Posted on : 17-12-2012 | By : leeDS | In : General
Proper it already starts if to recognize as territory of the diversity, contorcionista of the uncertainty, prisoner being able of them they fold that it. But a school that says the language of its time-space could continue making the difference in the socialization process and education of the human beings. Thus, we make ours the Pepper words (2004), for who the school can until moving of name, but needs to exist as a learning space, of systematic education and acquisition of the culture. Studies appeared, in the last few decades, on the intelligence and the learning present discovered innovative that denote the necessity of the school and its protagonists to rethink the form as they work and as they act in relation to the forms as the pupils learn. New conceptions and theories question practical pedagogical standardized and uniformizadas used for the professors, demonstrating that all can learn of different form, for different methods, in different styles and different rhythms, come to the meeting of a basic postulate defended by Becker (2004), of that we must respect the capacity of learning constructed until that moment for each citizen. I recognize ' ' … that it has learning capacity if it was constructed and if to continue to be, indefinitely, reconstruda.' ' (2004, P. 44).
These constataes demand a new organization of the work of the school and acting of the professor. Although let us know that we learn of different forms, science did not obtain to demonstrate as if they give these differentiated processes, increasing the blackness in the direction that the school must give to the conduction of the pedagogical work. The more the neurocientistas help in to understand them these causal mechanisms underlying, bigger it will be our capacity to understand the mysteries of the learning of the human beings and which the paper that ours environment and experiences exert in this capacity.
Posted on : 12-12-2012 | By : leeDS | In : General
This formation coexists with two aspects that are the profile of this professional and the graduation course qualifies who it, to develop its work, as technician, researcher and professor, therefore, are what he expects of a gegrafo in the current world. Therefore, the graduation course will have not only to form professors, but yes, to prepare and to structuralize these future gegrafos very, introducing a solid formation, that is, based, so that they they have capacity to exert its work in the diverse fields of performance that the course offers. Thus, they will have to recognize its functions social techniques and, therefore its formation demands the theoretical recital in such a way how much the practical one in the exercise of the profession.
In such a way, it is demanded that this professional is qualified to act in all the areas that geography offers. Therefore, it must have the domain of the techniques of research and the territorial planning, as well as of the docncia. This requires a dynamic professional who is always innovating in search of knowledge to extend its luggage, therefore geography is a science that is related the diverse areas as the Geology, Oceanografia, Climatologia, Sociology, Economy, amongst that they are not static and as well as proper geography they follow the dynamics of the world, changes the all instant. 4. CONCLUSION: The complexity and diversity of the geographic object become the thematic unit of this science something each more distant time, at some moments until irrelevant ahead of the potential that geography has of adentrar as many areas and in general giving to its enormous contribution the scientific community and the society. Although science in question already to have covered an enormous road and to possess a great quantity of published works exists a gamma of thematic possibilities to be explored that little or had been never worked, that is, the object of study of the gegrafos is inexhaustible.
Posted on : 28-11-2012 | By : leeDS | In : General
If east data of leisure of month of October with the observed one in October of 2007 is compared the past, with international the financial crisis already installed well, better east will be able to be appreciated result. This comparison with equal period of the past year threw a fall of 1.2 points percentage, since for October of 2007, the rate of leisure of the Brazilian economy was of 8.7%. But besides the good performance in the leisure level, the Brazilian labor market has demonstrated an improvement in the wage average of the workers, according to arises from the information published by site Latin Press, which reflects that the spending power of the Brazilian workers has been increased in the period of a year in a 4.5% the month of October. Thus, while the financial market of Brazil undergoes the attacks of international the financial crisis, being this one one of the most affected in the region, and being real the one of the currencies that more depreciated product of the deterioration of the economic situation global product of international the financial crisis, the real sector of the Brazilian economy continues showing good indicators. In this way, the improvement that is observed in the labor market (with smaller level of leisure and major wage level), can generate an impulse in the demand domestic (given the major spending power that this improvement produces in the population), which can compensate, at least partly, the originating effects external negative of the global deceleration economic which they have caused that the Brazilian government corrected towards the loss the perspective of growth of the economy for the next years. In the domestic demand, Brazil has a potential important to continue growing and developing its economy, since the government has still much way to cross to improve the socio-economic conditions of the population.
It is for that reason that the tie sector to the production of consumer goods, can be trusting of which its future scene will be very beneficial. It is by est0 that great chains of massive consumption, like the Cencosud Chilean (IPSA: CENCOSUD), are had advance to it and have arrived with their investments at the Brazilian economy. For almost a month, when it saw how the Brazilian stock market was punished hard by international the financial crisis like signaling that the economy of Brazil would be in problems, asked ” to me; Which is true Brazil? ” , and what it is probably observed in the Brazilian labor market it will help to orient this answer.
Posted on : 13-11-2012 | By : leeDS | In : General
However the antitrust legislative text more known and influential is the Sherman Act, instituted in 1890, in the United States, that are born initially as well it detaches Salomo Son, the central concern of the Law of Sherman were the protection of the consumer in face of the extreme one to be able economic in the market. Concern with practical the disloyal ones of the excessively competing ones was still not had (2002, P. 63). However in a stage that if followed, transferred to apply it the rule of illegality to the practical monopolistas and oligopolistas in the figures of cartels, monopolies and holdings trying to guarantee the free competition thus and is in the creation of this law that appears the Concorrencial Right. 2. Monopoly, a conceptual vision. Monopoly is a word of origin Greek, who means ' ' to vender um' ' , monos (one) and polein (to vender), it is characterized for an imperfect competition, instead of having a great number of small companies, possesss only one responsible great firm mainly for the valuation of prices and the fact not to exist competing what valley is the price fixed for the monopolista company.
Amongst the main characteristics it can be detached: one only company; she does not have substitute products; she does not have competitors; the company has considerable control of price; is practically impossible the entrance of another company in the market. How much to this it detaches Mendes: The curve of demand of the market and the curve of demand of the firm, in monopoly situation, are one only. While one firms in a competitive market, its production for price can vender all the same, the monopoly can increase the sales if reduce the price of its product. Thus, the prescription delinquent of the monopolista and the demand are two different curves, and are the root causes of the inefficient allocation of resources in this type of market.
Posted on : 07-11-2012 | By : leeDS | In : General
Of this form, the CAPES can be considered the main agency of concession of after-graduation stock markets. The evaluation is linked with science, in such a way, that they can together construct the scientific knowledge. The trajectory of science is defined when if it is placed a proposal that is submitted the competent agencies that analyze the content through the evaluation molded for historical contexts. Before this, it does not surprise that the evaluation of the scientific activity has appeared with proper science (DAVYT; OLD, 2000). With the intention to evaluate after-graduation courses, the CAPES after as many difficulties in deciding which would be the chosen teams to receive the stock market from perfectioning, decided to deliver to the decision the institutions of the after-graduation programs. Thus, the CAPES with its implementation does not summarize simply for the status in the possibility of act of receiving of a stock market, although that currently he is only beneficiary the students who in the after-graduation election obtain the first ranks in the ingression of a course. 16 CONCLUSION Was objectified, in this article, to demonstrate the Lines of direction of the MEC for Superior Ensino in Brazil. With approach in the CAPES telling the main events that had marked the evaluation of the programs of after-graduation concerning the evaluation process that the institutions pass, allowing that it can allow a critical position. So that if it has a full certainty that Superior Ensino opened by any institution of education is really of quality must urgently be carried through a procedural evaluation in the implementation of a course in some regions of the country, through the Ministry of the Education MEC, with the objective to spread out in the most needed, public politics that can thus manage with efficiency superior education in all the modalities so that, if have one better consolidation in the institutions are public or particular it.
Posted on : 31-10-2012 | By : leeDS | In : General
Plays included as soon as the tube is removed. In addition, detectives have a variety of means of covert video surveillance. Rapidly develops wireless video transmission, and the size of miniature camera is comparable to a match head. They can be installed anywhere in minutes – and you are both on hand at the intruders! In distributing the fruits such "activity" helps attackers Internet – it is full spicy videos, and many are willing to pay good money for "amateur strawberry. Camera effortlessly assembled in women's handbags, clothing, buttons, ties, in furniture, clocks, toys, etc. Hard to believe, but recent developments have introduced cameras even sunglasses, women's earrings, clips and rings. Not uncommon "bug" or a hidden video camera hidden in the business gifts: watches and clocks, pens, purse.
Pleased with the birthday and no clue about the true purpose of gifts and such places of business under answered by a serious security threat. But it seems if possible maintain their own security? How to obtain security guarantees from the illegal entry into private life? What is available on the market of security to ordinary citizens, are not ready mentally and financially seek the help of expensive personal security expert? There are special devices – detectors "bugs". "Antizhuchki" operating on the principle indication of the electromagnetic field responsive to the any wireless listening device: wireless microphones, hidden wireless cameras, mobile phones. Modern means of security can easily neutralize the record of widespread voice recorders! Suppressors recorders, which are compact mini-noise generators, effectively protect the confidentiality of the negotiations at any location. Not so long ago appeared on the market products of Russian specialists in the field of military optics – compact device – detector hidden cameras of any type. Carefully carried out using such a device a preliminary inspection of meeting rooms or recreation ensures complete privacy and eliminates hidden video surveillance. The desire to find out people's secrets inherent in human nature itself. No less natural is the desire of each to hide them. These two desires are in conflict nerpreryvnom. But when it comes to own safety, security and private property close – all good and do not neglect the achievements of modern technology.
Posted on : 24-10-2012 | By : leeDS | In : General
Iron and steel complex: An Iron and steel Complex groups all the processes of transformation of the Steel from the iron mineral to the end item, whereas the Steel is that one that makes elements of Steel from another Steel or the iron. The process the process begins with the production of the cast iron which is an intermediate product generated by means of the reduction of the Iron with the aid of the coke and limestone stone, in this state the iron this completely liquid this normally is realised in denominated the high furnace which founds and reduces of continuous way great amounts of Iron thus is identified as it practices usual to handle it the logistics of this type of industry by means of a robust collection of railway wagons. It is obtained as product the cast iron enl what can have two presentations in ingots or liquid which is transported towards the following phase. The second step is to retire the impurities of the cast iron such as the coal, phosphorus, silica, etc are used many processes but most efficient it is the reduction with I oxygenate LD, although traditionally success has been handled to the Bessemer process by far, additionally other elements are added in this instance that help to improve the properties of the Steel and which they depend on the alloy that is desired to obtain, such as the manganese, nickel, chromium, etc As third step we have this Steel refining direcciona of two ways, first can be to the continuous casting and second it is the classic tap, if the first option is chosen the product that is obtained are the tochos of Steel which they are not but that cylinders of diameters and normados sizes in which aluminum has been added to facilitate that the dreg leaves afloat, the classic tap however founds on ingot-molds the Steel of such luck that, as sees the intention is the same but the yield requirements are those that they prevail in the continuous casting, the following step is the conformed one proper that is the one that gives to its final form as laminated profiles or plates him in the heat of the moment or fried, which are different in which the made elements in the heat of the moment form from certain molds that his conformed determines by smelting whereas in cold it is obtained from plates that are conformed until having the condition asked for by the client, this process is generally the dubbing although they excite the laminates in also fried printing product. This type of plants also considered as integral has the following listing of processes at least: Coke ovens High Furnace Molded Steel mill Trains of Lamination dressing chisels Trains of Lamination of finished Trains of Lamination in cold As it is possible to be identified this types of processes are determined essentially by the needs of market nevertheless the being defined this is not easy the change from a model to another one since the shutdown of these processes usually generates a profit dismissed of consideration.
Posted on : 20-10-2012 | By : leeDS | In : General
Moreover, those that if rebelled against the imposed routine were died or tortured. By means of as many adversities, the average life of a field slave rare reached one cycles, in accordance with the origin predominate: of the Guin in century XVI (between 50 a thousand and 100 a thousand), of Angola in century XVII (about 600 a thousand) and of Coast of the Mine in century XVIII (about 1,3 million). The impreciso of the relative data to the legal traffic and> In Brazil, the enslaved one was carried to the market, operation on which happened new imposo, of entrance (the 2 3 a thousand-kings in centuries XVI and XVIII), before finally being vendido for the final purchaser for an average price that evolved of 20 a thousand kings in the end of century XVI for 50 a thousand-kings in 1650, 200 a thousand-kings in the first half of century XVIII and 300 a thousand-kings at the beginning of century XIX. – the one that does not mean full valuation, therefore of price must be decontada the inflationary tax. predominant in the History of the Brasil.A arriving at Brazil, the Africans had perceived the necessity to develop forms of protection against the violence and repression of the Brazilian colonizadores. They were constantly white of practical violent and device punishments you. When they ran away from the farms, were pursued by the captain-do-weeds, that had a way capture very violent.
Of device they forbade the slaves to you to practise any type of fight. Soon, the slaves had used the rhythm and the movements of its African dances, adaptando to a type of fight. The capoeira appeared thus, a disfarada martial art of dance. It was an important instrument of the cultural and physical resistance of the Brazilian slaves. Quanro to the aliementao of the slaves of the device could directly be given by the owner, but it had a system that he was frequetemente adoptee who was of giving to one day per week they to them to take care of of its roa and thus to produce its foods.
Posted on : 09-10-2012 | By : leeDS | In : General
After set appointments its schedule, it certifys of the experience of the producer and the demercado time aid sufficient, trajectory of the professionals and the specialties. The churches and buffets generally recommend to definitive producers in esquemade partnership, and the results can not be of its taste, therefore importnciade to consult with other people, makes with that it has a bigger freedom deescolha. Permission of igrejAo to choose a church for its ceremony of marriage, certifys quevoc will have freedom in the choice of a video producer. Some igrejasapenas allow the producers with which they have partnership. It requests demonstraesDurante its contacts with producers, probably will be shown vdeoseditados with better moments. Deum also requests to see the filming all complete marriage including the ceremonial, thus you will have an idea better daqualidade.
pessoalmente knows the professionals important to know personally the professionals who will be cobrindoseu marriage, observes if they are likeable therefore during all the marriage will elesestaro next and interacting with the fiancs. It is certifyd that osprofissionais that you are knowing you will be the same ones that gifts nodia of the marriage will be. Some producers if use of ' ' free-lancers' ' eno day can appear a team that you never found before. It argues tambmos suits that they will use. Closing ContratoAlguns details they can consist in the service contract as: Number of used cameras Hourly enclosed Services and time of duration of the filming works. Price totalForma of payment.
Professionals who will be in the day of casamentoTipo of cardpio, sonorCenas names and more important music for track and photos that they do not have to be of forPrazo of delivery of the edited work. Therefore; as well as the photographer, valley the penalty to plan well before escolheruma producing that it inside offers optimum possible service of its budget. ' ' free-lancers' ' Oucinegrafista photographer contracted to give covering in the event, representing aempresa or professional. J.Ricardo Sobradiel
Posted on : 18-09-2012 | By : leeDS | In : General
It all received the man with the affection. It treated it with the possible honor all. For this it showed to a good education, by the way good education it had, what it did not have exactly was courage. There they had made right everything. Zeco would be in its farm, during one year, only looking at. Many malandros for those bands existed. All necessary age very to be well looked at. All certainty, the master took Zeco and the luggage for farm.
Zeco was all contented. It was the first time that it arranged a job of the good ones. In the farm the young man showed its great house, all bonitinha, swimming pool, campinho of soccer, the chiqueiro of pigs, the corral, the lodging of the hens, everything everything for it. Zeco if made entire about everything. How wonder! That it marries more pretty! How swimming pool! That everything would go to be at the hands of the Zeco, by the way of the eyes. It was much luxury for a citizen alone, but it would go to fulfill its mission. Yes, that age one mission sacred. It made question of that the man showed the provisionses to it to pass one year there.
It would need much food and drink. How much to this it would not need to be worried. It had food for much time there. Everything inquired, all correct one, the man broke with the woman and the two children for the States. Zeco was alone there with that large house. That wonderful thing! It was the life that it asks for the God. There it had of everything, of the good one of better. That more would lack to it? Ah yes! A woman. She would need one woman there, but not. This did not consist of the contract.