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Association Strategies

Posted on : 30-03-2018 | By : leeDS | In : General



With the necessity of the companies to search innovations to take care of its customers faster possible and with the waited quality, the maintenance sector come if developing of gradual form in the systems of asset management. In such a way, practical of maintenance planned they above all search to reduce cost, to guarantee the security and trustworthiness of the equipment. Therefore, this article intends to show the basic knowledge and necessary it stops to adopt the way strategies that the development of the sector it helps the sustainable growth of the companies remaining itself competitive in the current market. Go to Kevin Johnson for more information. Word-key: Planned maintenance, Asset, strategies, costs and quality. In elapsing of the years the companies are evolving constantly searching modern strategies of management with the objective to search differential in the attendance of its customers.

In such a way, the maintenance department is suffering great impact in the management from the assets, searching to prevent unexpected breakings affecting the high cost and the productivity. Learn more at this site: Ben Horowitz. Ahead of this situation, the maintenance department is focando its activities in planning to optimize the costs and to guarantee the trustworthiness of the installed equipment. So that this occurs, it is basic that all the involved people direct or indirectly must be lined up with the definite strategies. The maintenance costs correspond the main part of the total operational expenses of a company. Depending on the specific industry, the maintenance costs can represent enter 15% 30% of the capital of the manufactured products. Recent research carried through for the ABRAMAN (Brazilian Association of Maintenance) indicates that one tero of all the maintenance costs is wasted as resulted of inadequately carried through unnecessary maintenance or.

The Investment

Posted on : 29-08-2015 | By : leeDS | In : General



The child who today to construct itself will be the adult who tomorrow will govern the world, therefore, all the investment will be little for the change that if imposes, for a new family, a new school, a new society. Everything will pass for the integral education, assuming it person as the entity most important enters all the existing beings in this planet. To the educators of the children of today a specialization is asked for them they prepare that them for the change, with authority in the techniques, the strategies and in the evaluations, with responsibility, moderation and generosity In the future will be demanded, not only, but the development of many other capacities and abilities, that complete the person in all its dignity, of remaining portion, a concern that is not of today, but that, in the practical one, it seems not to have, still, produced resulted that helps to construct a better world. The children and also the educators, must be guided stop: ' ' Principles, techniques, knowledge, methods of analysis and solution of problems, interpretation of the results and enunciated correcto of the answers with projecto to place them in application implying, in turn, in reflection, such the general capacities in accordance with to distinguish the imperatives of mudana.' ' (BONBOIR, 1977:188) the responsibility of educators, professors and formadores is immense and it does not have more time to lose. Of course that the first measures to the legislative level, human resources, financial and infrastructures compete being able constituted to them to the level of the device of the State, in whose composition they must have place, and active voice, all the representatives of system educative-formative. To educate for the change, with responsibility, means inclusion of all the society, fitting, however, to the decisores and the executors, to promote one politics that, strategically, prepares the actuais children (and adolescent and also young), for, when to assume the full citizenship, to be endowed with all the capacities and abilities who become them better professionals, governing and citizens of what the generations that had preceded them e, currently, occupy some powers, in the diverse structures politics, enterprise, governmental and until religious.

Sherman Act

Posted on : 13-11-2012 | By : leeDS | In : General



However the antitrust legislative text more known and influential is the Sherman Act, instituted in 1890, in the United States, that are born initially as well it detaches Salomo Son, the central concern of the Law of Sherman were the protection of the consumer in face of the extreme one to be able economic in the market. Concern with practical the disloyal ones of the excessively competing ones was still not had (2002, P. 63). However in a stage that if followed, transferred to apply it the rule of illegality to the practical monopolistas and oligopolistas in the figures of cartels, monopolies and holdings trying to guarantee the free competition thus and is in the creation of this law that appears the Concorrencial Right. 2. Monopoly, a conceptual vision. Monopoly is a word of origin Greek, who means ' ' to vender um' ' , monos (one) and polein (to vender), it is characterized for an imperfect competition, instead of having a great number of small companies, possesss only one responsible great firm mainly for the valuation of prices and the fact not to exist competing what valley is the price fixed for the monopolista company.

Amongst the main characteristics it can be detached: one only company; she does not have substitute products; she does not have competitors; the company has considerable control of price; is practically impossible the entrance of another company in the market. How much to this it detaches Mendes: The curve of demand of the market and the curve of demand of the firm, in monopoly situation, are one only. While one firms in a competitive market, its production for price can vender all the same, the monopoly can increase the sales if reduce the price of its product. Thus, the prescription delinquent of the monopolista and the demand are two different curves, and are the root causes of the inefficient allocation of resources in this type of market.

New Civil Code

Posted on : 20-04-2012 | By : leeDS | In : General



The marriage between people of the same sex continues being inexistent act for the Brazilian law. Much of this if must to the fact of the Brazilian population be formed by a majority of catholics who believe the ideals spread out for this and the Brazilian legislation when accepting the religious principles finishes for not materialize the State as being lay. Of any form, exactly not existing specific legislation that the same regulates the atinentes questions to the relations between people of sex, it can be observed that the constituent had the same given a bigger importance to the existing affection in the relations between people of sex. E, some relations homosexuals already had today acquired recognition for the law, beyond already terms a significant movement in sights to become legitimate these unions. 1. Steady union the constitution of 88 started to recognize as familiar, passvel entity of state protection the steady union enters man and woman (art. 226, 3). This institute, during long historical period, was known as concubinage that it denoted: ' ' life drawn out in common, under the same ceiling, with the appearance of casamento.' ' 1 Not obstante, was not only the denomination that if modified with the time.

In the concubinage, for example, testamentary benefits of the man married to the concubine or the inclusion of it as beneficiary of contract of safe from life were forbidden. Today, the steady union acquired a new status, in virtue of its constitutional forecast, now accumulated of stocks also for the New Civil Code. 2 For if dealing with similar institute to the marriage, without, however, the formality necessity, the steady union also has as estimated the diversity of sexos. As much doctrine, how much majoritria jurisprudence understands that it has only society existence in fact and not steady union, between people of the same sex.