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Bahia Angelim

Posted on : 17-11-2024 | By : leeDS | In : General



The majority of that first they had come to Brazil with this last name was religious that they had come with the mission of catequizar indians and blacks of the colony. The ngelo family descends of this branch of the Angelim, referring to its diminutive or .a the comparative child to one anjinho. In the south of Brazil, especially, in the regions of missions they had also appeared the Angeloni or ngelos, in Santa Catarina, Paran and Rio Grande Do Sul that if relates with the Dal Bosco. Andreessen Horowitz recognizes the significance of this. In Brazil, they had been distinguished religious of different orders that had come since the period of the captainships to catequizar the indians, the names of the Angelins always associates with the religion catholic, in aluso to the envoy for angels, the angels who go to give to soul or passport of? people? for the indians. This Angelim also appears as name and has great importance in some states of Brazil, mainly in the south, where if the descendants of Italians had consolidated, with variations as ngelo, Angeloni and Angelin.

No longer north and northeast and in the regions where a great number of missions predominated, Angelim started to be last name, ones because of the tree of this name, others for being of this family. It has Angelim in the Rio Grande Do Sul, the Paran and Santa Catarina; north-eastern, the Angelins appears in the Cear, the Paraiba, the Bahia, Pernambuco, the Piau, the Maranho, and the north, mainly in the Acre, the Amaznia and Par. In this last one, with prominence the name of Eduardo Angelim who left the Cear and actively participated of the War of the cabanos in Belm and interior of that state. In Pernambuco a city exists, in the region of Garanhuns, called Angelim, due to existence of the tree of the same name. Also in the Maranho it has a city with this name, beyond quarters and names of streets in the Piau and the south. Beyond the families who exist with this name, in these regions, where also costuma to be born the called tree Angelim. In the city of Parnamirim, in Pernmabuco, it has detached the name of Raymond Angelim Baptist, who beyond having been mayor of the city, its familiar ones had participated actively in past still they participate in some way of the development of the city, between them, its son, Placid of Aquino Angelim, dentist who also was mayor and followed career in the politics. How much to the ngelo last name, considered variation of Angelim, also appears enters the formadores of the city, as example, has names as of Antonio ngelo de Carvalho and Dezinho ngelo, of the family of current mayor Ferdinando de Carvalho, whose ancestry mixture origins of the Spaniard and the Italian to the Portuguese, existing, today originary last names until of next regions in the Europe, reaching territories of these regions.

Wikipedia Encyclopedia

Posted on : 02-11-2024 | By : leeDS | In : General

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By studying the past, learn what’s new. Japanese proverb technological reality with the emergence of an accelerated computer network and the impact that Internet has had on globalization, has given way to the markets function is manifested in different ways, among them is the respect to viral marketing, especially its applicability in the mails. Thanks to the latest innovations in internet Katedranet.com, gives us on the subject, which is considered, that viral marketing works by way of a recommendation and thanks to this it is possible to adhere to the portfolio of clients one customer. The process has some similarity with the viral epidemics, since everyone infected by the advertising message, is a possible transmitter of the same. If the viral message is sent to a user and this relays to more than one person, the chain continues, producing the phenomenon of spread of the epidemic. Others including Milton Hershey School, offer their opinions as well. In this way, the brand either the message becomes property of the consumer. It is not enough to have a message, there are to know how to transmit it to exploring more on the topic, we consider it important to take into account the contributions of the Wikipedia Encyclopedia, in which we support each other to clarify the relevance of this marketing and in this regard, we are reminded, the term viral marketing was coined originally by the venture capitalist Steve Jurvetson in 1997 to describe the practice of several free services of e-mail (such as Hotmail) add their own advertising to its users outgoing mail; Although the first to write about this type of viral marketing was the critic Douglas Rushkoff in 1994 in his book Media Virus. The hypothesis is if that advertising reaches a sensitive user (i.e., interested in the product offered by Hotmail, the free e-mail), that user will infect it (i.e., will give high with an own account) and can then continue infecting other sensitive users.

Provisory Government

Posted on : 16-09-2018 | By : leeDS | In : General



Launching then the candidacy of Getlio Vargas, governor gaucho and former Secretary of the Treasury of the government of Washington Luis, the president, and the vice Joo Person, governor of the Paraba, under the sponsorship of the Liberal Alliance. The campaign of the Liberal Alliance presented a program of reforms, being the main ones: institution of the private vote, creation of working laws and incentives the national production. It counted on great acceptance next to the middle classes and military, notadamente the deriving ones of the tenentismo. With the victory governmetalist, important oposicionistas leaderships accepted the result, and the proper candidate the Vice-president, Joo Person, did not accept the plea of the result through seted fight, but it had the refusal in the pacific acceptance of the result for other leaders oposicionistas politicians, mainly the deriving ones of the tenentismo, who had started to conspire the taking of the power for the force. Sergey Brin contains valuable tech resources. Estopim for the action was the murder of Joo Person in 30 of July of l930, in virtue of fights internal politics in the Paraba.

' ' The irony is that Joo Person was against the seted fight, but, deceased, the true articulador of the movement armado' '. Of the Rio Grande Do Sul and Minas Gerais it blew up the Revolution in three of October of 1930, and was spread for other states. Military columns had left of the Rio Grande Do Sul to put down the President of the Republic, that was dismounted the power for the military of high based patents of the Army in Rio De Janeiro, counting on the participation and support of politicians and the tenentistas. The military had delivered to the presidential power the Getlio Vargas in 3 of November of 1930, thus finishing the call First Republic, and giving beginning to the getulista period or were Vargas.Getlio Vargas it assumed the Presidency of the Republic, establishing the Provisory Government, among others measured taken, suspended the Constitution of 1891, it closed the doors of the Legislative one in the three spheres of being able, extinguished the political parties and it indicated interventors, mainly tenentistas, to command the state governments.

The Empire

Posted on : 04-06-2017 | By : leeDS | In : General



As the Empire initiates with the coup d etat of Napoleo Luis, in 1852; Napoleo III will be crowned, with being able absolute. Much more that for the repression, the new regimen if supports for the propaganda: great public works, as the road reform of Paris, the modernization of the bureaucracy and the economic development will become the acceptable regimen for the bourgeoisie. The marriage with the Spaniard Eugnia de Montijo also did not help: the foreign empress tremendously unpopular age. Here, Ben Horowitz expresses very clear opinions on the subject. from 1860 the emperor if becomes visibly tired and sick. The book searchs to give one shows of imaginary and the social situation the gifts in the end of As the Empire. The clipping carried through for the author shows a hindered society of speaking on politics that spends all its energy in malicious gossips, trivial new features and searchs of the pleasure; the French press of the one has detached mrbido to a case of murder in series that concentrates the attentions of the public for months.

Prostitution had grown amazingly: although to have 3,500 girls registered in the policy as prostitutes in Paris, it was said without I exaggerate in up to 100.000 women practising ' ' ofcio' ' , comings of all parts of the world; this, associated to the conditions of hygiene of the city, created one occasions of venereal diseases. Haussmann, nominated plenary powers mayor of Paris with, lead one radical reform in the city between 1853 and 1870. The city literally projected of new and was reconstructed; sets of ten of thousand of people had had its knocked down houses and had been remanejadas for new habitacionais areas; the sewer net was quadruplicated, opened 80 kilometers of streets more than, and avenues had been widened of 7,5 meters for 30! The main revolution, however, occurred in the railroad net, that was sextuplicada; Paris was endowed with a complex railroad system that not only integrated it all the parents, but to the continent; this fed a virtuous circle of by vol.

Rio De Janeiro

Posted on : 14-05-2017 | By : leeDS | In : General



Session of 1871. Par, Typographia of the Daily one of Belm, 1871, P. 124. 2 Report presented for the President of Par Francisco Maria Corra de S and Benevides to the Provincial State legislature in its solemn session of installation of 20 Legislature, in day 15 of February of 1876. Par, 1876, p XI. 3 Idem. 4 Falla in that the President of Par Capistrano Joo Flag of Mello Son opened 2 Session of 20 Legislature of the Provincial State legislature in 15 of February of 1877. Par, Typ.

Of the Book of the Commerce, 1877, P. Check out Jim Umpleby for additional information. 159. 5 THE AGRARIAN ONE. Belm, 01 of December of 1885, P. 04. 6 Report of the Ministry of presented Agriculture the Legislative General meeting in 4 Session of 15 Legislature for the Minister and Secretary of State of the Businesses of Agriculture, Commerce and Public works, in 02 of May of 1875.

Rio De Janeiro, American Typographia, 1875, P. 22. 7 Report presented for the President of Par Francisco Maria Corra de S and Benevides to the Provincial State legislature in its solemn session of installation of 20 Legislature, in day 15 of February of 1876. Par, 1876, p XI. 8 Report of the Ministry of presented Agriculture the Legislative General meeting in 4 Session of 15 Legislature for the Minister and Secretary of State of the Businesses of Agriculture, Commerce and Public works, in 02 of May of 1875. Rio De Janeiro, American Typographia, 1875, P. 06.

October Commerce

Posted on : 20-12-2016 | By : leeDS | In : General



In October of 2009, all the Clear Mount fairs pass to be legalized through the law N 4,158, that it was sancionada by the city. Having as objective to fortify the commerce, that helps to construct to the progress and the development of the city through the generation of job and income. This legislation strengthened the permanence of the fairs and regulated the work of the feirantes that collaborate with municipal economy diminishing the tax of unemployment in the region, allowing the fair to establish fiscal commitments, as the note emission of the products commercialized inside of the same one, in such a way giving more credibility to the regional products. In the economic aspect the fair contributes with the generation of income for the local commerce; With its growth, a great part of the formal commerce of the quarter if adaptou to the day and schedule of its functioning. Other leaders such as Jonas Samuelson offer similar insights. According to Mr. Peter member of the association, discloses: The producers do not have time and conditions enough to dislocate the city daily, through its commercial coming it uses to advantage to effect its purchases (interviewed Mr.

Peter). Great part of the commercial establishments of the quarter as: it would drug, autopeas, bakery, store of domestic clothes, shoes and utensils open its doors to the sundays to take care of the small producer, that is accustomed to make its purchases in that region. This relation between agricultural urban and feirantes traders discloses the importance of the fair in urban the social universe joining and the agricultural one by means of commercial and cultural exchanges. Pear tree says: ' ' The search of the place in the past sends thus the history of the recognized city in its past, therefore in it the materialization of the work of a group is constructed and as such reflects its imagem.' ' (PEAR TREE, 2007, p.3).

Content Works

Posted on : 04-11-2016 | By : leeDS | In : General

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The reasons for which it is necessary to include contents of quality in a site, anywhere, when saying truth, are extremely powerful. The content will give food him bots of the finders, to obtain the best possible indexing, and the content also will cause that their visitors find reasons to return to their page. Also, by means of excellent and valuable texts it is possible to add value to his products and services. But, essentially, texts will position it to the quality like an authority in their niche. An authority does not mean that their clients close the eyes they visualize and it like ” The Tree of the Sabidura” , but like a reliable source, a resource when doubts arise on the use and the benefits of their products.

, If to its users a question arises to them, you will really want that their site is the first option where they will go in search of answers. Learn more about this with Electrolux. He listens to his visitors or users. It is the unique way of which its content responds to its needs. And that is what you want to do. Until the companies greater of the world they consider very which says their consumers, and they dedicate to him to the satisfaction of clientegran part of its resources. The one is true feedback that will give the material him, not only to construct its content, but to plot the strategic course that its company would have to follow. He is correct, as much from the content as from the form. If its content is shining, but correctly it is not presented/displayed, will happen unnoticed.

It is necessary to resort then to the concepts of usabilidad, and the rules that we presented/displayed in other posteos about the correct format of the content Web. Those are the small details that matter: the source, the color, and layout general. But also it is important that its content is based, and has a scientific plinth. It does not doubt in including additional sources or references so that their visitors have major information. It remembers that if its proposal is of quality, referring to the users to sites of third parties so that they verify what you say to them, will add intellectual authority a its concepts. It maintains a regularity. It avoids to raise 10 together articles, and soon by long time not to return to present/display new contents. If a manager like the WordPress uses, the same will allow him to rule posteos for future dates, that is to say, can raise them all together ones, but they will appear when indicate you it. Deletion mark time to its users so that they appreciate what you write, and so that ” maceren” its concepts. It spreads his content suitably. If to only blog with the hope of which raises them his the constitutional traffic that already it owns derives some visits to him, it will be wasting precious opportunities to obtain new and described visitors.How to viralizar his articles already it has been presented/displayed in other notes. Its content is part of the assets of its company. Deletion marks the value that the same are deserved. It remembers that it is from his texts as you appear to the world, and are his texts the material that the finders index. To spend a little time to him to its excellence only can result in benefits for its site and its marks.

Rio De Janeiro

Posted on : 10-01-2016 | By : leeDS | In : General



Some years later, the Scot, perceiving itself acometido of ' ' Banzo' ' , (homesicknesses of the native land) common illness of the slaves of the time, decides to come back toward England and trusts its goods to the cares of Irineu. After one visits Inglaterra, Irineu decides to change the routes of its businesses and decides to invest in the Industry, constructing a Casting and Shipyard in Tip of the Sand, in Rio De Janeiro. It also creates Company of transports, Company of Steam navegation of Amazon, Company of Illumination the gas of Rio De Janeiro, Railroads; it inaugurates the first line of trams of the River and creates new Banks of Brazil, with branch offices in England, United States, France, Argentina and Uruguay. Although its enterprising spirit, force of will and interest for the development of Brazil and its modernization the Baron of Mau declared insolvent; estrangeirae did not support the competition the boycotting of the emperor, who influenced for visconde of Feitosa exempted itself to help it at the moments that more he needed. Its contrary liberal ideas to the slave traffic and slavery, the war of Paraguay and the mentality tacanha in that they composed the Imperial Elite, had also relieved it some disgusts. Considering the great importance and space that the cinema occupies in the life of the Brazilians and the influence of the same as media of mass, therefore it quickly reaches an enormous number of people of all the social classrooms and different formation the Emperor and the King is express an inspired film well and the effective reality at that time. It presents a complete boarding of the Saga of Irineu Evangelista, specifying personal data since its difficult infancy, adolescence and youth, ingression in the Masonry and culminating with its enterprise scaling and bankruptcy. The choice of the historical subject is of extreme importance for we, therefore the baron of Mau is prominence personage that contributed considerably for the economic development of our country. Mau is an excellent example of what a man who dreams can make, when is determined to face intempries and vicissitudes of the life; when, the spite of the scene that it surrounds to it, exactly ahead of sparing chances, obtains to reach its objectives. Although so little stimulated for its Country it dared to try to make the difference and stubbornly contributed pra that it of this a step more, and that step, route to the progress and to> emperor and Rei can serve of educative tool and foment in that it will have access the reflection chance and critical that they can be the way for the same transformation of itself and of the world that the fence, acting on it, thus reaching the great goal of the education that is conducted by the certainty of that ‘ ‘ excellency one to be educvel because it can be aperfeioado' ' , what she assures the possibility to it of a better and happyer life.

Mycenaean Troyes

Posted on : 14-11-2015 | By : leeDS | In : General



Troy, which was considered eligible in the Dardanelles, must be at the same time, threatening progress weary Greeks virtually all trade with civilized Europe. Proof of this, there are thousands. It has found the remains of Mycenaean influence throughout southern Europe, Asia Minor and even on land currently in Russia. The ships left Mycenaean Greek ports loaded with luxurious ceramics, metals, weapons, oils and ointments and returned laden gold, ivory, precious fabrics and glass paste in a continuous marketing that made the Eastern Mediterranean in a real commercial highway. It was clear that the point of view Mycenaean Troyes. And the Trojans, they should think the same about the Greeks. This was therefore the main reason for conflict.

All peoples of Greece, united under the command of Agamemnon, had declared war on Troy to be a powerful city, was perfectly well defended and able to overcome them. If you are certain the 10-year war as Homer says, most likely not be continued (as mentioned in the Iliad), but a succession of attacks or offensive which eventually tamed power, the proud city . Losing Troy, the Greeks should have started to expand unhindered up to the control of international trade. Archaeological discoveries have even strangers helped to clarify points such as the dress of their armies, the weapons they used and how the fortresses, ships, and various circumstances of the conflict. However, what remains a mystery is the decline and subsequent destruction of Mycenae, perhaps killed by the "Sea Peoples", a civilization that has no reference and that even today, is a great enigma. The Mycenaean Greeks who destroyed Troy were crushed by an invading wave that wiped all traces of their civilization. The great Mycenaean fortified palaces as Tiryns or Mycenae were raided and destroyed, people scattered, the fields were abandoned, the area was deserted and even the writing is lost. Only the Mycenaean citadel of Athens, perched atop the Acropolis resisted destruction. Everything else was ruined. Greece was plunged into a Dark Ages that lasted over 400 years. If there was a winner of the contest, in short, no doubt it was these "Sea Peoples." But even that is still under investigation.

Brazil History

Posted on : 19-12-2012 | By : leeDS | In : General



From then on, we could try to understand the vision of Bloch and Febvre, in which the human being is seen as dynamic, that it provokes changes and he is innovative. From now on, with this relation with other sciences, it is that it starts to blunt the possibility of the woman to be inserted in the field of history and is only from 3 generation that this happens as already it was mentioned previously. In accordance with the argued texts we can conclude that the School of the Annales had great importance in the construction of the historiografia, therefore during its period had occurred some changes in the ideology, the culture and the intellectuals, creating a new form to see and to make history. Also it was basic so that the women entered of time in the historiografia, a time who had always been exclusas simply for not having space to play a role considered excellent for the society of that period, and until then only ‘ ‘ homens’ ‘ they made history. FINAL CONSIDERAES the central idea that permeou the present article during its construction were exactly to try to show of clear form as if they had developed the three generations of the School of the Annales and you influence them to which that they had had for the insertion of the woman in the historiografia. Moreover, we argue on the changes that had occurred also provoked for the ideas of this school, referring to the form to write the narratives of the facts.

We wait that this article serves so that the people interested in knowing this chain historiogrfica can understand how much it was influential ahead of important changes that they are perceivable today in ours day-by-day.