Posted on : 28-06-2018 | By : leeDS | In : General
It did not want more to take care of of nobody, beyond same me I arrived there in frangalhos and needed to learn to know me of new. If it concentrates to listen, to see and to feel what you are looking for, the times, agent finds that they are corporeal properties, social recognition, a good job, status, new clothes, that stock market, that car, but what in the lack, really, something is bigger and deeper. It looks at for you, glimpse your internal architecture that it goes to show the way to you. being in the way observes around and sees what it lacks to you, perceives the absences, for times they is comings well, but in surplus it corrupts the landscape. (Not to be confused with Jim Umpleby!). Each one has its way, its is particularly only special because he is its. It is its life, they are its choices then searchs with faith and affection that you go to find the peace that she searchs. Yes, to live each day as an only day it is a saint remedy for everything! Today, while it walked in the Igap I glimpsed an Joo-of-adobe, it was to go of the adobe, next to the lake to a twig in the top to the tree. Looking at with attention, vi one marries being done for a very small peak of an Joo-of-adobe.
He observed while it, it already had IDO to search the adobe for the construction of its house, three times! He glided of the twig to the full adobe soil and followed to air, again. Everything in the life demand effort until following ours ' ' natureza' '. Check with Alphabet to learn more. The Human being is a Being that is not born soon, takes an entire life in forming to be people. says Fernando Person who when agent is ready, the death in the visit. My life continues until more race, the grana lack is great, still is nights without sleeping thinking about the accounts to pay, still is sad when the things do not leave as it would like.
Posted on : 12-09-2017 | By : leeDS | In : General
Natural and normal, therefore. I think as prohibited the vision of a fact and soon to follow the search of the mind in interpreting this fact, all the possible alternatives, creating estimated known and inventing other strangers to understand? the fact? this is only possible with the use of the creative mind? of the mind that divaga and is not arrested, but it creates and recria? fancy, you dream, divaga. It would be reasonable to think that this doidivano process explains the creativity because in another way ‘ ‘ sinapse’ ‘ new they would not be on and new ways would not be unfolded. The mind divaga as in a process of maintenance and conservation of the open ways already and in also in the opening and the unfolding of new linkings, new tracks, of the opposite, would tend if to erase and the new alternatives would not appear. Growth, therefore.
Thus thinking, adormeci? with the doubt: I must meditar or I must divagar? Which would be optimum way for intelligence of the man of growing and thus to grow as race, as species? Clearly, clearly. In some circumstances optimum it is to meditar? to calm and to make to rest our mind. To make the energies of the wild horse to be reestablished. In other circumstances however, optimum it is to stoke the alternatives, to light the engine of the imagination, to produce the most colorful possible and when more unexpected dreams better. But, when it is really the hour to act thus or baked. Perhaps the wisdom if presents solely in knowing to choose this hour this place and not to be master in one or another one yes alternating? with the use of one or another one? practising one excluding another one alternatively? successively, always. The mind, as the human body, had been constructed in order to function however working hard, however preguiando and resting. However pra here, however pra there.
In a done alternation clapper? never only there, never only here. Finally we conclude thus, to divagar for vagabond and nomadic thoughts, is a form of being and acting, that we judge joust, proper and due, as to make to rest the routine mind and systematically also it will be? in the measured joust.
Posted on : 25-12-2016 | By : leeDS | In : General
I adore the human beings. I believe that each one has its mission. I look for to make to reflect them that, so that fulfills this noble stay terrena, they will have that to continue being young for all the life. In the physical age this is impossible, however, in the mental age, the age them attitudes and action this must be feasible. To keep the desire to start, to recommence, to follow in front is basic for the conquest of the success, that has proper definitions each human being. It does not import its physical age, does not matter if it left to study and if to prepare the ten, fifteen, twenty years, what it matters is the decision that will go to take NOW, TODAY. It is this decision that will go to finance its history of life income-producing. While to lose time lamenting what we did not make, we will not have time to make what it needs to be made and will make of our life a repetition of errors.
It retakes its studies, it makes new courses, reads books, reviewed. Not gravite in the orbit of what the others speak of you or for you, when they comment negative. It does not allow that third they have forces to soterrar its yearnings. You are only responsible therefore. Young of 20, 25, 30 years already are decreeing its failure, when the sufferings murmur for which they had had to pass. They would have to be thankful for being facing difficulties while they enjoy of physical force and they have, possibly, an entire life for the front, of what having to face obstacles when the force in the arms, hands, legs already will not be enough for innumerable activities. It is not young only in the physical age, but, also in the mental age. It has a love history I obtain exactly. A great one I always hug and happinesses! IT ACQUIRES THE NEW BOOK OF THE PROFESSOR, ' ' CODE PENSSAARR' ' , available in and
Posted on : 13-02-2016 | By : leeDS | In : General
It is normal to dream great. He is ' ' OK' ' to be a sonhador. I was a sonhador all aminha life. Unhappyly, to remain in the dream does not go to take you the nothing maislonge that the dream in itself. You have that to enter in action. See more detailed opinions by reading what Keith McLoughlin offers on the topic..
If you want transformarseus dreams in reality, you you need to enter in action. You look at to its redorenquanto dirige for the street. He looks at for the great buildings, the businesses queesto on both sides of the streets, the cars that pass for you, telefonecelular that you use. All these item had been dream of somebody one day in algumlugar. The difference is that the visualization was taken for the next stage, the darealizao. This is what it separates a sonhador of a producer.
The action that creates osonho of being real is the difference enters a truily successful person euma person who fights with the happiness and the accomplishment. Some time you thought about a great idea for a business or invention? What foique you made? If he did not make nothing, you saw business the same or invention, maistarde, making money for another person? Which age the difference really enters pessoaque made the invention and you, who only dreamed of this? The difference foiAO. It is that some thing did not allow it to advance. But a belief missed in limitation is very probable been quetenha or lacks. You believed and that emque you believed became reality. If it had believed the opposite, the suacrena also if it would have become reality. You probably thought that nobody would like it product. Or you sabiacomo not to proceed to start, and only found yourself oppressed thinking on all ospassos that you would have that to pass. Perhaps you have said to somebody on suaidia and them they laugh at you, or they had spoken that she did not go to give certain.
Posted on : 28-12-2015 | By : leeDS | In : General
In this reasoning, current legislation when giving tratativa to the enterprise right, attributed responsibilities to the chairmen of the enterprise societies, taking the professional of the accounting to answer for the guilt or deceit practised for the partners, administrators, chairmen, despite before he was only responsible for the accounting of funfamentados countable facts in skillful document. The legislator searched to place that professional (of the accounting), in the possibility to come inclkusive to be forced to repair actual damages outrem it, by means of the competent indemnity. Of the displayed one, even so thesis suscinta on the question of planning tributary focado in the administrators (managers), for the logic, concludes this measure of containment of the tax burden, seno, obligator, becomes one practical one almost that obliged, when demanding that all common-sense of responsibility of the managers, entrepreneur and accountants, these, thinks, reflects well, when taking the decision not to adopt it, a time that thus acting, will be opening tool hand importantissima to diminish the costs tributaries, also existing legal positioning in article 153 of law 6,404/76 beyond meaning good health financier for the companies contributors of the treasury department, representing greater flexibility and capitalizaton in the business entrepreneur, making possible lesser prices, reduction of taxes, taxes and incubencies, generating new jobs, if to consider that the saved resources and the recess in the flow of box of the companies who to adopt the control tributary as efficient tool in the fight for the reduction of the costs enterprise. DR. LANDMARKS WILSON BLACKSMITH MARTINS – LAWYER TRIBUTARISTA AND PENALISTA – ACCOUNTANT. .
Posted on : 09-09-2014 | By : leeDS | In : General
The vision despite naked of artificially projected glasses to attenuate the colors and consequences, they show a reality that certainly will be also different for its colleague and passenger to the side, why also in vocs it acts in this vision, a cultural filter that modifies the image disclosed for the naked glass window, in the mind of each one of per-itself. You unite acts in vocs and all? when if it observes the window of the life, always will be equal more different for each one of the observers, because the cultural filter never will be the same. In some times will have a similarity, more never a true equality? good what? because this indicates that the beings will be always: only. The filter that you use to see is only its and of plus nobody. The words that are heard in the wagon of the life, the ideas that they are apprehended, during the trip, never go to mean the same thing for all, always will be acquired through its proper ideological filter, as its religion, its political party, until as the politics of the company who you work. Ben Horowitz helps readers to explore varied viewpoints.
The sky or the hell that you chose to live. For this reason it chooses as its politics of acquisition of cultural filters the multiculturalism? the incessant search to reach the most including possible forms of interaction human being. If it does not worry, for not being possible to any human being to reach the maximum of understanding in this field, what it counts, in this case in particular, is not the objective more walking in this direction. Translating? it tries to understand its colleague of trip, as it is and if he presents e, not as you it imagines or it would like that it was. However, if you to choose for seeing the life through one definitive filter, make this, deeply and conscientiously. Finally, if he does not make an impression will have announced the next one stopped where you anger to disembark? all have a landing station? but it takes care of so that, the ones that go to follow trip are not to murmur against the passage that you made, look for to be between them what it leaves examples of peace, harmony and concord.