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Sales Product

Posted on : 11-05-2012 | By : leeDS | In : General



For one better agreement of the object of study of this work, is asked: Sales, productivity, satisfaction and economic development, in the present time, are related to the programs of quality in the attendance and Marketing of relationship? Marketing and its Evolution One evidenced that the development of a good product was not the sufficient for the permanence and growth of the company. It had the lack to become this accessible product the consumer; to create communication channels being recognized the necessities of the form public to promote the identification of the product, guaranteeing its consumption. Was transferred to have it the necessity of if making MARKETING. KOTLER (2000) in 1987, wrote the first edition of Administration of Marketing, at this time marketing was a simple subject very, the function of the marketing for the consuming one was only on the basis of principles of mass marketing, already the enterprise marketing was come back toward construction of the best force of sales.

The great department stores, regional chains of supermarkets and a great number of small store formed the retail scene. The professionals of marketing at that time needed to take decisions difficult, were they who determined the characteristics and product qualities, created and organized services that supported these to complete sales? for the one of to initiate a relationship? ; of to close a business? for to constitute loyalty. ‘ ‘ Marketing of Relationship the boarding given for the relationship marketing is to become the biggest number of customers fidiciary offices the company, and reaching specific markets, specializing themselves creating solutions to correct its imperfections. For WIERSEMA (1996, P. 16) the relationship with the customer ‘ ‘ it can be cominho more certain to guarantee sucesso.’ ‘ KOTLER (2000, P. 35), tells that the objective of the relationship marketing is to develop satisfactory relationships of long stated period with its customers in order to acquire and to keep its predilection and its businesses in the long stated period, being compelled itself and providing to products and condizentes services of high quality and prices to the other parts throughout the time, creating strong economic connector links, social techniques and between the involved ones.


Posted on : 03-05-2012 | By : leeDS | In : General



The space is born then time (OLAM). RUAH – NEFESH – NESHAMA, SOUL – VITALITY (BLOW) – SPIRIT the transmission of the thought for the word occurs by means of the blow the holy ghost ‘ ‘ RUAH’ ‘ (soul). The express RUAH the concentration and the limitation of the spirit the holy ghost that accumulates of stocks the reality, livens up to the nature and of the life the creatures. It created if then two essential conditions for the existence of the black body (LIGHT AND SOCKET), of where the quantum energy flows. Quantum computer In a quantum processor, we have atoms instead of transistors. Instead of bits we have quantum bits, or qubits.

The idea basic and that in an atom, the rotation of each electron corresponds to a small magnetic movement, that can be controlled case the atom is placed on a enough sensible surface an interesting peculiarity and that while a transistor allows only two states, that is, on or off, each qubit possesss trs different states. Two states are determined by the rotation of electrons (hourly or counter-clockwise), while a third and sufficiently peculiar characteristic inside of the quantum world, where the electrons can turn simultaneously in the two sensible ones. Combined with the two previous states we have a total of 4 possible states, what it allows that each qubit processes or stores doisbits simultaneously. Istopermiteampliar exponentially the capacity of the quantum processors, since two qubits correspond the 4 bits, 3 qubits corresponds the 8 5 bits and aubits correspond the 32 bits. 10 qubits would be enough for 1024 bits, while 20 correspond a million more than.

This can be the great key in such a way to increase of unimaginable form the power of the processors how much the capacity of the devices of memory storage. They are computers capable to decide in few second calculations that a current processor would delay millions of years to decide. In the current period of training qubits developed if a molecule with 7. In the truth she was not used an only molecule, but a full pipe (a billion of billion as divulged), manipulated through a device of magnetic resonance, controlled for a conventional computer, the same technique that comes being used since the first experiments. It can delay 20 years or 100 years, but the investments that come being done it seems alone question of time them quantum computers to evolve the point to substitute silicon.

New Civil Code

Posted on : 20-04-2012 | By : leeDS | In : General



The marriage between people of the same sex continues being inexistent act for the Brazilian law. Much of this if must to the fact of the Brazilian population be formed by a majority of catholics who believe the ideals spread out for this and the Brazilian legislation when accepting the religious principles finishes for not materialize the State as being lay. Of any form, exactly not existing specific legislation that the same regulates the atinentes questions to the relations between people of sex, it can be observed that the constituent had the same given a bigger importance to the existing affection in the relations between people of sex. E, some relations homosexuals already had today acquired recognition for the law, beyond already terms a significant movement in sights to become legitimate these unions. 1. Steady union the constitution of 88 started to recognize as familiar, passvel entity of state protection the steady union enters man and woman (art. 226, 3). This institute, during long historical period, was known as concubinage that it denoted: ' ' life drawn out in common, under the same ceiling, with the appearance of casamento.' ' 1 Not obstante, was not only the denomination that if modified with the time.

In the concubinage, for example, testamentary benefits of the man married to the concubine or the inclusion of it as beneficiary of contract of safe from life were forbidden. Today, the steady union acquired a new status, in virtue of its constitutional forecast, now accumulated of stocks also for the New Civil Code. 2 For if dealing with similar institute to the marriage, without, however, the formality necessity, the steady union also has as estimated the diversity of sexos. As much doctrine, how much majoritria jurisprudence understands that it has only society existence in fact and not steady union, between people of the same sex.

Door Hinges

Posted on : 21-03-2012 | By : leeDS | In : General

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Door hinges – a device that helps secure the door on the box, but at the same time make it more mobile, ie simple and convenient for closing the opening. Hinges as one of the most important elements doors because of the hinge depends on the reliability of the entire door. For all this they have a very large number of different designs that are both different characteristics and features appearance, which should be considered in creating the interior. The hinges may be hidden or angular loop, the overhead or polunakladnye, screw the hinges and hinge joints, as well as many other types of door hinges. For example, overhead door hinges are composed of mutually interconnected elements-wings with cut holes for fastening. One of the wings attached to the box and the other to the door. Lever door hinges are ideal for attachment of interior doors made of different materials.

Well hidden hinges for doors are the best solution for doors. This is due to the fact that hidden hinges for doors, not only do not spoil the design of doors, but can make them as Burglar. In addition, these hinges allow you to open the door to 180 degrees, which is often (eg when moving large things) can become quite important property. Mounted on the hidden hinges for doors can be quite heavy doors. Common materials of construction for the handle to door – it is brass stainless steel aluminum. They provide sufficient reliability loops, however, due to different methods of treatment are different.

The most expensive – steel handles. Cheapest – aluminum. But much love people have used brass handles. Unlike door hinges, coated loops brass is better resistant to mechanical damage, and do not change their color under the influence of various substances. In general, brass is not just regarded as the main material in the manufacture of door hardware. It not only has excellent corrosion resistance and workability, but also a very interesting quality: after polishing by special means such products shine like gold. And modern paint coatings can keep it shine for years to come. When you select a door knob to select the lock. Push the pen is then, if the door is equipped with a lock falevoy latch.

Way of Life

Posted on : 06-03-2012 | By : leeDS | In : General

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How can I live when you know that “you do not like it?” In this article we will not for some of these people do not like all that into something defective or not normal for any moral, ethical or social norms, but only with girls who seem to many people around them “netakoy” as well as how to live in such a ‘special’ in modern society. Today we often hear that there are more and more people are referred to as “gray mass”, “mediocrity” that they do not have manifestations of creativity, or rather some kind of creative endeavors, emotions, and they can not be spontaneous, they are very predictable and not interesting. But what the same happens when we find these creative and spontaneous people? In response, we hear: “You do not like that! YOU ARE weird! I’m starting to fear your surprise, and an abundance of varied emotions. ” I am among those people, because I am very emotional, like many of the girls, I can cry just remembering some touching story, I laugh a minute, making up for the course of the next joke, and it really does not like is not correlated with the apparent belief “drops Women’s attitudes are directly dependent on the so-called PIP “or simply on critical days. In addition, I am very peculiar some crazy ideas, and stories.

I propose some theory, for example, can express their point of view about the last Olympics, and then tell the interpretation dreamed of sleep, and then discuss the likelihood of collapse of ancient civilizations. This change of mood, thoughts often brings confusion into the so-called life ordinary people who are afraid to express their thoughts, experiences, keep them inside and bright explosions of such as we, the people with the mobile psyche, to use scientific language, take a slightly abnormal. Since high school I and some of my friends were not so much persecuted as nedolyublivaniyu from classmates, and so it was in school, and at the Institute, at work .. What is most interesting, most people thought you abnormal, but pointed out that you is a very positive person and with you fun and interesting. What is the most terrible in all this rejection, so this is what often is your favorite young person, which you do not mind chaesh, one day said, “Yes you just crazy! I was afraid of the appearance of your desires or even thinking “How sad to hear that … So what do we, girls or guys who are very active, versatile, bold in their thoughts, feel free to manifestations of emotion, ready to surprise your loved ones and give the same preslavuty creativity, about which so requests our contemporary society? We need to be a! Everyone likes to impossible! We are, after all, not a piece of chocolate cake! You just have to understand it and most importantly to take! There will always be people who will truly appreciate our spontaneity and creative approach to a vision of life. In addition, all the little men of genius crazy … well maybe just a little)).


Posted on : 13-02-2012 | By : leeDS | In : General



After the end of knitting it is removed. Knit 'like watching the loop' – provyazyvanie facial loops over facial, purl purl loops over. Knit in pattern – knit on the scheme. Gaiters (leggings) – knitted or made of thick fabric stockings without feet (knee), worn over the shoes and fastened on the outside of the legs the buttons. Neck – the neck cutout on the front of the garment.

Graffiti – one of the styles of youth clothing, some kind of pop-art continuation 60s. Summer T-shirts, denim suits embroidered or decorated with printed patterns. Simulated children's drawings, all kinds of texts and inscriptions Bilateral knitting – fabric, in which the front and purl the same surface structure. Cardigan – knitted jersey without a collar, worn over the head. Can be either entirely without fasteners or with a buckle on top, not bottom up.

Do jumpers can be any shape neckline. If the fastener and the collar reaches the middle – a cardigan, polo emphasized the free and extended – sweaters, tunics, and collected large belt-eraser – sweaters, shirts, long like a dress – jumper-dress … The length of the thread – the number of kilometers of yarn in one kilogram and is numbers () yarn. For example, in skeins weight 50g 110m, calculation – = 0,110 x (1000:50) = 2.2. Doug loops – upper horizontal portion of the hinge, lying on the spoke. Jabot – finish blouses, dresses or men's shirts in the form of ruffles or lace fabric coming down from the neck down to his chest.

LED Lights

Posted on : 06-01-2012 | By : leeDS | In : General

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It was supposed that the English model of a 100-gun ship will be a traditional bench model. . But since I am from time to time telling customers about different ways to change the perception of emotional models, this project was a non-standard extension (in the above model was a little break, it hangs as soon as I was free for her, we discussed with the customer, its completion). The customer offered to supplement the model layout of "water surface" and to combine these two components of the theme "A ship in battle." We sat and decided on the principal points of the final appearance of the composition. The composition will portray the ship in sea battle. Models will be on combat damage (punched set sail – Marseille, jib, mizzen, whipped topmast – mizzen topmast, and main-topgallant, mizzen topmast, will be on the right side model, fixing the time of its fall, the main-topgallant will be on the deck and overboard), the lower the sails, jib and bleed will be collected. On the rear glass windows will be stuck with adhesive tape printed on it a picture of the sea battle.

In the upper plane windows will be mounted LED lights. And of course the model will be in the layout "of the water surface." Description of the experience of creating this last element of the thematic composition, and will be dedicated to the review. After as the final appearance was confirmed, I started making "water surface". Before this case I have not had to deal with any theme songs in general, nor with simulations of water surface, in particular.


Posted on : 25-12-2011 | By : leeDS | In : General



If the percentage Lycra content of less than 10%, then the likelihood is high that pantyhose would just hang, or wrinkle, because the material is only present in the zone. If you see a symbol on the packaging Lykra 3D, then you know what – it's three-dimensional lycra, which allows you to create high-quality thin pantyhose. Microfiber – nylon thread, which is a large amount of finer yarns, yarns that give softness, softness and strength. These tights are usually warmer and more durable, but more expensive. Tights microfiber tights are the best choice in winter. Often the manufacturers do tights with the addition of Acrylic – artificial wool, which are cheaper microfiber tights. However, these tights come quickly pellets, and wearing them will be possible only under pantyhose bryukami.Tsvet As you know well-chosen color pantyhose in combination with other parts of your wardrobe can accentuate your personality and taste. For example, long been known that dark-colored tights visually lengthen the leg, and white – visually shorten it.

Color tights must be combined with the tone of your clothing and shoes should be darker than the color of tights. Despite the abundance of the different colors offered by manufacturers of tights, will remain the most pressing flesh color (Miele) and black (Nero). Companies realize pantyhose wholesale, pick up top-selling colors at manufacturers of tights, to try to facilitate the selection order associative names, for example Bronzo (Bronze), Cappuccino (Cappuccino), Chocolate (Chocolate) in resulting in easier to imagine how will look like this or that on your tights tights tights nozhkah.Priznaki quality is very short-lived, however, buying a new pair of tights should not only pay attention to price.

Josephine Appearance

Posted on : 19-12-2011 | By : leeDS | In : General

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Vest, worn by members of the Convention, the 'unbelievable' was so short that barely reached the middle of the chest. They wore coats of disproportionate size, napoleons to the ankles, too broad or too tight striped pants. A distinctive feature was a tie, closed the half-face. Complement this 'ensemble' earring in his left ear and knotted stick instead of an elegant cane. The girls, to match the gentlemen, cut their hair short at the back, worn around the neck scarlet ribbon-like trail knife of the guillotine. They draped themselves with red shawls – like a scarf, which the executioner Sanson draped on the shoulders of Charlotte Corday. The legs were decorated with bracelets and smartly lifted skirts. Their heads are decorated with elaborate bows and huge bonnets.

By the way, belonged to merveyez and Josephine de Beauharnais, the future wife of Napoleon. Youth had its own jargon and shock the public not only in appearance, but also manners, pointedly stressing the hostility to the revolutionary traditions and the rejection of simplicity in dress. Nihilists 60s of the XIX century, claim the title of 'new force', also shocked the audience of his clothes. They used all the means in order to isolate and to become "not of this world '. Here is a description Skabichevsky that paints us look young at the time. 'Desire nothing to resemble the despised Philistines stretched to the very appearance of new people, and thus way, there were the notorious nihilistic costumes in which sported youth during the 60s and 70s.

The Floor

Posted on : 07-12-2011 | By : leeDS | In : General



It should be borne in mind that without a quality cover modern office interior unthinkable. What counts as "quality floor? Of course, it should be smooth, durable (have a high resistance to abrasion), "warm" (a well-insulated room from the cold floor), easy to clean and meet hygiene and fire protection requirements (ie not emit any harmful substances and does not burn). Fortunately, today there are technologies and materials that would accommodate all of these conditions and, if not entirely avoided, then significantly reduce the time and money costs. The first step is to decide which floor installed in the building and whether there were significant differences floor level. Usually, if the overlap is made of reinforced concrete plates, the level drops very low.

In this case, the problem is simplified. Quickly and accurately update the flooring in this situation, you can simply lay a carpet or linoleum over the old coating, if this flooring or tile. If precursors are also "soft" coverage, they want to remove, however, it usually does not take much time. If floors are too rough, and it often happens in old buildings with wooden interfloor floors, the willy-nilly will have to open them. Do not do this without the new device easy tie. And foreign and domestic manufacturers produce special multicomponent self-leveling mixture (Knauf, "Eunice") capable of significantly facilitate and expedite the work. If the device is a new tie for whatever reason do not wish, quickly and accurately align the floor to help the system controlled by the lag, on which layer (intermediate layer of the floor on which fits topcoat) and the actual floor.