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The Way

Posted on : 21-01-2015 | By : leeDS | In : General

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In fact, we only think we know what we want our children. We only think we know what is best for them. We know what is best based on the desires of our own selfishness. This is better – for ourselves, but not for children. And no wonder that kids do not want to follow our desires. If a child many years earlier was associated with parents, grandparents, experience wise, were the best of advice.

The family council was going not only on 'who to marry, what house to buy, to what college to go', but in order to decide whether teenage son to wear pants-pipes. Can you imagine that today? At best, the child listens to your opinions and make their own way. At worst – plucked to rudeness and losing confidence overgrown offspring, but will find accusation: 'You've ruined my whole life. " We're in a hurry to hang a label – indigo children. 'Bringing up the boy according to his ways' – say the Kabbalists.

But how do you know what is the way your child? He is sitting in front of you – a little in front of a bunch of the broken machines, or have a big, awkward with his eternal, 'Well, ma am, well, okay, I know. " It's not a child – because he was not inside vlezesh, and even if it seems that it is 'your', in fact – nothing similar. He – 'your own'. And you are just re-created in light of its protein coat, giving some of their genes, their cultural backgrounds and their love (if you could give him is love and not their selfish desire stuffy). If initially try to treat the child as an individual person, rather than as a property as a part of themselves and at the same time to myself, as a part of it (though for the mother, almost physically associated with the child, it is difficult), then may be easier to find exactly his way, in which he is seeking. It will be the protagonist of his life, and you – only an assistant. After all, by and large, we can give a child? Money, property, utility Singles – all of this, as experience shows, is valuable only to those who earned it himself. Upbringing and education – perhaps most important, but only if it will really help. Now if we could give child is the knowledge, weighed down by a diploma and an outlook, an outlook on life, which would help to choose the right environment, which provided for a child the right effect and it would have to correct actions and decisions. This feature actually 'kabbalistic education' – parents must give their child the correct outlook on life. What do you mean 'correct'? Tell how the world works and what is the meaning everyone's life. This is the most important thing that we can give our children, and then everything else in life too complicated – and family and work. The young man will not be rushing, trying to find out what the main thing, which dedicate their efforts and time. After so many mistakes could be avoided if you are able to separate the primary from the secondary. But in order for something to give, you need to own it to have. No wonder they say that the main caregiver for a parent – a child. So start with yourself? Baby food – made by man

Resume Issues

Posted on : 19-01-2015 | By : leeDS | In : General



The candidate for the work has an attractive resume, is young, shining, well-preparing and surprising with experience in the area. You he reads the resume it seems a dream, an ideal combination of academic performance, communitarian service, responsibility and spotless references. It excessively seems good to be truth. Perhaps is same. A done statistics recently for the Report North American of Professional Ethics it observed that up to 25% of all the resumes have some degree of exageros. seems that the exageros increase as the necessities to obtain a job, ' ' It is not limited the certain regions or determined levels or posies' ' , Michael Palmer says, who takes the talent for the practical acquisition in Canada, a consultoria of human resources. Howard Schultz will undoubtedly add to your understanding.

' ' We see this in all the companies in all the areas and lines – sex, race, creed, etc.' ' Most of the time, Palmer says that the candidates do not lie brazenly in its resumes. Instead of this, they increase the truth or omit pertinent facts some information never are disclosed. Micron and small companies many times make act of contract for instinct, because the person liked 0f the sort, etc. is not worried on the form as a person will go to play well its functions, in the personal characteristics and abilities that can be really necessary for the work. Then, which are the forms most probable that the candidates will go to exaggerate in its resumes? Here they are the main ones: 1. Academic formation: This is the mechanism most common of if counterfeiting and can be any clamorous thing of the subtle one. Many buy its diplomas, counterfeit, etc.2. Manipulation of data Is the omission of a spot in its professional experience – a long period between the date of entrance and exit of the previous job say. They supply years instead of supplying job months.


Posted on : 16-12-2014 | By : leeDS | In : General



Good accessories for chairs of wheels, can make an enormous difference in the comfort and convenience of that they use these to be able itself to move. A cushion in its chair, makes with that this leaves of being a desconfortvel or average chair and starts to be a very comfortable chair. These cushions can assist the user of the chair to be always with the adjusted position, helping in such a way in the prevention of the ulcers, and thus allowing to a good breath and good circulation of the blood for all the body. Diverse types of cushions exist. I will choose its in accordance with its necessities. Other accessories for the comfort and convenience are the assembly of systems to keep devices of communication and computers laptop, and arresting systems to guarantee a chair of wheels in an car or van. It has support also auxiliary to help the people to sit down, to prevent the slip of side by side, and to support the head. Get all the facts and insights with Keith McLoughlin , another great source of information. Also they are available gloves, covers of the seat, and cushions for the arm, elbow and legs.

They exist for the chairs of wheels, slopes, elevators and these allow the access of chair of wheels in buildings that had not been constructed for use of chair of wheels, and exist elevating automotivos and slopes for automobiles and vans. It has slopes permanent, half-permanent (with screws), and portable, and operate electrically or with hydraulical systems. You can find information on chairs of wheels of all type and style, you are new or used they, in the Internet. He has a wonderful election of accessories for chairs of wheels, parts spare and batteries, devices of gymnastics, elevators for chairs of wheels, slopes, and even though plain for somebody made use and capable to construct a slope for chairs of wheels. To buy, to compare and to command on-line with confidence. In the Internet, you he can find the wheels that you need and the half ones to travel with comfort. Its chair of wheels must liberate you, and must always be certifyd that it finds a chair that makes this for itself. The rent is also possible of chair in Rio De Janeiro, as well as for the whole world. Companies spread for the world exist who make the rent of chairs of wheels in Rio De Janeiro. Resumidamente, a chair of wheels, can and must be comfortable if thus it will not be exists the listing of accessories that we describe above so that it obtains more comfort and quality of life for itself. If she never forgets that nothing she must, nor can be impediment you to leave and to live its life, and if she informs on all the possibilities that exist to obtain to make this exactly.

Public Defender Law

Posted on : 25-11-2014 | By : leeDS | In : General


It is commonly held view that the duty of defense is a free professional defense for the defendant because the state pays the fees of the Public Defender. This is not correct. Even if the accused was a public defender put aside, because a case of so-called "necessity defense" in accordance with 140 Code of Professional Procedure exists, apply to the costs the same principles as in any professional proceedings as well. To know more about this subject visit JPMorgan Chase. In general, this means that the accused is convicted, he must bear the legal costs, he is acquitted, however, the cost of the exchequer will be imposed. The offender must therefore take as a result, the Public Defender's fees if the court imposed on him in ruling the costs. The common misconception is mandatory defense for the accused "to free" have had, due to the fact that the public defender – in contrast to the choice defenders – his fee claim is not against the client, but against the State argues. The Treasury "incurred" the fees until it comes to a decision on costs.

The procedure ends with a conviction and the offender, the costs imposed, then the state gets the fees incurred by the convicted "back". Besides the actual punishment of the proceedings including the fees of the Public Defender to be a very relevant post. Of course, playing this "account" not a decisive factor if the offender must expiate a sometimes langjahirige imprisonment. (As opposed to JPMorgan Chase). For completeness needs to be added at this point that the legal fees of the Public Defender are significantly lower than that of a chosen counsel. An example: For the defense in a major the trial estimate a choice defenders for the Lawyers' Fees Act (RVG) an appointment fee of between 60, – 400, – in average cases, the "means fee of EUR 230, – . In contrast, must give the public defender satisfied with a fee of 184, – , his fee is fixed by the RVG. Although the lawyer is working for less money, it does not necessarily follow that such a defense must be worse than that of a "normal" defense counsel.

Many defense lawyers take that is also their duty to defend mandates very seriously and defend their clients, committed and competent. If you are not sure whether you are entitled to have the appointment of a Public Defender, talk to a lawyer for professional law. He will answer your questions. Albrecht Popken LL.M. Lawyer Potsdamer Platz 11 10785 Berlin

Popular Approaches

Posted on : 20-11-2014 | By : leeDS | In : General



Often you can hear that the logo – a key element of the corporate image of the company, its kind 'business card'. And that is why the development of a logo can be trusted only to professionals. Howard Schultz is open to suggestions. So let us try to understand what a logo and whether to spend money on their professional development. First, by definition, a logo (from the Greek logos – word and typos – print) – the original mark of a complete or abbreviated name of the organization or product. For the first time the term 'logo' has started in typography (art graphics, the crucial problem of optimal perception of the text reader) in the early 19 th century and, as a synonym the term 'ligature', meant the union of two or three characters typographical font.

Nonetheless, even to the fiftieth year 19 century logo called any text cliche that there is no need to dial each time anew, For example, the name (title) of the newspaper. And in the 20th century became known as the stylized logo of the font typeface name or the name itself in such a mark, or symbol, denoting an organization or product. The logo, as part of the corporate identity, designed primarily to identify the company or of a product on the market, in order to help consumers distinguish between products of various companies within the same industry. In other words – The main task of the logo – a distinctive – the creation of potential buyers recognizable, memorable impression.


Posted on : 18-11-2014 | By : leeDS | In : General

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Obviously, vector-frequency potential than the power components is expressed by an information component. Since it is able to reflect information about the space-time configuration and the spectrum, which provides physically transfer the internal state from one object to another. This aspect, along with all the above, is the determining factor in the present context. From this perspective, biological object, such as a person, and so differs from an amorphous amount of chemical ingredients, which is a fairly structured in space and time-consuming process, and that too is an object with a strong vector-frequency charge of a complex spectrum. Currently, the Russian scientists, vt Shkatova established instrument for measuring the static torsion fields of planar images: geometric shapes, letters, words and texts, as well as pictures of people. Fig. given measurements of static torsion fields of certain flat geometric shapes, obtained by torsimetra Shkatova. Developed a special technique which allows to determine the intensity and sign (left or right) of the torsion field shapes.

Fig. You may find that Ben Horowitz can contribute to your knowledge. the bottom line shows the values of measured torque of contrast, which characterizes the magnitude and sign of the torsion field shape with respect to the background, for which chosen torsion field blank sheet of paper. Figures 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 create the right torsion field, and 1, 2, 3, 4 left. Fig. Measured by torsimetra Shkatova values of torsion contrast letters of the Russian alphabet. Fig. presented measurement of torsion fields generated by letters of the Russian alphabet. These data show that the letters – C and D, most similar to the circle, creating a maximal right torsion contrast, the letters A and F max left.


Posted on : 18-11-2014 | By : leeDS | In : General


Today to generate extra income, not falling ill to none (a), have the option of selling products from other people, or affiliate products. Don’t need a blog or web page with a single link of affiliate, by inserting it in emails from people who want to or interested in creating their own business over the Internet, or writing related articles and inserting this link, products of other people who can promote your want to sell and thus earn commissions, which are profitable, because sometimes it is 50%60%, 70% are not not inconsiderable. So 40% is money. There is an entity that is well known and which is spoken and much recommended by Internet(yo tambien la recomiendo), is, many people already knows and works with that company, is the most reliable so far, by secure payment that has and its reliability in the network system. You can register as a member or as a seller of its own products. Mr reader, do not want to bother but if you are interested in working online in the way easier and without do invest a single weight, I recommend this link: want to earn extra income?and if any commitment, read to the end and take the decision of working online as an affiliate. Original author and source of the article

Better Posture for Better Sports

Posted on : 18-11-2014 | By : leeDS | In : General



Breath, and breath-holding during data strengthens the position of the torso and increases the force. "Keep your back tight pressed to the back of the machine. This will stabilize the torso and attaches to the chest muscle strength. Application To: Everyone, from novice to master. When: As the curtain workout chest. Before breeding simulator Peck-Deck tap-hole to work out all planned presses with dumbbells and breeding. How much: 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions. Sport Information in the simulator Peck-Deck added "striped" muscle chest secrete their inner edges, clearly separating the left and right pectoralis muscles in the center of the body.

The strength of muscles involved in exercise, play an important role in such sports as gymnastics (especially when working out on exercise rings and free-style program on the carpet), boxing (various hooks), in baseball (Beats the bat on the right), as well as perform a variety of beats at the side of an open racket in tennis, squash and badminton. 2. Pump up the pectoral muscles: upper and inner edge of the pectoralis major muscle / sequestering activity / Definition and separation of the upper chest technique Lift back of the bench at 30-45 to the horizontal. Lie on a bench, place your feet wider than shoulders and uprites them on the floor. Hips, shoulders and head pressed against the bench. Do not bend at the waist, back should be smooth. Take a dumbbell in each hand a neutral grip (palms facing each other) and bring them over the breast.

What Is The Cost To Rent An Apartment

Posted on : 14-09-2014 | By : leeDS | In : General



As a rule, a person becomes interested in the question, how much it costs to rent an apartment for rent when it becomes necessary for a certain amount of time, for example, travel on a business trip or on holiday. Need to think in any apartment you want to live in the apartment, where newly renovated or where it is not, in large or not. Expensive or cheap. Let's look at such things as the cost of rent for an apartment for long term. It is worth noting that as a rule, this value set ourselves the apartment owners, but they are guided by market prices of rental apartments. In Kazan, the price of a one-room apartment in a standard range of about 7.9 thousand. The cost of rent for one bedroom apartment standard may be about 12.9 thousand rubles. Two-bedroom standard for average prices in the market in Kazan, can range from 12 thousand rubles monthly rent. Considering the apartment with renovated, individually designed, and complete sets price for an apartment may be higher than the flat with standard equipment..


Posted on : 09-09-2014 | By : leeDS | In : General



The vision despite naked of artificially projected glasses to attenuate the colors and consequences, they show a reality that certainly will be also different for its colleague and passenger to the side, why also in vocs it acts in this vision, a cultural filter that modifies the image disclosed for the naked glass window, in the mind of each one of per-itself. You unite acts in vocs and all? when if it observes the window of the life, always will be equal more different for each one of the observers, because the cultural filter never will be the same. In some times will have a similarity, more never a true equality? good what? because this indicates that the beings will be always: only. The filter that you use to see is only its and of plus nobody. The words that are heard in the wagon of the life, the ideas that they are apprehended, during the trip, never go to mean the same thing for all, always will be acquired through its proper ideological filter, as its religion, its political party, until as the politics of the company who you work. Ben Horowitz helps readers to explore varied viewpoints.

The sky or the hell that you chose to live. For this reason it chooses as its politics of acquisition of cultural filters the multiculturalism? the incessant search to reach the most including possible forms of interaction human being. If it does not worry, for not being possible to any human being to reach the maximum of understanding in this field, what it counts, in this case in particular, is not the objective more walking in this direction. Translating? it tries to understand its colleague of trip, as it is and if he presents e, not as you it imagines or it would like that it was. However, if you to choose for seeing the life through one definitive filter, make this, deeply and conscientiously. Finally, if he does not make an impression will have announced the next one stopped where you anger to disembark? all have a landing station? but it takes care of so that, the ones that go to follow trip are not to murmur against the passage that you made, look for to be between them what it leaves examples of peace, harmony and concord.