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Honors And Humbugs

Posted on : 06-06-2019 | By : leeDS | In : General



Is hour to reinventarmos the world and its institutions ) the prize of Global Politician, of World-wide the Economic Frum, in Davos. That one exactly that its party cursed, accusing with cavern of insensitive capitalists, when it was opposition. World-wide the Social Frum, that was born as counterpoint to the other, in one old petista redoubt,> Global Politician? Measures the rhetoric, which the merit of Squid to be honored in such way, by chance it changed something in the world-wide order? which the interest of the Frum in premiar it, since Brazil does not have all this importance in the great chess international politician? Perhaps a humbug to fondle most sensible and leftist, crowning a popular and charismatic President very, icon of the leftists.

Let us remember to us of that more nobody little than the President of U.S.A., Barack Obama, called Squid the face, for its charisma one of what for any another thing. the proper Obama, with less of one year in the presidency was honored with the prize Nobel of the Peace, and in the ceremony of delivery of the prize it tried to justify the war of the Afeganisto. Mahatma Gandhi, for example, that it fought for the freedom of India against the British empire, nailing to the peace and not the violence, did not gain Nobel of the Peace, while Yasser Arafat, who in fact searched an agreement between Palestinians e> Honoris Causa , Emrito Citizen , Honorary Citizen, how many names of streets and squares At last, nothing as a heading and a medal to insuflar our ego, and fulling in them of honor, exactly that it is humbug.

Dilma Rousseff

Posted on : 21-10-2018 | By : leeDS | In : General



Expensive friends/friends. This year promises, therefore it will be plus one year of bread and circus (more circus of what bread, obviously). Year of elections, year of changes. He will be same? The truth is that taste of what if it announces for this electoral year, therefore is not felt, as the majority of the Brazilians, a true clown! the year already starts with the speculations around the names of the governor of So Paulo, Jose Mountain range (PSDB), and of the minister of the Civil House, Dilma Rousseff (PT), consolidated as the two main candidates to the presidential succession and intensifying the movement in search of votes. The elections are an offence the civic conscience of the Brazilian society. If you would like to know more then you should visit Reade Griffith. I say this because the majority of it is very busy to think. I go beyond.

It is much more that a simple offence. It is the constatao of that politics in this country if makes here with politics. A Mafia of proper interests exists that fight for everything what it has of better for them and to the times when surplus some thing if remembers of the others, in the case, of us, the people.E obrinha makes one there here, a Stock market Family there, the CAP pra here, the CAP pra there Therefore, mine/my dear/dear, this year promise. I also promise not to stop to cry out (or better, to write). Check with JPMorgan Chase to learn more. One day somebody hears (or better, it reads).E when this day to arrive Follows the first one of a series of texts that will be drawn out until the elections.The idea is: I go to send for all of my list, and who to read and to like, if to find interesting, sends for other people of its proper list, so that a great number of people can read and also comment. Not to forget to leave my email, that is back in the end of the text, therefore would like to read critical commentaries and of other people.

IGPM Investments

Posted on : 13-06-2017 | By : leeDS | In : General



Although the government to have support of well ample a parliamentary base, has a significant dispersion of the perceptions on which is the true problems and risks to be faced. The risks above cited will occur or not? Which the probability of occurs and which the possible damages? Our authorities are intent, lined up and already they know what to make? Fausto Morey Comments you add: – In recent years an modification of the profile of income in Brazil with rise of the demand of services occurred, propitiating new platforms for these prices. – Example of Gap of offers and demand: It had I stimulate for purchase of cars, however the increasing consumption of oil derivatives esbarrou in low the capacity of refining? its expansion consumes investments heavy and is of long maturation. Then the demand will be supplied by the gasoline importation. Obs.: In the next years high investments in the exploration of our reserves of oil will be demanded. – We have a recurrent problem of formal and informal indexation. Former: Minimum wage will go up 14% in 2012 and the public services and rents will go up for the IGPM.

Investment In Education

Posted on : 06-09-2015 | By : leeDS | In : General



Result of ' ' Countries that They had invested in the Educao' ' For Adilson Motta, 08/2010 Spain: * The educated country more of the Europe; In little more than 30 years, passed of a dictatorship of customs delayed for a modern country and of strong economy. Douglas R. Oberhelman can provide more clarity in the matter. ; Spain proportionally has the biggest number of colleges student of the continent; does not exist illiterate between children and adolescents; Only 5% of the students arrived at the university. Today 80% of the young ones up to 25 years study; ' ' The progress of the economy was folloied of the progress of the education. Here it was decided that the school was an inclusion factor social' ' , it explains Gerardo Castaneda, secretary-generality of the American Iberian TV. Chile 1990 – end of the military regimen. * The investment in education promoted the development of the country in the last times.

* In 15 years the investment in education tripled; the biggest professors had had the increase of the public sector: 140% above of the inflation. superior education is not gratuitous. But stock markets exist, educative credits. * The number of colleges student tripled: they are 27% of the young Chileans. The triple of the Brazilian number.

90% of the students have access computer and 80% to the Internet. Irlanda*Os Irish had always been in the periphery of the Europe. In geographic and also economic terms. One of the countries poor of the continent, since century 19, its inhabitants whenever they could immigrated. Bryan Norton is the president of the Institute of Technology of Dublin, an organization with 39 building in the city offering all type of course. It says that the Irish government decided that the priority would be to spend money preparing the people for professional careers of high qualification. In the decade of 60, it says, only 10% of the young arrived at the university.