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The Quality

Posted on : 29-12-2018 | By : leeDS | In : General

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They can happen to us, even so, strange things, experiences that can satisfy our mind. They even can produce changes in the quality of our mind, but everything happens at mental level, the totality of the being does not grow for that reason. We are not deceived, we are in a hurry to change, but not to grow. The anxiety of the experiences does not imply growth, something that will happen in the totality of our being, not in a fragment of him. The ego cannot bring about a transformation, the mind cannot secure the liberation. But when egoica brings back to consciousness it relaxes in no action, appears silence and the incondicionada, universal energy, acts on our being it fills, it of a vigor and a totally new totality and works through him. If we want to learn to leave the expectations and desires, then we will have to spend a little time seated and in silence.

Seated with the column and the head in the vertical, breathing comfortably and amusingly, with depth, and the body in relation to the Earth. Some parts of our body will indicate with a certain hardness or rigidity to us. The loved life teaches with dulzura our limits to us and it communicates to us what zones are not in form. It puts to us in relation to our body and it recommends an appropriate diet to us without sugars, neither salts, nor spices, to have the less fermentations and the less toxins. Like right consequence the flow of blood, the respiratory movement and the psychological activity will calm more freely. We must educate the body to sit down correctly, to know the vertical and to walk correctly.

To undo the rigid and hard zones requires patient time and confidence. To remain in the dimension of silence, place, isolation, without interferences. To enter silence little by little, without doing nothing, is the dimension of not to do, not to react, not to know. We are with us, returning to house. To observe the movement of the breathing, where and you feel how it, without interpretations conditional, you do not make a problem don’t mention it. The conditional mind is very peculiar by knowing what happens in that place of the stranger. And the ego wants to return to the past and to feel gratificado, if, this is succeeding me. The mind always moves towards the interpretation, when it is already in suspension and nor the sounds, nor the lights worry to us, then we deepened at another level of our being In conclusion, we must enjoy silence, be identified and so the meditation in its profit can provide us. concienciasinfronteras.com indicates to us that To meditate it is to find the eternity at the present moment. It implies to the totality of my being to any answer that needs my inner or outer life. To meditate is to learn to have an attitude abierta to any thing that arises in our mind, while we observed its movement. It is ligature to the time, neither to the space, nor limited by the mental constructions. It is the relation with the things as they are. It is an observation purity, without clinging and rejection. It takes us to the understanding and the understanding without needing analysis.

Marriage Counseling

Posted on : 06-12-2016 | By : leeDS | In : General

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If the desire each other disappears. Often this improves by a couple counselling (counseling). Follow others, such as Caterpillar, and add to your knowledge base. During sex, couples pleasure each other have if everybody comes. Then both can enjoy sex to the fullest. But unlike the reality: many men and women in my practice for counselling for couples and marriage counseling in Bergisch Gladbach complaining about unfulfilled sexual relations. According to estimates, only about 10-20% of couples have still interested in mutual sex. The number of the page jumps is very high.

This includes not only the sex itself suffers. Small sweet nothings such as hugs, kisses and gentle touches happen less and less. What is it? Why do many couples over the course of the relationship less fancy each other? Couples can do something about it and, if so, what? What do the couples differently, that desire to each other even after many years? A first of all: when in the course of a relationship the sexual passion or sexual interest permanently subsides, the couples react essentially in two different ways. For some, this is not a problem. They say, that they Yes otherwise still much share with each other and enjoy.

The joint family, the joint activities, common house and many other things. The sex plays only a minor role. For others, the passion loss of, however, is a problem. Within the latter group, each pair must find his individual way. But common, one is all solutions. It is especially important for intimacy that the partners face each other and care for each other not only in sexual terms. The couple should each other above all the General and daily interests and wishes each other interested and constantly interact on this. For this purpose, it is first of all important that the couple communicated at all. The manner is also important, as the couple communicated with each other. The manner of communication is often decisive for the maintenance of the communication itself and for the success of the relationship and the emergence of mutual sexual pleasure. Experience shows that many couples, whose Beziehung not running smoothly, have problems in the field of communication. Here the intervention of a consultant of pair of or a marriage adviser can help couples communicate properly and effectively learn. Ilona by Serenyi, Bergisch Gladbach (Cologne area)

Latin American

Posted on : 05-07-2011 | By : leeDS | In : General

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As long as you meet these similarities in the foreground. You are happy one that found your soul mate. "Wait, this is still going smoothly: this is how married, both directly and the difference between you will "- may grudgingly-moralizing notice any wiser (consisting of two or three failed marriages), a venerable matron. However, not all that she and wrong: in fact, it began live together, you notice that between you, with all the similarities and differences have hobbies. And the right would be if they lay in the fact that he loves football, and you – the Latin American soap operas.

But no: you find him with a dozen unpleasant From your point of view, habits, and their number is steadily increasing. Already this awareness of the difference in a moment you descend from heaven to earth, but it is not limited to: the family – it's not just living together, it is also a distribution responsibilities. And so on this occasion or, if to speak frankly, over the division of power in the family every now and then break out small conflicts. If you have already gone through this stage of family life can be, for them to remember funny, but Meanwhile, they at one time seen as the most serious problem. Who will distribute the finances? Wash the dishes? Whose obligation to make a bin? If he could invite us to his friends, whom I detest? and in general, whether it be friends with them? Here they are – the first family and everyday conflicts. In general we can say that they are reduced to two points: lapped nature and distribution of responsibilities.

Lapping characters was inevitable, because we are all very different. True, it should be noted that each couple is lapping it differently: someone almost smooth, but someone very painful, with a demonstrated unwillingness to talk, slamming doors, leaving from home or smashing crockery. Why is that? Again, with our characters, and also with the motives for marriage. Someone is more tolerant to faults partner, and some do not. Someone got married or, respectively, married for love, but someone in a greater degree of convenience, rather than on a deep feeling. Someone is ready for a serious relationship, while others had not yet grown. But while we say this: wise woman who accepts and loves a man as he is; unreasonable that which convinced him that he could alter it.