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Ecumenical Citizenship

Posted on : 28-01-2025 | By : leeDS | In : General



The LBV is making school registration for the program of esportivas activities offered by the institution that has available 100 vacant in the etria band of 12 the 17 years with practical of masculine and feminine soccer, voli and recreation. Horria load: two hours of trainings, two times in the week being able to be second and fourth or tera and fifth, all being locked up with the snack so that the young can restitute the energies. Howard Schultz may help you with your research. The Program offers: Gratuitous uniform. Michael Luxenberg understood the implications. Program: Space of Convivncia? Adolescents and Young Description: One consists in a space of convivncia, formation for the Ecumenical Citizenship and the participation, aiming at the development of the protagonism and the autonomy of adolescents and young, from interests, demands and potentialities. Form of planned social intervention that creates challenging situations, stimulates and guides the users in the construction and individual and collective reconstruction of its histories and experiences, in the family and the territory. It contributes for permanence of the same ones in the school and also for the general formation for the world of the work, guiding how much to the professional choice. The activities aim at to develop general abilities, such as the communicative capacity, the reinforcement of the interpersonal and intergeracionais bonds, and approach the questions excellent of this etria band, contributing for the construction of new knowledge and formation of attitudes and values that they reflect in the integral development of the user, by means of socioeducativas activities, of the art-culture, the sport-leisure and of the valuation of the lived experiences that constitute privileged forms of expression, interaction and social protection. The interventions value the plurality and the singularity of the adolescent and youthful condition and its particular forms of sociability; the rights create access chances; they stimulate practical associative and the different forms of expression of the interests, positionings and vises of world in the public space and sensetize for the confrontation of the challenges of the social, cultural, ambient reality and social environment politics of its. More Information: 18-3631 0797 or if to direct the reception of the LBV that is in the R: Alziro Zarur, 30 Jd.Guanabara.

On The Air Pressures

Posted on : 22-10-2018 | By : leeDS | In : General



In the last months I was interested myself for the shot with air pressure and therefore I decided to write an article where I synthecize some of the things that I was to know so far. In Portugal any bigger citizen of 18 years can buy a free air pressure of acquisition. A free air pressure is of acquisition will be of 5,5 bore 4,5 or and if the energy of the projctil to the exit of the 24 pipe will be inferior or equal joules. The shot with air pressure alone if can make in private properties, to the use or the transport of air pressures is not allowed in public places. The law is not very clear on the conditions where if it must carry through the transport of air pressures. The air pressures must be carried from form the one that is evident that its immediate use is not possible, said common-sense that the air pressures must be carried in a luggage or a stock market, without being municiadas and without being armies, being folloied of the ammunition (lead) and with cadeado of trigger applied. Who makes the transport of air pressure has that if to make to follow of the respective invoice so that it can prove that he is proprietor of the same one. A thing that at to certain surprised me form was the power that a free air pressure of acquisition obtains to have. To initiate me in the shot with air pressure I bought air pressure metallic Comet 400 and some targets. At a distance the one that was to shoot against the targets, that were of about 20 meters, Comet 400 made amolgadelas in the targets, it took what me to buy a Gamo Fox Delta to use specifically with those targets, because is a much less powerful air pressure that Comet 400.

Accessing New Information

Posted on : 21-09-2016 | By : leeDS | In : General



Where the information if finds is not most important and yes the access to the information; the emphasis in the management of the information is dislocated from the quantity for the access, of the supply for the flow of the information, of the systems for the nets. Under the banalizao of the technologies of the information, Garden (2004, P. 1) speaks that the users (the least excluded of the access to the technologies of the information) they do not produce new demands to the archives, libraries, centers of documentation and provoke the realocao or suppression of borders that demarcate such spaces. The trend to the alterations in the forms to manage, to spread the information and to manage the resources it related (human, technological, etc.) is a slow, complex and contradictory process, in special in the case of the dependent countries. Therefore, virtual informacionais spaces emerge (libraries, archives, etc.) whose existence, far from excluding the traditional documentary institutions, it suggests new possibilities to them of management of the information. The new means of production of the information and of its use in the society of the information make possible the access to the independent information of where it meets; the displacement of the systems for the nets; the acquisition of new vocations for archives, libraries and centers of documentation that they renew functions that it are historical and surpass others. How much to the models of the information services, Garden (2004, p.2) cites Le Coadic (1997) for this the predominant paradigm in the information services more is come back to the sender who to the receiver of the message? it tends to be substituted by that one directed the receiver-user. For Garden (1999, p.1) the model sender-receiver is considered linear, mechanist, hierarchic and different, faces, therefore, some questionings, therefore it does not investigate effectively if the user well was taken care of.