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Administrative Penalties

Posted on : 19-04-2018 | By : leeDS | In : General



On the basis of this reality, many problems had been evidenced, demonstrating how much the disordered urban growth, associated to the lack of favorable public politics come harming the life of the inhabitants of the related land division. A structural urbanstico planning, increased of services public essential capable to take care of to the increasing demand and the necessities of the population become urgent. When analyzing this situation and comparing with the Managing Plan of Parnamirim, conducted under the Law N 1058/2000, evidence that this document, even so outdated, is constituted of many excellent lines of direction that say respect to the Urban Politics, to the Ambient and Functional Zoning, to the Sectorial Lines of direction, to the Use and occupation of the Ground, amongst other aspects that deal with the System of Planning and Popular Participation, of the Infractions, Administrative Penalties and Procedures. However, it is a penalty that these lines of direction are not being effected in the practical one through concrete actions that punish those that uses the environmental resources of illicit and destructive form. In this way, many difficulties still need to be surpassed in this direction. As already it was mentioned a priori, it is common practical of the forest fires in the portion of Atlantic bush next to the edges to the Land division the Green Dream with sights to illegal irregular ownership/of lands and the burning of the solid residues deposited in the place, also affecting the fauna and the local flora, and intervening directly with the health and well-being of the community, thus opposing the made use one in Chapter I, of the Managing Plan of Parnamirim, Of the Infractions, specifically Art. 146, that it affirms: The use, occupation, use or parcelamento of the ground; the execution of services; the modifications of the preexisting characteristics, of portion of the municipal territory, will only be considered legalized, in the City of Parnamirim, when gotten license or authorization of the competent licenciador agency, tied with the municipal, independent administration of the title of the property in which it happens. .

Social Responsibility

Posted on : 24-03-2018 | By : leeDS | In : General



According to Francisco Pablo de Melo Grandson (2004, p.02) the best way to define will be ' ' to make bem' ' , still inside of its vision, some authors define as being a social commitment, that is, the company has the ethical duty to promote the development and ambient preservation social as adopted principles and politics. Dickson (2001 apud MELO GRANDSON, 2007 p.03) approaches the concept of social responsibility practised by the companies as being strategy of marketing for improvement of the social welfare. Joined to the social thought, it is the responsibility with the environment and its notable necessity of preservation of resources for future generations. Being about enterprise actions, the partner-ambient actions finish inlaid in a new terminology, corporative responsibility that ' ' he is, therefore, ampler, since it encloses the two others: Responsibility Ambiental and Social.' ' (MELO GRANDSON, 2007, p.30) the objective to relate design graphical with the partner-ambient responsibility is to reflect the caused actions and impacts, tracing new goals and forms to think, being thus more eticamente correct, responsible and operating in the proposal of well-being communitarian. Many writers such as Kevin Johnson offer more in-depth analysis. The paper of designer beside the point was extinguished, ambient questions finished being of almost exclusive matrix of biology and similar areas, however today we perceive the sprouting of new theories, concepts, ways to think and its initiatives when questioning and to contribute for the support. ' ' The area of design (in its diverse ways and scales, has been also each time more called to give to its contributo and to assume its responsibility in this matria.' ' (LOYAL, 2005) ' ' it is useful to recognize that the global movement produced two perspectives: one related with the internal corporative attitudes and to related other with the external corporative attitudes. The internal attitudes mention the form to it as the corporation carries through the daily operations of its main functions. .

Humanity Resources

Posted on : 11-09-2017 | By : leeDS | In : General



The comment of the success of the project stimulated outrascampanhas of protection. From then on, UNESCO initiated, with oConselho together International of Monuments and Small farms (ICOMOS), a convention to paraproteger the World-wide Patrimony of the Humanity. Ahead of the ambient problems edo success of the created actions to protect the cultural goods, appears in the EstadosUnidos the idea to extend this protection, also, the conservation of the nature (they idem). Since then, some small farms in the world had been created (Africa, Arab countries, Asia, Europe, Brazil etc.). The conservation of the patrimony mundial a continuous process, where the biological and cultural diversity, the traditional landscapes, populations and the natural resources must be protected. Cabeaos signatory countries to protect the enrolled places as ecultural natural patrimony, case of genes until complete species and ecosystems -, well comosua reproduction capacity. It corresponds to ‘ variability viva’ , to prpriograu of complexity of the life, enclosing the diversity enters and in the scope dasespcies and of its habitats’ ‘ biological and of the genetic resources and its components. Amongst the ambient problems, the worse crisis is the dosrecursos renewed. undoubtedly add to your understanding.

In all the planet, the sea species, terrestrial eareas, the tropical forests and its genetic reserve, the superior layer dosolo, the drinking waters, etc., are in a sped up movement of reduction, jque the exploration level are greater that the regeneration capacity, that is, aexplorao of the environment is bigger of what its capacity of renewal. Estacrise, increased of the climatic changes and the destruction of the atmosphere, affects eager human being and of all the other organisms livings creature of alarming and talvezirreversvel form. In this direction, one becomes necessary to protect this diversidadebiolgica in order to obtain to keep the continuity of the life in the planet Land. The landscapes the concept of landscape adopted here is proceeding from umanova science, the Ecology of Landscapes.

Avenue Journalist

Posted on : 28-12-2016 | By : leeDS | In : General



The author identified that, due to the increase in the number of vacant and to the volume of generated vehicles, the quarter Belvedere III contributed in decisive way for the critical situation detected by the study it BHTRANS in 1995. This RITU (Report of Impact in the Urban Transit) points the intersection of the MG-030 with the access to the quarter Belvedere III, as classified stretch as ' ' F' ' , that is, it is a way that if finds below of the values of capacity 6, characterizing a picture of deterioration for the operation of a traffic flow. It must be remembered that this study it took in consideration only commerce factors (purchases in the BH Shopping) and did not consider the reason ' ' residencial' ' happened of the quarter Belvedere III and the quarters of New Rasp. In news article published recently citing the workmanships concerning the transit in the region of Belvedere III, the Been Periodical of Mines says ' ' the drivers who transit daily for BR-356, in the clover of the BH Shopping, can breathe alliviated. The road handle of the Belvedere Quarter, Region Center-South of Belo Horizonte, was inaugurated in the morning of this fourth-feira' ' (STATE OF MINES, 2010, ROBINI). Still according to information of the periodical, the workmanship was an initiative of the Association of the Entrepreneurs of the Quarters Village of the Mountain range and Valley of the Night watchman, who contracted an engineering company to make a road study of the region in partnership with the City hall of New Rasp to execute a series of workmanships of revitalizao in the Tree-lined avenue of the Mountain range, the main way of the Quarter Village of the Mountain range, quarter neighbor Belvedere III. The first new stage already is concluded and engloba three rotatory ones, in the crossings of the Avenue Journalist Djalma Andrade with the Street Dicola Horta. The newspapers mentioned Stuart Solomon not as a source, but as a related topic.

National Agenda

Posted on : 08-10-2016 | By : leeDS | In : General



Also serutilizado the daily one of field that is the register of facts verificadosatravs of comments. The intervention processes will be valued as asensibilizao, affectivity, contemplation, interatividade and interaonostlgica. The application technique-metodolgica aims at to possibilidadede to contextualizar the form reality interactive and complete. In this manner, the situations are distinguished to be studied in the research: In a first one I will momentofarei documentary analysis (bibliographical, news articles, Internet, PCNs and others) and study on the Ambient Education and National Agenda 21, what theoretical permitirfundamentao for the development of the work. Lakatos & Marconi (2007) believes that the participant comment oupesquisa consists of the real participation of the researcher with acomunidade or group. It becomes incorporated itself the group, confuses itself with it. A member of the group is toprximo how much that is studying and participates of the atividadesnormais of them. As I opted to a participant research for verificaode interactive pedagogical practical events and in the studied process, I will meevolverei in the activities of the school, together with profess@res and students.

Nodecorrer of the process I will make the analysis of didactic books of geography ecincias of 4 and 5 years. In the sequence, I will carry through a research of field through representative umdesenho of Environment with the students of the searched school (Questionnaire 1), after that, for the ascertainment of the representation of meioambiente d@s profess@res will be applied a questionnaire with questesabertas (questionnaire 2) and finally, alun@s will be carried through umapesquisa through a investigativo questionnaire in relation aoconhecimento on the Environment with @s formand@s of the depedagogia course of the Beautiful UEG De Campos (Questionnaire 3). Finally, I will make the referring interpretation of the results through degrficos and reports to the teach-learning process relacionado EA and the estruturao of a qualitative text. A vision more critical humanist and on aeducao and the world When humanist of the world says itself in vision, me remetoimediatamente what it wrote Leonardo Boff (2002): Of exit we must renounce to any arrogance oupretenso of privilege or domain.

Capra Communities

Posted on : 14-02-2016 | By : leeDS | In : General



The current reality demands a reflection each less linear time, and this if produces in the interrelation knowing of them and practical the collective ones that common identities and values and actions in solidum of the reapropriao of the nature create ahead, in a perspective that privileges the dialogue between knowing. The concern with the sustainable development represents the possibility to guarantee social sociopolticas changes that do not compromise the ecological systems and that supports the communities. (Jacobi, 2003). Following these rules, a new vision of world, characterized for a new style of life, new values will be possible and new meanings. In accordance with Pelicione (1998) this revalorizao of the life will allow to an increase of the capacity of choice and the search of the satisfaction of the dreams and desires in the art and in philosophy, nareligio and in science, objectifying the auto-accomplishment. Only then, it will be obtained to live the life with ' ' qualidade' ' (p 25).

SUSTAINABLE SOCIETY Sustainable Society remembers to us responsibility to it to transmit to our children and grandsons a world with equal chances the ones that we inherit. In accordance with Capra (2002), we do not need to invent communities sustainable human beings from the zero, and yes shape them following the ecosystems of the nature, that are the sustainable communities of plants, animals and microrganismos. A time that the characteristic marcante of the biosfera consists of its ability to support the life, a community sustainable human being must be planned in way that, its forms of life, businesses, physical economy, structures and technologies does not come to intervene with the inherent ability to the Nature or sustentao of the life. The subject of the support is collated with the paradigm of ' ' society of risco' '. This implies the necessity of if multiplying practical social the established ones in reinforcement of the right to the access to the information and the ambient education in a perspective integrator.


Posted on : 13-01-2016 | By : leeDS | In : General



Such factors have led to the manufacturers to invest in research for alternatives renewed and this, ally to a bigger search of the bioplsticos on the part of the market, is diminishing the difference in the production cost and more attractive Tornado the investment in this type of product. The advantages of the use of the Bioplsticos the main advantage in the use of the bioplstico, without a doubt none, this related to the environment. The production is less impactante and consumes little energy. On the contrary of the use of the oil, in the manufacture of the bioplstico a renewable raw material is used. In general one uses maize, rice, potato and until sugar cane-of-sugar. The capacity of to biodegradar itself in a short space of time (up to 18 weeks) if they drastically contrast to the 100 years (on average) that a common plastic leads to degrade itself total.

(Agnelli, 1996) Moreover, the bioplsticos can, into its degradation, if to transform together into seasoning when placed to the organic garbage. In the same way that the too much types of plastics, the bioplstico can be used to produce diverse products as utensils, parts, diverse packings, materials clerical, of computer science, articles of laboratories among others. This because the characteristics of resistance and durability are common in such a way in the bioplsticos how much in conventional plastics. The bioplsticos can also help to the industries in the question of the final discarding of its products a time that are well less impactantes to the environment. A time in adequate conditions of the ground, can be changedded into organic seasonings and these can be applied in the sanitary aterros speeding up the degradation of others materials. Other benefits that the bioplstico can bring are related to the increment of the research of new technologies, where new chances of jobs and development of products and businesses will appear.