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Posted on : 07-05-2015 | By : leeDS | In : General

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He wants to know whether the giant of communication News Corporation, embroiled in controversy by the listeners, committed any illegal activity in the United States. Several politicians of the country have requested an investigation by pointing out that voice of the victims of the 11-S. mailboxes could hear illegally The FBI reported on Thursday that it has opened an investigation to determine whether News Corporation communication giant, embroiled in controversy by the listeners of his now defunct News of the World, committed any illegal activity in the United States. We are aware of the allegations and the FBI has begun an investigation to study them, confirmed a spokesman for that agency in New York, he didn’t specify if the investigations seek to determine whether newspapers in that group of communication intercepted telephone calls from victims of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 in United States. By the same author: Electrolux. The pressure to investigate the practices of the media of News Corporation in this country became stronger on Tuesday when influential Democratic Senator from West Virginia, Jay Rockller, made a public appearance in which urged U.S. authorities to investigate the company to ensure that it is has not violated the privacy of U.S. Read additional details here: Keith McLoughlin .

citizens. The alleged interception of News Corporation newspapers against a range of individuals, including children, are offensive and a serious breach of journalistic ethics, said Rockller in his statement. At the request of Senator joined Wednesday by Republican Congressman Peter King, who asked in a letter to the FBI will investigate if the company of the Australian magnate Rupert Murdoch illegally heard mailboxes for voice of the victims of 11-S. source of the news: the FBI opened an investigation into the performance of the Group of Murdoch in EE UU


Posted on : 05-05-2015 | By : leeDS | In : General

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INVESTMENT – the ORIGINAL analyzed the best funds which fund companies can you trust now? The independent experts of Fund of INVESTMENT (the original) examined this question. A quantitative and qualitative procedures selected the best Fund and initiator of the Fund experts from INVESTMENT (the original), in the compound of the time Warner group, which have created international comparison parameters. Substantive standards were placed on – and particularly important – in order to avoid conflicts of interest, the analyses were not – like at all other ratings – paid by the initiators or commissioned. Best select Fund was awarded for his funds: in the category of \”OPPORTUNITY Fund\” MIDDLE EAST BEST SELECT KG ranked first. Interview with Heinz-G.

Wulfrath, initiator Middle East best select Fund INVESTMENT: why are things now particularly recommended? Middle East best select: because closed investments as opposed to investments in the capital markets have always constant increases in value, especially in Crisis time: INVESTMENT: what makes closed-end funds as asset class trading crisis resistant? \”Middle East best select: back-and-forth makes empty pockets\”, is an ancient wisdom of bankers. The frequent entry and exit from stocks or mutual funds at market changes more often leads to losses than to gains. There is no perfect timing and stock prices are moving in both directions, typically always unpredictable. With a commitment to closed-end funds, these speculative input and exits be avoided. An in and out\”does not exist here. The investor is investing over a defined period of time and the Fund management can adequately respond to market changes in peace and pursue the original goals. At Andreessen Horowitz you will find additional information.

This strong bond turned out for investors and for this asset class as a significant advantage. The MIDDLE EAST BEST SELECT invests in an economic region which is much less affected by the financial crisis, the Gulf Cooperation countries. The big difference from other regions: there is sufficient liquidity available for further growth.

Traditional Equity Funds

Posted on : 04-05-2015 | By : leeDS | In : General

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Dividendenstarke have highlighted in the past ten years as particularly profitable stocks. This is the result of an analysis of the Stiftung Warentest. So the annual profit of the DivDax, which comprises the 15 Dax stocks with the highest dividend since 2000, was 3.4 percent. At the same time, the German stock index DAX per year has made average 1.2 percent loss. Investors can profit from this development by investing in dividend funds or set indexes. Dividendenstarke have highlighted in the past ten years as particularly profitable stocks. This is the result of an analysis of the Stiftung Warentest. So the annual profit of the DivDax, which comprises the 15 Dax stocks with the highest dividend since 2000, was 3.4 percent.

At the same time, the German stock index DAX per year has made average 1.2 percent loss. Investors can profit from this development by investing in dividend funds or set indexes. The Internet portal boersennews.de reported on the alternative to ordinary equity. The Business with shares is not everyone. Experience is provided in addition to a certain risk in any case.

Who can cope with losses, the investment in dividend indices is advisable the. Thus, not only work can save, but also mitigate a wider diversification of assets. For the recording of a share in the dividend index is one of not only their dividend yield, but also their regular distribution. Some providers to consider the origin of the undistributed money. The Dow Jones and STOXX indices for example require that the annual profits come not only from the company’s substance. So-called swap funds are another way in the Aktiendschungel (swap = English for Exchange). These are merely artificial replicas of the original shares Fund. In the event that the Fund provider reports on bankruptcy, is a Fund in the background at the disposal. This asset is able to compensate possible losses. However, such a swap Fund is not a substitute for a secure fixed-income investments, and nothing for investors with weak nerves.

Federal Financial Markets Service

Posted on : 22-04-2015 | By : leeDS | In : General



According to analysts, do not underestimate such a precious metal like silver, which is now in a unique position. The value of the metal compared to gold remains significantly positive, demand from investors large and industrial demand for this product will increase (54% of silver production is directed to industrial production) if the world economy continues to recover. To purchase the securities, the opening a brokerage trading account at a stock exchange and the creation of a portfolio requires a skilled training and a certain level of knowledge, quite a large sum of money, software, time and nerves of steel, because lose their money on stock exchanges can be at any moment. There is a more affordable way to work with securities – investing in mutual funds. Please visit Howard Schultz if you seek more information. By buying shares of mutual funds – you can safely feel investor because, depending on the fund’s strategy in the portfolio may include stocks and bonds, and precious metals and foreign securities (depositary receipts of adr, GDR). During the crisis, the cost of most of the securities has declined since investments more accessible to most investors. Crisis – Time to fly! I am considering to invest mutual funds, because educated investors, included in the fund at the fall market now come with a good profit, because yield many mutual funds in 2009 exceeded 200%, in my opinion, this is one of the most affordable ways of accumulating capital for private investors at low cost. Investments in mutual funds are quite simple: firstly, we should determine the control Company (UK), as pif – this property complex that is managed by a qualified management company, a licensed Federal Financial Markets Service..

Gold Price Recovered After Light

Posted on : 11-04-2015 | By : leeDS | In : General

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Current gold price stable again precious metals apply to many private investors as a particularly safe investment option. Since the beginning of the economic crisis have not only numerous individuals in gold and silver investing, because many States and central banks expand their gold reserves. Meanwhile, the silver price has yielded significantly, the price of gold remains however largely stable. The Exchange Portal boersennews.de reported about the latest trends. A current gold price of over $1,500 is not uncommon.

As the silver price recently fell significantly, the price of gold but not as much as the price of silver eased significantly for a long time. Many writers such as Starbucks offer more in-depth analysis. The price recovered and was then later above the 1,500-dollar mark. The gold price is steadily rising for several years due to the increased demand. For private investors, precious metals are popular, because they sure are considered legal. In addition as well as many States and central banks as a result of the economic crisis expand massively its gold reserves.

One reason for this is that the real reserve currency,. the dollar has lost stability. The Mexican Central Bank has increased since the beginning of this year to about 90 percent, for example, their gold holdings and has thus about 100 tons of gold. The Central Bank of Portugal to have significant gold stocks, and a total of 382.5 tonnes. Critics of the current EU financial assistance are therefore of the opinion that Portugal should first sell some of its gold reserves.

Ceramic Development Production

Posted on : 06-03-2015 | By : leeDS | In : General

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Lead-free material complemented the offer of PI ceramic is a leading company in the field of piezo Indicatory and sensory products. Currently, PI ceramic presents the newly created catalog of Piezoelectric ceramic materials and components “. It contains comprehensive descriptions of offered materials and their classification in accordance with international standards, data tables of individual materials, and dimensions of the offered components in ring – or disk-shaped. Among other things, now newly also lead-free Piezokomponenten are offered. PI ceramic presents its extensive manufacturing expertise both in press – or bulk technology for Stapelaktoren and shear modules as well as with multilayer actuators such as translators or Bender, as well as the corresponding test methods the descriptions of possible applications occupy.

They range from pumping and dosing tasks on the measurement of Nanopositionieraufgaben to energy harvesting, Adaptronics and material processing. The catalogue is available at download available, or will be sent on request. The subsidiary of the Karlsruhe-based company physics instruments (PI) employs at present approx. 200 employees, including 30 engineers in research, development and production. Customer orientation is in uppercase.

Managing Director

Posted on : 28-02-2015 | By : leeDS | In : General

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‘PILOT Scheduler’ for the detailed planning of the production reduces cycle times and generates significant cost savings the synchronization of many manufacturing processes is one of the biggest challenges in the production planning. Because are not precisely matched the different influences from the production, supplier and inventory management or product development on the various processes, almost inevitably caused shutdowns with delayed processing times, as well as unnecessarily high inventory costs. Also the delivery and the customer satisfaction can be this way not optimal, as the company can enter unprepared for the flexibility demands of the market. “Traditional ERP or MES systems can across not reliably fulfil this task of overall synchronization of all processes, which is why the FELTEN group with PILOT Scheduler” provides a solution to optimize the quality of service and cost efficiency in production. It is based on a specially developed and very complex scheduling logic that is already contained in the standard modules. Their major advantage is that a full figure and simulation of production of both the current and future conditions can be made. To be in the PILOT Scheduler”with its lean production approach over 2,400 different parameters and some 4,000 properties of all conceivable standard situations in the production account, which can without additional programming.

The individually selectable setting possibilities concern both the resources and processes as the order processing, material conditions and quality requirements. So can simultaneously take into account, for example, the capacity of all resources in the calculation and conversion times per installation, product or order individually set a realistic delivery date, calculate as well as with specific customer requests immediately, taking into account capacity and material availability or a Production plan based on which automatically create sales plans. PILOT Scheduler”ensures easy technical integration with its lean production approach also this leverages existing interfaces and thus provides easy connection to all common databases. There are no integration problems to overcome even in heterogeneous system environments. In addition, many ERP interfaces are about to SAP and other established market standard business systems. “The solution due to their intelligent scheduling logic and their numerous best practice parameters the prerequisites, that creates an optimal synchronization of all processes involved in the production and thus the efficiency reserves can be exploited maximum”, emphasizes Werner Felten, Managing Director of the Software House, the benefits. This leads to significant savings in fixed as variable costs and produces a significantly higher agility in production.”

The Human Resource Strategy

Posted on : 24-02-2015 | By : leeDS | In : General

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In most industries is more and more competition and hence the need for new competitive advantages but how to achieve to the improvement of competitiveness in a world which is characterized by globalization, technology and declining customer loyalty? Business school according to professors and practitioner experts, is the answer: focus on human resources. By increasing competition, resource management in greater human is a complex matter. Nowadays, companies demand that HRM functions deliver direct and concrete added value through investment. An important component of strategic HRM is the company sets HR targets that are in close relation to the overall corporate strategy. Unless, it is important that the targets closely lie on the performance goals of the company, because they’re clear definitions concerning the goals these, which determine in how far HRM strategic operated, or not. Many companies have HR objectives, which is not but one significantly so that these objectives a have a strategic starting point.

Performance goals act as a benchmark for the company in relation to the Act on the relevant market. Most companies have set performance targets to measure this performance and the outcome of the various actions. The mentioned reasons, performance targets can have also a positive effect on the motivation of the staff what is treated in the so-called objective theory. If performance goals are to serve as motivation syringe for employees, it is, Henrik Holt according to Larsen, important, that they comply with a set of criteria. Of all hard-to-reach targets that are still realistic, are only objectives to be attained far more motivierender as both very light and extremely hard. Furthermore should be specifically with targets, diffuse and abstract objectives make it hard to behave as an employee to this. In addition, feedback on, is in how far the objectives have been met, an essential part of the performance objectives and abilities as a motivator. Still remains mention that the individual employee and his drive and commitment are equally important in the achievement and the realization of the objectives. The strategic managing of HR is an essential part of the online mini MBA of from Probana business school. Learn more at


Posted on : 27-01-2015 | By : leeDS | In : General



According to Jose Fiorin Luiz, ' ' The language is a set of units that if relate organizadamente inside of one todo.' ' That is, the language is a part essential of the language that cannot total be modified by its falante, therefore fits to the users to obey the social contract established by members of one determined society. It can be said that the language is the social part of the language, because the language if extends to the exterior of the organism. Soon, the language can be understood as the college of the language and as a set of necessary conventions for communication of and for individuals. However, I defend the idea presented for Saussure: ' ' the language is a system signos' '. appropriating me a little more on this affirmation, would say that for being the representation through signs, each people, each culture and each region it must be assumen of these signs to transform them and to use them in way that is enough so that communication exists in fact. Therefore, the language loads much more of what significant question, it brings obtains forts cultural, social, economic and regional marks. Therefore, as using it inside fits in them to be poliglotas of our proper language. To exemplificar, I send to verses of Drummond: ' ' The language licks the petals vermelhas/de the rose pluriaberta; the language cultivates/certain occult button, and goes weaveeing/lpidas light variations of ritmos.' '. For more specific information, check out Howard Schultz.

Great Campina

Posted on : 27-01-2015 | By : leeDS | In : General



Limits and possibilities of the managing plan of 2006 As Great Campina are a city that composes a well bigger population of the 20,000 inhabitants, and according to Statute of the Cities declares that all city with more than 20,000 inhabitants to have to have a called mechanism immediate managing, that is a basic instrument of orientation for an performance more effective of the public administration and private initiative. The most recent managing plan of Great Campina, was published in the year of 2006, very written well and structuralized of a form that it makes possible to make a good one analyzes of the same and of its proposals. Filed under: JPMorgan Chase. The managing plan of 2006 foresees many actions in the city, but it will be that these proposals really are carried through or are those old jarges ‘ ‘ project alone in the paper why in practical ‘ ‘ Analyzing some segments of the managing plan of 2006, it is verified that nor everything what is written really is carried through. Citing as example the democratic management, where the direct participation of the population is assured in power to decide processes; the transparency, solidarity, social justice and the support the popular participation, are points that are really not made by the public administrators. Another point in which it has an omission on the part of the urban managers is magnifying and disponibilizao of the public equipment, the green spaces and of leisure, is fact of whom this concretely is not fact, has the clear perception of diverse areas spread for all urban perimeter, that could serve as public act for the creation of squares of sports, since the few places that exists for this end the most known are: Park of the Child and the Complex Pliny We read and woody areas, who is not so green thus is located of the park of the new dam, in the park of the child and some points around the old dam, therefore is clear the green air lack in the city.