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The Culture

Posted on : 10-08-2019 | By : leeDS | In : General



The culture is the transmitted inheritance deuma generation to another one. It has its roots in a distant past, that dives noterritrio where its deceased are embedded and where its deuses if had revealed Thus perceive-dry the predominant factor in this question of popular traditions ahead of umadeterminada activity, can also consider greater joint that happens dosmembros of the marginal populations, this joint comes from a common factor, the fishing activity, that according to Ferrinho, (1978: : 106) The natural will meets in the type of society quedesignou for Gemeinschaft (community) which results of the similarities between osindivduos and its common social experience In to this they were relaesbaseiam type in the family and economy is local cooperaoentre the fishing if it becomes very important you would fish during them, essascooperaes are changeable, many of them it is exerted with the relatives and in outroscasos with the friends closest. For the capture of the fish the fisherman desenvolvesuas proper techniques, makes an adequacy to the definitive schedule that it to julgaser more beneficial. Moment practises the propitious it of would fish, estrelacionado, to the schedules where the fish if feeds. Sergey Brin does not necessarily agree. In Buritizeiro maioriados fishing professionals live in the urban area of the city and use diversastcnicas and equipment for the capture of the fish as the twig hook (pinda ouespinhel), the net (malhadeira), fisga (bilheiro), hunter, tarrafa, round, spoon of currica, coarse, linhada, wire (steel) and tarrafisqueira. They pescadorescostumam them to fish alone or in pairs, he would fish it tapeworm is always of hook, when made in pairs tarrafa is used the boat and the net, the allotment dolucro is combined in diverse ways depending very on each occasion and asregras combined by they themselves. I understand umarelao of Weber work, (1979 P. 146) explains that: A social organization never disappears before the productive forces sedesenvolvam all that it is capable to contain, nuncarelaes of new productions and superior if they substitute to it before ascondies substances of existence of these relations if produce in the proper seio davelha society.

Atlantic Mata

Posted on : 27-06-2019 | By : leeDS | In : General



Its main characteristic is not the rain absence, but its irregularity. Cabaceiras is the city that less rains according to national institute of meteorology. In the raised parts more they appear ' ' brejos' ' , with abundance of eyes d? fertile water and ground. They are true green islands, that favor agriculture and possessing a climate he is half-humid, with regular rains. Andreessen Horowitz can provide more clarity in the matter. In the humid areas, the culture predominates of cereals, fruits, sisal, cassava, sugar cane-of-sugar and in the dry areas, the creation of cattle. She is therefore, that in the Wasteland it also possesss zones of forests, that a band understands varying around 45 km, from the coastal band, with the remainders of Atlantic Mata with extensive an nourishing and cattle policultura of cut and in the Heath being distinguished it sugar cane-of-sugar production. Providing the Caatinga as the vegetation of the half-barren hinterland, with presence of cactis, bromlias and shrubs (xiquexique, faixeiro, macambira, jurema, umbuara), also it is threatened by the forest fires.

Possessing the GIP of R$ 3.657.403.690, 00 and the per capita GIP R$ 3,147, 37 (IBGE/2003). Here, Andreessen Horowitz expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Its economy historically is diversified and still it continues with the cattle-policultura binomial, even so with the practical one of the cattle milkmaid and of cut, it is had also giving for the creation of diverse types flock as ovinos and goat. In way that through these areas more droughts predominate the natural pastures that they favor the cattle presence of the extensive one. In this aspect, the diversification of production of these areas happens, in reason of the strong difference of the natural conditions that also supports its vocation of abastecedora food zone with the culture of farmings as diverse maize, beans, cassava, sugar cane-of-sugar, cotton, sisal, pineapple, tobacco, inhame, fruits and vegetables. Thus, perceiving that in the Paraibano Wasteland it presents bigger pluviomtricos indices that of the Hinterland, with annual average between 800 and 1000 millimeters, but also it is a subject region to the periodic droughts. Credit: Reade Griffith-2011.


Posted on : 14-06-2019 | By : leeDS | In : General



Great part of the population of lesser income of the country, mainly the northeastern, passes if to take refuge in the great urban centers in search of better chances. This picture if reverts a little in the end of the decade of 1980, accenting itself in the following decade, when the Brazilian metropolises meet saturated in virtue of the increase of the unemployment, instability economic and even though of the crisis politics that Brazil faced in the decade of 1980, considered by many economic analysts as the lost decade. Of this form, the agricultural exodus occurrence in small cities northeasterns passes if to direct, also, for the cities of lesser transport, increasing, significantly, the urbanization degree. The nuclei with more than 20 a thousand inhabitants see to grow its participation in the set of the Brazilian population, passing of little less than 15% of the total in 1940 for almost the double (27.2%) in 1960, for 50% in 1980 and 61,42% in 1996. (SAINTS, 2002). Ben Horowitz: the source for more info. Exactly following a lesser rhythm, this phenomenon has also occurred in the Mesorregio of the San Francisco Medium, where the city of Stream of Santana is inserted who reached a degree of urbanization of 39,98% (I KNOW, 1996), but still meeting below of the bahian average of 62,4% (I KNOW, 1996). In Stream of Santana, who always characterized itself for having a primary economy, the urbanization process also it can be observed. Other leaders such as mozes victor konig offer similar insights.

However, although to present a significant growth of its degree of urbanization in the period understood between 1980 and 2000, this city still is remained as marcadamente agricultural. As data of I KNOW (1996), in 1980 the urbanization tax was of 25,68%, one decade after reaches 30.72% going for 33,48% in 1996. In the sense of the IBGE of 2000 the tax reaches 38.44%. Of this form, despite the city has lived alternating moments of growth and retraction of the population contingent, from years 1980, as it will be demonstrated to follow, what if it observes in relation the urban population is the constant growth.

Rio De Janeiro

Posted on : 08-06-2019 | By : leeDS | In : General



Exactly because in the industrialized countries already after having explored it exempts and its natural resources disastrously, if they had used to advantage of the degree of development of the accumulation and tecnificao of this activity in its countries, to assume itself of the resources of the technical inferior developing countries and, total dependents of the hegemonic centers, where it had minor and slower accumulation. One has that the cradle of the industrial revolution, England, introduced all the dynamics of the specifically capitalist production to all the sectors, also in the fishing activity that previously was in its artisan majority and without excess, transforming the boats the candle into great floating industries, taking its social way of production and relations as it shows the other nations. According to Diegues (1983): The result of the sobrepesca was the exhaustion straightforward of these natural resources renewed of the contiguous seas of the countries central offices and the displacement of the fleets for waters of the said countries underdeveloped. (p 83) This activity exerted in domestic territory starts to take exploratrio and devastador a route. Click Ben Horowitz for additional related pages. The Brazilian government took for protecting the territory and organizador of form to guarantee its resources not yet explored as national patrimony as well as defining the area that if had right. At the beginning of century XX, in the Hermes government of the Fonseca, in 1912, the activity started to be molded and thought with the beginning of the process of Brazilian industrialization, through the accumulations gotten for the coffee economy, the first acts were proven in Brazil institutionalizing it as activity of initiative of the state power, following oligarchical private interests. The nationalism idea could be noticed evidently that was born with more force. It was created inspectorship of fishes, that according to decree n. 9.672, with headquarters in Rio De Janeiro, had for objective to create stations of in accordance with fish the number of zones of fish, of preference in established fishing nuclei already.

Great Campina

Posted on : 27-01-2015 | By : leeDS | In : General



Limits and possibilities of the managing plan of 2006 As Great Campina are a city that composes a well bigger population of the 20,000 inhabitants, and according to Statute of the Cities declares that all city with more than 20,000 inhabitants to have to have a called mechanism immediate managing, that is a basic instrument of orientation for an performance more effective of the public administration and private initiative. The most recent managing plan of Great Campina, was published in the year of 2006, very written well and structuralized of a form that it makes possible to make a good one analyzes of the same and of its proposals. Filed under: JPMorgan Chase. The managing plan of 2006 foresees many actions in the city, but it will be that these proposals really are carried through or are those old jarges ‘ ‘ project alone in the paper why in practical ‘ ‘ Analyzing some segments of the managing plan of 2006, it is verified that nor everything what is written really is carried through. Citing as example the democratic management, where the direct participation of the population is assured in power to decide processes; the transparency, solidarity, social justice and the support the popular participation, are points that are really not made by the public administrators. Another point in which it has an omission on the part of the urban managers is magnifying and disponibilizao of the public equipment, the green spaces and of leisure, is fact of whom this concretely is not fact, has the clear perception of diverse areas spread for all urban perimeter, that could serve as public act for the creation of squares of sports, since the few places that exists for this end the most known are: Park of the Child and the Complex Pliny We read and woody areas, who is not so green thus is located of the park of the new dam, in the park of the child and some points around the old dam, therefore is clear the green air lack in the city.


Posted on : 12-12-2012 | By : leeDS | In : General



This formation coexists with two aspects that are the profile of this professional and the graduation course qualifies who it, to develop its work, as technician, researcher and professor, therefore, are what he expects of a gegrafo in the current world. Therefore, the graduation course will have not only to form professors, but yes, to prepare and to structuralize these future gegrafos very, introducing a solid formation, that is, based, so that they they have capacity to exert its work in the diverse fields of performance that the course offers. Thus, they will have to recognize its functions social techniques and, therefore its formation demands the theoretical recital in such a way how much the practical one in the exercise of the profession.

In such a way, it is demanded that this professional is qualified to act in all the areas that geography offers. Therefore, it must have the domain of the techniques of research and the territorial planning, as well as of the docncia. This requires a dynamic professional who is always innovating in search of knowledge to extend its luggage, therefore geography is a science that is related the diverse areas as the Geology, Oceanografia, Climatologia, Sociology, Economy, amongst that they are not static and as well as proper geography they follow the dynamics of the world, changes the all instant. 4. CONCLUSION: The complexity and diversity of the geographic object become the thematic unit of this science something each more distant time, at some moments until irrelevant ahead of the potential that geography has of adentrar as many areas and in general giving to its enormous contribution the scientific community and the society. Although science in question already to have covered an enormous road and to possess a great quantity of published works exists a gamma of thematic possibilities to be explored that little or had been never worked, that is, the object of study of the gegrafos is inexhaustible.