snares, gestures and paradoxes of his Creator. Our character sings with gadgets of the created reality of which he only lives like an actor on the indefinably of gestures and memories that live in the theater world. The minstrel is a puppet from puppet that repeats,