Posted on : 22-05-2012 | By : leeDS | In : General
However, after the Constitution of 1988, understood that the admission of used in state-owned companies, passed an initial period of jurisprudencial hesitation, must be preceded of approval in public competition. This form specific of admission of staff, procedimentalizada and tending to the guarantee of the isonomy. Of the opposite, it would be as to become rigorous the way of admission in the state ones, to prevent the pessoalidade and the compadrio, leaving a wide avenue for these vices in the way as the dismissal will be operated. On the basis of this reasoning, good part of the doctrine and the jurisprudence started to admit a guarantee against imotivadas resignations of the public officers. It is truth well that, to not being able to freely fire, the too much private companies, this equal can add some data of not state isonomy to the regimen of the competitive ones. If the celetista regimen is so fragile, better to inform to Petrobra’s, greater company of Brazil and one of the greaters of the planet, and that, until little time, it operated the public monopoly of a well mineral one whose strategical and economic interest motivated wars. Without at least entering in the quarrel concerning the capacity to exert necessities in the area of the public regulation or the exercise of the power of it polices, is evident that, if one legal regimen of staff is fragile, it will be any that is the material content of the exerted activity. In summary: we refute the consequencialista argument of the instability of regimen of staff? according to which the attribution of being able of policy to the public officers of the state-owned companies goes to generate the undesirable consequncia. What it has is, of a side, an superevaluation of the guarantees of the statutory regimen, and, of another one, a subavaliao of the guarantees of the regimen of private job as applied by the public administration of century XXI.
Posted on : 22-05-2012 | By : leeDS | In : General
‘ ‘ The people see that the company wants to contribute with the quality of life. They think: ‘ The company has cares with me, with mine familial’ ‘ ‘ , she points Maryl. Between these ‘ ‘ cuidados’ ‘ they are since questions of financial politics and bonification how much the recent inauguration of an academy of gymnastics in the headquarters or the partnership with an agency to program vacation trips. To Marly, the search of the excellency also must pass per the day the day of the work. After all, ‘ ‘ product’ ‘ of a laboratory it is the relationship with the customer and in this context the paper of the individual gains more relevance. Currently, the age average almost enters a thousand employees of the Sabin Laboratory is of 29 years, being 72% women. The company invests in relationship, searching to diminish conflicts between colleagues. This if reflects in more well-being and better productivity.
CONCLUSIONS In accordance with the evolution of the organizational culture throughout the time, we perceive that the democratic leadership is a trend of style of leadership to be each time more adopted by the organizations. The structure of the Sabin laboratory illustrates well this trend of participation of the subordinate in the decisions with the presence of a orienting leader, who values its employees and that, therefore, she has a basic paper in keeping the motivated team. The example of this, fits to stand out that the collaborators oldest had participated of an important process where seven item had been adolescence that are the premise for all the actions and strategies of the Sabin. To identify leaders inside of the proper organization are an incentive so that employee they search its qualification and they remain more time in the organization. While the organizations that they decide to risk itself, searching you lead of other companies, run the great risk to make one high investment and the new leader if not to adapt to the environment of the company, moreover, they can make with that its employees are not motivated. Thus, it is important that the organizations have capacity to recognize these leaders in potential and to invest in its development. At the same time, the employees must practice and develop its abilities of leadership, searching constantly its proper qualification.
This is the best form to guarantee good place in a market of so demanding and competitive work.
Posted on : 11-05-2012 | By : leeDS | In : General
For one better agreement of the object of study of this work, is asked: Sales, productivity, satisfaction and economic development, in the present time, are related to the programs of quality in the attendance and Marketing of relationship? Marketing and its Evolution One evidenced that the development of a good product was not the sufficient for the permanence and growth of the company. It had the lack to become this accessible product the consumer; to create communication channels being recognized the necessities of the form public to promote the identification of the product, guaranteeing its consumption. Was transferred to have it the necessity of if making MARKETING. KOTLER (2000) in 1987, wrote the first edition of Administration of Marketing, at this time marketing was a simple subject very, the function of the marketing for the consuming one was only on the basis of principles of mass marketing, already the enterprise marketing was come back toward construction of the best force of sales.
The great department stores, regional chains of supermarkets and a great number of small store formed the retail scene. The professionals of marketing at that time needed to take decisions difficult, were they who determined the characteristics and product qualities, created and organized services that supported these to complete sales? for the one of to initiate a relationship? ; of to close a business? for to constitute loyalty. ‘ ‘ Marketing of Relationship the boarding given for the relationship marketing is to become the biggest number of customers fidiciary offices the company, and reaching specific markets, specializing themselves creating solutions to correct its imperfections. For WIERSEMA (1996, P. 16) the relationship with the customer ‘ ‘ it can be cominho more certain to guarantee sucesso.’ ‘ KOTLER (2000, P. 35), tells that the objective of the relationship marketing is to develop satisfactory relationships of long stated period with its customers in order to acquire and to keep its predilection and its businesses in the long stated period, being compelled itself and providing to products and condizentes services of high quality and prices to the other parts throughout the time, creating strong economic connector links, social techniques and between the involved ones.