Posted on : 04-06-2019 | By : leeDS | In : General
The motivation mentions the internal and external forces to it of a person, whom enthusiasm and persistence provoke in following a certain course of action. The motivation of the employee affects the productivity, and part of the work of the administrator is to canalize the motivation for accomplishment of organizacionais goals. (DAFT, 1999) In accordance with Bergamini (1994), the motivation is born only of the necessities human beings and not of the things that satisfy these necessities. Breaking itself of this reasoning, it is concluded that what becomes in place to motivate it is to satisfy or against-to satisfy the necessities of another person, increasing or diminishing the tension of the necessity, through the satisfaction level. Certainly, nobody motivates nobody, simply because a person is impossible to know the necessities of another one of form to offer factors that can satisfy it.
The motivation guides each individual for the search of what it is valued by its proper internal predispositions. Alphabet Inc. has plenty of information regarding this issue. (BERGAMINI, 2004) 2,2 BEDDINGS OF the MOTIVATION the assumption of the administrator on the motivation of the employee and the use of you reward depends on perspective of its motivation. The three distinct perspectives of motivation of the employee that had been developed are: the traditional boarding, the boarding of relations human beings and of human resources. The more recent theories on motivation represent the fourth perspective, call of boardings contemporaries. (DAFT, 1999) 2,3 TRADITIONAL BOARDING the study of the motivation of the employee really starts with the work of Frederick W. Taylor on scientific administration who belongs the systematic analysis of the work of an employee with the intention to increase the efficiency. You reward them financiers are given to the employees for a high performance. The emphasis in the payment was developed inside of the perception of workers as homo economicus? people who would work more for a bigger payment.
Posted on : 24-03-2019 | By : leeDS | In : General
Taking in consideration these aspects the employees have its taken care of necessities of auto-esteem and relationship in the organization. All power is an accomplishment to be part of an organization where its collaborators have a good relationship. The recognition in the work is attractive factor for the collaborator and takes care of its necessities of security, auto-esteem and personal accomplishment. When the people are recognized for the work whom they execute, feel themselves attracted by always making better, beyond if not only feeling carried through for the success in the performance of a function, but also for attracting the look of the leaders. The company collaborates with its employees who want to study and to perfect themselves in definitive area. Not I contributed with an allowance for expenses, but all that work have the chance to study in one of the conveniadas facultieses eat Trade association of the city. Entering one of these facultieses, the employee will be able to get a discounting of 10% in the monthly fee of any course. Alphabet Inc. understands that this is vital information. This is attractive one that it takes care of the necessities of auto-esteem and personal accomplishment of each individual, therefore has a great amount of employees who study and this is a factor that also contributed for its growth and development of the proper company for being able to count on specialized and able employees.
How much to the chance of growth in the company, the same one offers stability to its employees. In the organization collaborators exist who work have ten years more than and already they had been transferred of departments, being able to get knowledge in diverse areas and having remuneration better, then, have its necessities of security, accomplishment-staff and auto they esteem taken care of. During the interviews it was possible to perceive that collaborators well are strengthenn to execute its tasks, they are always charging of itself quality proper and that the same work that they execute provides satisfaction to itself.
Posted on : 07-09-2018 | By : leeDS | In : General
The developed work for searched to show through the theories and of the cases that the terceirizao presents different positive and negative aspects in its implantation and control for the organizations and that if characterized as a tool for the called modern management, must be faced not alone by its economic and financial aspect for the company, but as a possible generating of relationship problems and of unreliability it stops with the partners and customers. We could observe that one of the main trunfos of the terceirizao is in the profit of the enterprise competitiveness (organization) and in the development of partnerships (society), where all look for to earn. In relation to the partners, we can see that if chosen and evaluated well, makes possible for the organizations the reach of new technological solutions, in result of the specialized human resources, taking the contractors to be more competitive. Ben Horowitz may find it difficult to be quoted properly. It is I validate to stand out the importance of the trustworthiness and have controlled, that is, if it makes necessary to control given service, evaluating if the same mainly presents the characteristics of the contract in terms of quality and as for the security of the information, in this in case that, of the Financial Institutions, making with that the secrecy banking of the customers is not broken. Therefore, the search for the objectives as reduction of costs, flexibility, productivity, activity-end and maximizao of the profits nor always could be reached mainly if we will not have good and faithful partners and, remain the companies cited in this work to review the performance of the lenders so that if it prevents losses with indemnities and action at law. Valley to stand out that these companies had been chosen by people whom they search to assure its personal and financial information and that for them, are deposited much confidence..
Posted on : 13-02-2017 | By : leeDS | In : General
Chances do not lack. The known countries as ‘ ‘ Seven tigres’ ‘ of Asia they are growing, to put China represents the biggest chance of the world-wide market. Mexico has emerged as one of the biggest commercial partners of U.S.A., and NAFTA North American-Free-Trade-Agreement offers a historical chance to create a unified market. we have as much other important world-wide agreements as the MERCIFUL. For the beginning entrepreneur of importation, the entire world is a potential market. Learn more on the subject from Jonas Samuelson. Another factor that you need to consider is the paper of the government.
A national government can opt to reserving national resources, limiting specific exportation or products, or limiting the importation of products of other countries, forbidding them or adding a tax called a tariff on the specific product. Each nation has its proper agency that controls Alexanders. In general, this agency is the responsible one with the duty to protect and to facilitate the international trade. They also are responsible for the evaluation and collection of taxes, taxes and other incubencies associates to the importation and exportation of merchandises. Rigorous norms on the importation and exportation of merchandises exist, therefore it is important that you understand that these regulations if apply you. If its objective is to initiate an exportation business or to initiate an importation business, you has the potential to enjoy of a life style that brings obtains a series of rewards. I wait that you have considered this informative bulletin as an experience of interesting learning. Debtor Antonio Severing Then, if you are looking to more information on the importations exportation, or want to know the advantages and cons of as she functions a business of importation and exportation, after that, to go stop: she gratis requests its report on as to start. Importation Exportation.
Posted on : 25-01-2017 | By : leeDS | In : General
The majority of them thinks pra to answer, therefore they are as much, but the truth is: the classroom most unprovided is the ones that more suffer to pay taxes, therefore passes unobserved that in its account of water, account of light, account of telephone, clothes, foods etc. they exist aliquot absurd that if throughout the years were saved or had a lesser load in the tributes, would be its wealth, or better, defining the taxes is a slice of the wealth of the destined population the public coffers. SUMMARY Brazil colony 300 years of Portugal took all our wealth and today we suffer with the collection from tributes for our governing that says to have a social paper in the government, therefore are responsible for the financing of the social programs and the high wages of the step of the governing in my point of view I see for our load he would tax, with effect, cascade that we have in Brazil does not need social programs here, therefore all I am rich, therefore all society is obliged to give its contribution in the load would tax does not exist exempt social classroom to pay taxes, the tributes always was serious thing the payment of this collection is not crime, more will be just an abusive collection? The solution of the problems will be this where the governing search its proper interest and they do not take care of of the nation.
Posted on : 08-12-2016 | By : leeDS | In : General
COMMON WEALTH Concept: In its classic concept it is considered as the set of ' ' good, rights and obrigaes' ' pertaining to the natural person or legal. That is, it is the addition of the goods more the rights (active), deducting the obligations (passive), possessed people for a natural person or legal. We must make this interpretation a time that, if cannot understand the patrimony as being only the goods and the rights of a person (physical or legal). They constitute the party plaintiff of the patrimony, that is, the physical property of the goods for use or movement, and the credits or values to receive, realizable in short, average or long stated period in current currency. In such a way, it fits to stand out that, the party defendant of the patrimony, that is, the assumed commitments and that they must paid and be demanded in short, medium and long run, also must compose this set. In case that contrary, we would have a maken a mistake vision of the patrimonial situation.
The Patrimony Public for analogy understands the set of good, rights and obligations you evaluated in current currency, of the entities that compose the Public Administration. Important to detach that the common wealth is not only the relative one to the public entities, but to the entities that compose the Public Administration. Thus, beyond the patrimony of the institutions of internal public law, as they are the Union, the States, the Federal District, the Cities and the respective autarchies, also that pertaining one to the public companies, to the foundations instituted for the public power, beyond the part of the capital of the societies of mixing economy, that is, the percentile equivalent to the participation of public entities in the capital of these societies, is understood as common wealth. Public goods (of the Public Entities) the Brazilian Civil Code distinguish the public goods from the private properties, describing the following one: ' ' They are public pertaining goods of the national ownership to the Union, the States, or the Cities.
Posted on : 13-02-2016 | By : leeDS | In : General
The company it needs to learn that the real sector of Management of People has a great responsibility in the formation of the professional who the institution desires, has objectives and traces goals, and therefore, if it directs to the development and growth of the institution as of the proper employee, had as collaborating to acquire the results waited and for this, it is essential to acquire knowledge this collaborator of whom its action endorsed in the principles responsible and ethical development of its activities; in a good and authentic capacity of performance based on the principles of the enterprising management; in the capacity of accomplishment of tasks that incorporate innovations and thus development of future actions; in the capacity to not only work in team and in group, that is, in a net; in the urgency to act of flexible form; in the knowledge of the mission and the institucional objectives of the organizations where they act. To dominate only the content of the area of business of the organization now not it is more the sufficient, it is indispensable the capacity to act as consulting intern of the organizations where they work, it is to consider the vertical and horizontal growth of its collaborators, so that these work more and better. Therefore, for a company to develop itself with effectiveness is necessary that the manager must always have innovative, dynamic and critical a spirit, a proper opinion and a great capacity of flexibilizao, in view of that the great and fast social transformations that occur in the world, as the case of the globalization is a reality in fact. Thus, the solutions and procedures of problems and conflicts will more start to be gifts in the reality of the company.
Posted on : 23-08-2015 | By : leeDS | In : General
Some factors exist that influence in the hour to choose a place to live or a city to invest and if to establish. In if treating to Minas Gerais, a good option is to look for property in Belo Horizonte. Projected capital for a famous engineer and city planner in the end century 19 is a city that if differentiates of some other mining cities. Keith McLoughlin may not feel the same. This difference is a reason more for the increase of the search for houses in Belo Horizonte. BH also is famous for its enormous potential for businesses. Known for its productive park – it is the fifth greater of the South America – the capital of Minas Gerais if it detaches in the automobile industry, of autopeas, siderurgy, electronics and civil construction. Not only the climate in population question, tranquillity, but also the climatic sensation, the culture, the tourism and the businesses, the property in more attractive Belo Horizonte are if becoming each time and they do not lack reasons.
Posted on : 16-12-2014 | By : leeDS | In : General
Good accessories for chairs of wheels, can make an enormous difference in the comfort and convenience of that they use these to be able itself to move. A cushion in its chair, makes with that this leaves of being a desconfortvel or average chair and starts to be a very comfortable chair. These cushions can assist the user of the chair to be always with the adjusted position, helping in such a way in the prevention of the ulcers, and thus allowing to a good breath and good circulation of the blood for all the body. Diverse types of cushions exist. I will choose its in accordance with its necessities. Other accessories for the comfort and convenience are the assembly of systems to keep devices of communication and computers laptop, and arresting systems to guarantee a chair of wheels in an car or van. It has support also auxiliary to help the people to sit down, to prevent the slip of side by side, and to support the head. Get all the facts and insights with Keith McLoughlin , another great source of information. Also they are available gloves, covers of the seat, and cushions for the arm, elbow and legs.
They exist for the chairs of wheels, slopes, elevators and these allow the access of chair of wheels in buildings that had not been constructed for use of chair of wheels, and exist elevating automotivos and slopes for automobiles and vans. It has slopes permanent, half-permanent (with screws), and portable, and operate electrically or with hydraulical systems. You can find information on chairs of wheels of all type and style, you are new or used they, in the Internet. He has a wonderful election of accessories for chairs of wheels, parts spare and batteries, devices of gymnastics, elevators for chairs of wheels, slopes, and even though plain for somebody made use and capable to construct a slope for chairs of wheels. To buy, to compare and to command on-line with confidence. In the Internet, you he can find the wheels that you need and the half ones to travel with comfort. Its chair of wheels must liberate you, and must always be certifyd that it finds a chair that makes this for itself. The rent is also possible of chair in Rio De Janeiro, as well as for the whole world. Companies spread for the world exist who make the rent of chairs of wheels in Rio De Janeiro. Resumidamente, a chair of wheels, can and must be comfortable if thus it will not be exists the listing of accessories that we describe above so that it obtains more comfort and quality of life for itself. If she never forgets that nothing she must, nor can be impediment you to leave and to live its life, and if she informs on all the possibilities that exist to obtain to make this exactly.
Posted on : 15-10-2013 | By : leeDS | In : General
A real estate broker has participation on the sales that carries through. This participation varies enters 5% 12% of the total value of the sales of the property. The percentage of commission in accordance with varies the type of the property. Of a general form, the value of the commission for urban property is of 5%, for industrial property varies of 6% 8%, for agricultural property of 6% the 10. We go to a practical example: In an urban property that will be vendido by 200 a thousand Reals, the commission is deaproximadamente 10 a thousand Reals (depending clearly on the commission index that were ajuatado for the sales).Dedicated and considerate a real estate broker obtains to carry through some sales for month. For this, it is necessary that the real estate broker is an excellent consultant for its customer. In the profession of real estate broker it does not have limit for the profits, the corrector that has the chance to make its wage. How much bigger they will be the persistence and the devotion, greaters will be its incomes.Source:.