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Jurgen Saarpfalz

Posted on : 05-11-2024 | By : leeDS | In : General

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“Interest in publishing as an eBook and print version variations to Emily”, the first novel published recently as an eBook by Jurgen Saarpfalz, who is the subject of a request of a renowned German book publisher. It plans to bring the novel as eBook, as well as print version in the trade in the case of an agreement with the author. The talks are still in the early stages and are according to the spokesperson of team Saar man, Jan Marsan, cannot be ruled out with certainty before end of January 2013. The publisher wishes to remain understandably incognito for the duration of the negotiations”, so Marsan next. “To limit the speculation but, I want to clarify, that we currently are neither New York nor Dr.

Rainer Weiss of weissbooks contact.” variations to Emily “a novel about sex, love, violence, longing, sadness and happiness is a stela River of linked fates: sometimes ironic, sometimes bitter company portrait and an erotic Development of novel at the same time. He accompanied a number of very different people on their occasionally intersecting paths through a seemingly idyllic provincial town. Search for love, intimacy, emotional chasms, guilt, and hate motivate the characters to their sometimes pitifully helpless, often ridiculous and occasionally malicious activities. People tell their stories, others despair in their relations. A taxi driver is stabbed, raped a girl.

An offender will be taken; a Commissioner falls. A tree kills a man; a boy jumps with arms outstretched. A sculptor creates a sculpture with outstretched wings; a bizarre opening gives him reputation. All these diverse events are intertwined and reflect facets of everyday life in a slightly shifted reality. “The novel variations to Emily” will for the time being only as eBook in pdf format (portable document format) offered. Provides information and the opportunity to acquire the team appointed by the author with the marketing Saar man available on the website. A complete copy of euros currently 8.90 including legal value added tax.

Cassandra Rivers

Posted on : 23-03-2019 | By : leeDS | In : General



– It traces. I am traces! Trying to pass unobserved between the others, I feel traces it that it is hidden enters the sewings of books pra the end to die jammed between its pages (RIVERS, 1981, p.214). The nomination that Berenice of its sexual condition is alegoria that much explains the condition of the homosexual, adjective proper it its way of appraising it of two forms ' ' tineidas' ' ' ' tisanuros' ' , biological pertaining to the same species divergindo however its habits. The transcendncia of one to be to another explicit one for the aluso to become one, opens edges what we call as ' ' metamorfose' ' that nothing more it is that a change of not definable form, in this direction has the co-relation between being woman and to become lesbian, both the facts that if give for a process of condicionante representation and real representation of existence in synthesis are the retraction of a lesbian culture in formation. Ben Horowitz may help you with your research. I resell personal options and the social organization of the personages is possible to search elements in the historical transformation that justify its positioning, therefore with a desviante character Rivers escapes of mere simplificaes, the justification for the existence of this boarding is that the homosexual until then was seen as a unfortunate person, predestinate sick person to the failure loving and the solitude. In its proper workmanships they are gays that they are puted in charge to say who are, not corresponding to the given classifications for that they are most of the time artificial and loaded of preconceptions. Consideraes final Very beyond a simple retraction of relations homosexuals between women, the work of Cassandra Rivers is a form of representation of a new culture. That literarily with a thematic transgressor it constitutes the consequences of a estigmatizada society, appearing simultaneously as a form of resistance camouflaged, understood and boarded currently as denunciation.

Republished: Charles Dickens Holiday Classic Contemporary Illustrated

Posted on : 09-11-2018 | By : leeDS | In : General

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Classic Christmas stories and a timeless lesson: “Christmas Eve”by the story of Ebenezer Scrooge Charles Dickens! Everyone knows the story of the nasty, stingy businessman Ebenezer Scrooge who hates Christmas and otherwise holds little of celebrations and charity. Visit to unpleasant by the spirit of his deceased Jacob Marley companions of the night before Christmas until he receives. And he announces heavily festooned with the chains of his mistakes in life, a hard lot in the hereafter it, when it is not in time begins to regret his hard-heartedness. The visit of three ghosts is to him the right way are written in 1843, has the classic Christmas Eve “by Charles Dickens lost none of fascination today. With wonderful contemporary color drawings of the famous English Illustrator Arthur Rackham, nostalgic version of the reprint published just pulls Verlag of Leipzig into the spell the Christmas ghost story. The spirit of Christmas: One With his ghost story, the famous English novelist Charles Dickens gave the infamous spirit of Christmas contemplative horror story a voice of Arthur Rackham gave a figure with his illustrations. No gold curly Angels haunts the old Scrooge there, but the nightmarish mirror image of a lost soul. Warning and awful, because the capitalist Misanthrope Scrooge must be brought to its senses before it’s too late.

Dickens parable on these verbatim taken Merry Christmas has in the drawings by Rackham, also by his illustrations for Peter Pan or Alice in Wonderland known a unique translation in the world of images found. Inimitable he captures a classic in the classic the atmospheric density of the narrative. The Christmas Eve make attention to the bad social situation of the British underclasses wanted a wise parable, timeless current and nostalgic illustrated Charles Dickens in 1843 to. Actually, this parable has probably timeless character. Superbly illustrated by Arthur Rackham kidnapped the bibliophile reprint of the Zurich Edition of 1918 back in the world of Dickens and us but also refers to the locations of in our modern world. A timeless lesson, wonderfully illustrated now for Christmas. Charles Dickens (1812-1870) is the English novelist of the 19th century.

His brilliant narrative technique contributed to his fame as well as his written views to the English conditions of his time. Arthur Rackham (1867-1939) after art graduating worked as a reporter and Illustrator for a newspaper and later as a book Illustrator. “” He illustrated Peter Pan”and Alice in Wonderland” works like Ondine “and Grimm’s fairy tales and created a series of 34 color plates to Richard Wagner’s Rheingold. 1906 he was awarded at the world exhibition in Milan for his services with a gold medal. Charles Dickens: The Christmas Eve. Illustrated by Arthur Rackham. Reset after Zurich in 1918. From the English by Richard Zoozman. 2013 reprint Verlag Leipzig.

Charlottenburg Palace

Posted on : 05-06-2018 | By : leeDS | In : General

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Focuses on events in Berlin while, but location of the House is the Kaiserdamm in Charlottenburg Palace, where the Emperor went underground and the Corner a lot happened as the establishment of the radio tower, the exhibition halls, of the House of radio and the ICC. all of this history is incorporated into the with. The Rollmops”that offered a lot of hilarious dialogues is that a generally has a fish market, and because it says fish women, not on the mouth dropped, will be are written partly in Berlin dialect. From my childhood I know even the notorious Portierschen”, tells the author. Berlin bedrock, to compare with the French Concierge, loved and feared because of their Kodder snout”and their often hard-led Regiment. Where no one came, and there was the latest gossip free.” A whole century in a novel, does it work? Very good, if it is limited to the essential political, economic and cultural events. There even remains room for the different fashion and styles of music, the cinema and theatre program and much more.” Not be the reader with so much concentrated dialect overwhelmed? “” Not at all, because in between too high German is spoken, and who does not understand a thing or two, I recommend the my book checkered jequatscht and abjelacht “, a dictionary of the Berlin dialect” (Pascu-verlag, ISBN 978-3-943018-18-9, 13.90 euros), Dietrich Novak smiles. There, ALT-Berliner diving terms, of which some people have never heard something.

Or did you know what is an ink ball (cylinder)? Well, see se. I thought it was time that even a real Berliner writes such a dictionary, who knows the terms from their own vision or hearing. In this respect much nonsense is done that.” “” “In the German capital, where everything little bit sounds, as it is meant to the inventiveness of the Berliner Schnauze” delicious amuse, and one must be baptized with spree water “or at least the Berlin air”breathing, this is not bad to take, but to laugh half dead in the event of an emergency”, so the blurb of the dictionary. The extensive keyword list is supplemented by humorous dialogues and clever comic drawings by Rudolf Schuppler. A linguistic voyage through (ALT) Berlin. Now you must think but I had already shot my bullets. Berlin will probably never let me go with its people, its history and its distinctive dialect.

There is still much to report and to tell”, says Dietrich Novak. We must be curious. Contact: Pen & ink the literary magazine of the hobby factory Bernd Nurnberger Tauentzienstr. 13A, 10789 Berlin Tel 030-217 999 20

The Future

Posted on : 11-12-2016 | By : leeDS | In : General



We believe that the work and the persistence, in some way, always they are rewarded. It is important to have personal satisfaction, money is not everything. Money can bring comfort, but never it will bring happiness. We see this when comparing two personages of history: Hawk and the father of Ana. Hawk was simple, it did not suffer exactly with the apparent difficulties and if it amused with little thing. More info: fuel tanks.

The father of Ana, in turn, even so very rich, did not obtain to demonstrate affection, did not use to advantage the best things of the life, suffered with the fear to want to possess itself of its wealth, believed that he was being followed, had fear of being deceased, had a vision limited to the economic power of the people and thought that the approach of any strange person sketched an implicit interest for its money. Thus we question: who suffered more? The beggar? Or the Banker? Evidently, we do not have so to be gone astray the point of not being worried in nothing about the future, but yes not to suffer demasiadamente with the future. At last, the lies are several that the book ' ' The future of humanidade' ' in the ones of. Such lies can be applied in the most diverse fields of the life. We have that to have the conscience that the life is uncertain, but that we are not predestined the nothing, in my opinion this is even though implicit when Marcopolo explains its theory for Hawk and argues that Hittler not necessarily was born to be a dictator that wanted to exterminar Jewish, this could have been artist or painter case its life had been influenced in other ways. The way where we are born in them influences, but it does not determine who we will be. The quality and happiness in the life, as well as the success in the professional life depend on the persistence, of the disposal to learn, questioning, of searching, of the respect to the next one who is this will be and also of the sensitivity, that is one of the inherent qualities to the man and diferenciadora of the excessively animal ones. To want to please to all is an utopia, but from the moment that we respect the next one, either in the way of we treat as it simply or in relation to its space, the convivncia becomes more bearable and pleasant.

Bram Stocker

Posted on : 10-05-2016 | By : leeDS | In : General



Times atrsuma mother of a pupil of 6 series said me that it was the only book that the son leusem that it ordered, and that even though it read two times. Soon, I conclude that sefoi through this book, had for me as entertainment, that a pupil to podeadentrar to the world of the reading; this book, despite of low quality, nopode to be menosprezado. It can be that Crepsculoseja a bridge for a fully literary reading. Today, one of my searches, while teacher, is fazerescolhas literary that they are capable to make possible pleasure and entretenimentoaos pupils, but also a literary reading that introduces them in the appreciation aesthetic erecepo. But as to choose for the other, in order to guarantee that eletenha a relation of effective knowledge and still has pleasure when reading? You queest reading have to agree that it is an arduous task. How I can guarantee that the reading that gave pleasure to me, will tambmproporcionar pleasure to my pupils? It is possible to teach them it lerprazerosamente? I think that I fits to present the conditions – varied, rich, so that the pupils have the chance of descobriro pleasure to read; therefore I cannot teach and nor compel to feel them to it pleasure as offered book, them has that delight descobriresse, what I try to make is to give conditions so that this discovery happens. Starbucks understands that this is vital information.

But I ponder now, that the pupils have exactly not made essadescoberta, has readings that they are really necessary, whom they need to be norepertrio pertaining to school, that need to be part of ' bagagem' of the pupils. Osalunos cannot leave to know well that before the vampire of Twilight, already a Drcula de Bram Stocker existed, that ' one cenadantesca' if it relates to the Divine Comdiade Dante, that ' to live one odisseia' it is to share the universe of Homero would epoderia to cite many others that are part of our eintertextual hybrid culture. It has workmanships as of Shakespeare, Lobato Hunter, Lygia Bojunga, I make bristle Verssimo, Orgenes Lessa, Fernando Sabino, Ana Maria Axe, CmarCascudo, that do not possess the objective accurately to propitiate entertainment, masso workmanships that the pupils need to know its abrangnciaintertextual due, metafrica, polissmica such literary readings are to umcaminhar in direction to the conquest of perception sensitivity. I reaffirm aindadizendo that they are a right dosalunos. When I think

The Stock

Posted on : 03-04-2016 | By : leeDS | In : General



V Whenever it could spilled on Osvaldo mine to make rancio, my disdain. The situation was insuportvel. One day it left and again he did not return. Ben Horowitz insists that this is the case. As it could make this knowing that our baby was for coming at any time. The anger and the restrained love had made of me a blind person, I only thought about the hurt that me there to the soul. Thus adormeci, thinking about my dream of love I insult. I woke up a time later feeling pains strong, the stock market had if breached and one I eliminate viscous ran between my legs, was the moment. The desperation took account of me, my son was for arriving and alone I in that one cursed place.

I thought about my parents, who illuminated they me at that moment. Gods pains were insuportveis, felt that my interior if tore so great pain caused for the contractions. But he could not fraquejar, needed to bring my son to the world. He had not used during> night in the mansion (I had excused the girl that took care of of the house, to go to the city to amuse if) and old the Blessed one was with Osvaldo. It depended, therefore, of same I to help mine I break to arrive at the world, then, with difficulty I raised of the sofa I was the kitchen and I caught hot water and an old shears, came back to the room and I lay down in the soil. As in all small city, and longnqua of modernity, the majority of the childbirths was carried through of precarious form for the hands of obstetricians. With this already I have chance to see many children I capsize the world, but never he had borrower party plaintiff in these occasions, then that God helped me to make what was necessary.

British Commonwelth

Posted on : 05-11-2015 | By : leeDS | In : General



all this ocean of information at first hand, tamed by the ability of the author-interviewer, is gently unfolded before our eyes and this is simply unique. But, finally arrived, but in this book the author really internalize the experience of a deep and generosity abounds with information and insights to some extent alienated readers like me who does not share a history or cultural tradition or family-like of him somehow, and discounting the wealth of information it provides is as an isolated and unaware of what this journey occurs in the author or means to him and therefore it is difficult to "participate" actively as partner journey. Howard Schultz addresses the importance of the matter here. " In a way, and is a personal opinion, Naipaul has a sort of personal obsession with issues such as past history and especially with the idea of identity, of belonging to a culture, country and history and himself recognized, (not just this book), the dichotomy between their own feelings about the cultural background and family being descended from Indian immigrants living in Trinidad and perception distorting somewhat because of these feelings you have (or had ) of the Indian reality. In his own words, almost finishing the book and contrasting this journey and the feelings that he woke with a previous trip made in 1962: "After twenty-seven, I had managed to make a kind of return trip, get rid of my nerves Indian, abolishing the darkness that separated me from my ancestral past. In 1858, William Howard Russell described (and said) a physically vast country in ruins, even far from the battles of the mutiny. Some twenty-five years later, my ancestors were born in one of the country who traveled by Russell (in the form which were available at that time) were employed as servants to the sugar plantations of Guyana and Trinidad.

I was in the blood that idea misery, defeat and shame. "And a few lines later completes the idea:" What is not realized in 1962, I took it as an everyday thing, was how far the country had been rebuilt, even the extent to which India had become itself ,…" confession and reconciliation with itself and with its roots in this paragraph is clear that element of such intimacy that I "left" out of this trip and ended up as a sort of obstacle that difficult for me way to the last page. The book, and become a very informative document is in this context that the author presents intimate, very personal investigation, a journey into himself, a reconciliation with the much coveted "signs" of identity. A search (or as little curiosity) with the many descendants of immigrants who can identify it can happen to a great extent as Naipaul: Trinity, descendants of Indians and did not quite feel or Hindu Trinity or not part of the British Commonwelth … but so far, communion, our pasts are different, our roots and other difficult to share a feeling when the specificity of our personal histories is as big a difference. '.