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Classical Relationship

Posted on : 20-01-2017 | By : leeDS | In : General

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Thus, ‘Encourage’ a buyer ‘was his sense of individuality, uniqueness, separately. ” Classical marketing theory fiasco in the description of many of the necessary and actually existing types of marketing practices that determined the emergence of relationship marketing (relationships marketing) at the beginning of the last decade. Catalytic role in the dissemination of the new trend are information technology (IT) is radically changing any (and not only related to marketing) methods of management organization. Official site: Douglas Oberhelman. Not accidentally, the name of the appropriate software – Customer Relationships Management (CRM) – recognized as a synonym for the practical implementation of relationship marketing on plant (Ryals and Knox, 2002). The concept of relationship marketing and CRM related both soul and body and can not exist separately. However, in the rapid development of the corresponding segment of the IT market have matured and ‘dialectical contradictions’. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Howard Schultz. Thus, according to Gartner Group, approximately 55% CRM-projects do not yield the expected results. Investigation of another consulting firm Bain & Company found even more shocking results: one in five of 451 surveyed, the first American senior manager acknowledged that CRM-initiative led to a deterioration in relations with customers! The reason was ignoring the strategic aspects of CRM in marketing and in-house changes (Rigby, Reichheld and Schefter, 2002). All this while, to Fortunately, it sounds as a warning to Russia, where the CRM market is in a relatively embryonic state. However, making a review of Web – sites of national consulting and IT firms to offer a unique development CRM strategy can be seen up to five proposals for the sale, usually localized versions of foreign software. This, of course, the actual paper discusses a number of important issues related to essence of strategy relationship management with customers – relationship marketing.

Operating Principle

Posted on : 17-11-2016 | By : leeDS | In : General

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That represents a WMZ and WMR are well known to all those who work or receive payment on the Internet, or receives money transfers through a worldwide network. In general, WM-purse is the same as a purse, only the virtual and money on it are the same. However, many people are hard to get used to the innovations of this kind. Better than all the verbal assurances of a person operates its own experience. Once the money will appear in his wallet, and when he can cash them in exchange point, it comes to understanding that this is not another attempt to deceive him. Storage and transfer to WebMoney-purse to be both Russian rubles and foreign currencies. Unfortunately, not all possible withdraw the money is in the same currency, which is stored on your wallet. But to cope with this discrepancy will exchange Liberty Reserve USD to Yandex Money, which is done with the assistance of the system itself. See Caterpillar for more details and insights.

It is necessary to note that the course acceptable, and it's time to spend a little bit. If the opening of an electronic purse – have already settled the case, do not forget to take care of and certificate. This is a virtual instrument in the first place can be issued 'Start'. On the Internet such documents are issued. You should apply to specialized organizations that can help you with this.

If you will not regret it means you will get not start, and a personal certificate. For form of the document will need your passport and some money. Having any certificate, you can consider yourself officially registered, and the magic word 'officially' means that you have not only duties but also rights, which you will be given the opportunity to defend. What can happen, you ask. It is likely that can shake off any trouble. Suppose such a serious problem with the computer from system. If you were so short-sighted, and keep the key of your purse into your computer, then these keys will you simply are not available. If you have a passport to help you come to the workers the system itself, and try to restore the data. Can also occur following situation: you have there is an agreement about how to obtain any money or any order, and those with whom you cooperate, this arrangement violated. In this situation, you can defend their rights in bankruptcy court, and hoped that the fair protection is guaranteed. And then, hardly crooks want to contact you if you hold a passport. There are websites that offer listing of electronic heat exchangers. At sites such comparisons course buying and selling foreign currencies at different points of exchange, which allows us to discover the most advantageous choice.

Business Treaties

Posted on : 16-07-2016 | By : leeDS | In : General



Treaty in business differ from household that usually both sides are interested in earning – in this case than higher income, the better. It is therefore important to understand all the provisions of the contract, negotiate terms, which for Your company are required. Legally competent written contract always sets the bar Relations contractors. Jonas Samuelson is often quoted on this topic. For the image of any company it is important that even the standard contract was drawn up correctly and had no inconsistencies with the law. But in addition to important content and form – the format of the document, the paper on which was written contract, the font of the text. For each company would not be amiss to have several types of contracts: for large transactions – if the contract stipulates all, even at first glance the important points, and for current, ordinary transactions – if the contract is sufficient to resolve the legal provisions of the parties that are understood and their study did not requires considerable time. Of course, the drafting of the contract are best left to professional lawyers who need to specify all the wishes and the specifics of your company. Then we can expect to correctly written contract.

Prior to the adoption of the treaty must be read – perhaps someone who does not fully understand the specifics of your work, could not miss an important point. And, of course, is not worth saving and seek the services of standard contracts from the Internet – they may be outdated, and you can not bring them into conformity with the laws themselves. With regard to transactions for which the commission of the treaty text contractor is – there is necessarily necessary due diligence – even with one hand clear contractual provision can have pitfalls, which are then reflected on you. So before you sign important contract, no more than would show them a professional lawyer.

Growth Of Wealth

Posted on : 29-11-2013 | By : leeDS | In : General



Wealth – is a big responsibility. Well, if one understands it. The growth of wealth is dependent on many factors: the level of education to hard work. It is not that easy to be rich, and also the opposite: to be poor too hard. Who wants to achieve good results, he must work hard, not necessarily physically, as this work is often paid little. But let's say you have your own business and guiding them, you will also have give everything 100%. Wealth does not come by itself and just does not go away just like that, without any reason.

To achieve your dreams you need to prepare, to move through life have a purpose. And most important, then to stay afloat and not squander the state put together. Learn to resist temptations to not dizzy from the great good fortune, fame and money – everything should be ready. If we 'bad' to behave, then success may turn away from us, like a fairy tale about a goldfish … After all, we get something in return and have something to be grateful for giving chance. Otherwise, all that stuff will not bring luck and happiness. Need to share with the needy, to help someone, give money as you can. Attitude towards others is directly proportional to ourselves from others.

It must then come back to you: a smile, cry, or the amount spent, but many times greater than that that gave! It has already been verified. The more you give, the more you get. After all, not in vain in the Holy Scripture states that we should give a tenth of (tithe) of our income. But now this church gathering canceled, but the service were paid. But still it does not change, the operating principle remains the same: you give tribute and respect for the Lord, and He rewards you. 'Blessed is the hand gives. " This is the first and most important rule to your success. Want Believe it or not, but life experience has shown that it operates smoothly and applies to all: and the poor and the rich. For example, if a poor man never shared with anyone and do not let anyone, led atheistic life, he risks becoming even poorer and more unhappy. Rich runs the risk of life when similarly protranzhirit his fortune in restaurants and casinos. But he could instead of their whims and passion to spend this amount on charity, just to help someone. And he would have stayed clean and kept the state and multiplied. So having money is not so simple, they still need to be able to manage. Invest in some business to drive growth wealth. We must learn to be in harmony with nature and yourself, do not take too much, especially a stranger. Yes, it is a philosophy, and science. But we are all educated people, and why not take the advice of experienced business people who know a lot of money, and know how to steer out of any difficult situation. If we are to perceive the world around you and the world itself will take us. If we want to fit into the beautiful landscape called life, then and there with us gladly accept. Need only be a person to feel that from you may be some benefit in the world, not just skalachivat its capital, going over the head. And then to wonder if in the end everything will turn upside down and instead being obtained by the destruction and humiliation.


Posted on : 18-11-2013 | By : leeDS | In : General




Manager Company

Posted on : 04-10-2011 | By : leeDS | In : General

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Currently, many managers often use only the direct financial performance for decision making. But they are focused on the past and contain little control information (no sampling) and at an early stage of unfortunate situation is not possible to determine the disturbing deviations affecting the achievement of desired goals. And the negative situation could be repeated many times. What's the solution of this problem? The solution of this difficult situation is to use the head of leadership style, which is very flexible, individual and situational approach. The director must possess all styles and skill to use them depending on the specific environment, specific tasks, social-psychological characteristics of employees and their personal qualities.

The ability to be flexible, using all styles of leadership, that is adaptive management approach allows the director to become an effective leader. And to effectively manage the company will allow him system of key performance indicators, which are different from traditional systems of accountability that includes small number of indicators that can cover the activities of the company just a glance, while the traditional reports require long-term analysis. It also gives the manager a guarantee that the problem will be detected before develops into a catastrophe. Wanting to make a difference, make changes to most of the leaders once again rely on their own strength, knowledge and experience or learn from their own others that do not lead to the expected result. Often, managers increase their knowledge by visiting the workshops and trainings, which in their view, would enhance the information content and knowledge needed to be addressed problems, and help implement the necessary changes and additions to the organization.

And what happens in reality? In most cases, between the amendments and the practical implementation of real processes in head manager of the company there is a "gap". Practical implementation of much-needed changes in the company seems very vague. In this situation it is expedient to turn to outside consultants (Consulting company). But why do we need advice, if there is an enterprise legal, financial, commercial and other departments – rightly ask you a question? However, the task of staff is performance of those tasks that they face daily. But the assistance of external consultants will need when there are rare and specific issues that can not be without special training, skills and experience exactly in this narrow region. As a result, attract third-party consultant allows the company to recruit a qualified person in the right area, in addition, it will save considerable resources, so it does not require the involvement of employees in the state on a permanent basis.

Laser Cartridges

Posted on : 13-09-2011 | By : leeDS | In : General

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Refill laser cartridges or refill. To the market every six months there are new types of laser printers. If four years ago color laser printer cost a lot of fabulous, and these printers at almost no sale now for two hundred and three hundred dollars you can buy a laser color printer, a fax machine, multifunction device, speed, duplex printing. The process of production printers already well organized and a lot of competition in the market – and this is forcing manufacturers continually improve the design of printers. But in addition to manufacturers in the market there are category buyers, consumers, produced goods, and who choose which printer to buy or not buy, and not always precious and valuable to coincide with the manufacturer's price and value for consumers, which features some laser printers do not have to never use. As a result, now you can buy a black and white laser printer and a half thousand rubles, but the price of consumables is not going to fall. Why are the prices of consumables and such do not fall high? Because if the consumer is once every five years to buy a laser printer and after five years, change it, then laser cartridges have a feature to end much faster laser print cartridge for printing pages normal quality enough for a half thousand pages, and it ends and have to go buy a new cartridge, which costs more than the printer itself, here the producers and win back their money.

It is not important how many Laser Printer buying consumers, more importantly – what users type on them. Sale of consumables core business of manufacturers of laser printers, the main cash flows come from the sale of laser cartridges. And then appear on the market refueling cartridges that lead away from the manufacturer, these cash flows. If you go into the moral foundations of the business of refilling cartridges, then of course those organizations that involved in refilling ink cartridges come a little unethical to producers of laser printers.

Business Plan Plus Assertiveness

Posted on : 07-09-2011 | By : leeDS | In : General



Where to get money for business development "from scratch"? These questions are thousands of people who have taken in a crisis not an easy decision to start their own business. It is believed that no one lends to start-ups, and beginners entrepreneur should rely only on themselves. Truth in this statement is – too high risk for the lender, since much of the enterprises offered do not live up to the first anniversary. The reasons for this many, and analyze them to make sense in a separate article. However, the ability to get a loan for "promotion" business still exist. Just take care it is necessary at the stage of thinking about ideas and vision for the future of the case. Discovery of a new company (if of course we want it to be successful) is always preceded by serious preparatory work. Necessary to calculate the financial aspects – in particular, acceptable profitability enterprise, to determine the suppliers, customers and sales markets, the acquisition of equipment and selection of room.

All this is reflected in the business plan, the quality of the preparation of which depends directly on the success of find the necessary amount. The need to write a business plan often throws novice entrepreneur in awe. Here is an example of the practice of our organization: we turned to a resident of one of the districts of the Omsk region, who decided to open a mini-workshop on tailoring and shoe repair. At the same time he privately for many years was engaged in shoemaking trade, he is known in the district center and the quality of service satisfaction.

The Product

Posted on : 17-08-2011 | By : leeDS | In : General

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There will be some rotation of advertisers, somewhere they will not be somewhere they would be more, and they begin to optimize their budgets and reduce them. There are many banner systems that give customers access to a large number of Internet resources that can help you to advertise on pages leading online publications from a single large ad network, exposing any target. If buyers have started to use the product and bought some words, will buy more and banners. And at some point needs to happen is fusion of content and media advertising. It happens, but still very slow.

Media advertising will be a contextual advertising in the sense that it can be just as connected banners. Comes of social segmentation networks, they can still make money. But to earn this money, we must first work hard and come up with something more advanced than just give banner ads. While at it you can too earn, but you can earn more if think of a more interactive ways of monetization. As time passes, at some point social networks will make, because it's huge traffic, it's a huge audience, who spends hours on these sites. Very few advertisers are trying to measure the effectiveness of advertising on the Internet! After all, you can track every click, but now few people doing it at. My advice to companies in to start tracking exactly how much you pay for every click on every word. Already there are proven ways to work with this tool.

Easy Money

Posted on : 04-08-2011 | By : leeDS | In : General

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Earnings on fayloobmennika This article will tell you that such earnings on sharing services, and how much you can earn on files. You learn a lot about how to earn sharing services and you have to do that would earn in their files was a permanent and stable source of money. If you sit at your computer and see in front of the monitor screen, you hear the fan sound of the system unit and feel the pleasant softness surface of the chair where you sit, then you have all the conditions to start your earnings on sharing services. We'll tell you how to quickly and accurately, that is not small, it is important to learn skills and sharing services help you start making money on sharing services today. Many of us are worried about: 'How to make money on sharing services? Can I make a file in a network? What is needed? Why pay file sharing? What fayloobmenniki proven and reliable? " Five years ago the author had seen a lot of sites about earnings. Been tried many ways to earn online, and of course the same as finding the best and fell in love – spent large amount of time. In search of work were the main criteria: the stability of payments, reliability, offline (ie the opportunity to earn money, engaging in an entirely different matter), ease of wages, lack of special skills. As a result, this variant was found – it's earnings on sharing services, which requires no special knowledge, occupies a small amount of time and the files will bring you income even while you're there for computer.