Unfortunately, such a transfer is not always successful, and its capacity is not enough for you to completely relieve venous device. Therefore, even with adequate physical activity once started varicose veins progresses, someone slowly, someone – fast. Doctors noticed that the varicose veins more often (four times) occurs in women. The reason is, as a rule, and pregnancy. In pregnancy to the above risk factors for joining two more: a big belly, pressing on the veins inside the abdomen (as it flows off the blood from the legs) and increased secretion of hormones, softening the connective tissue, making it more elastic and stretchable. Enlarged uterus compresses the inferior vena cava than provokes congestion in the pelvis and legs, and a high elasticity of the connective tissue prevents the veins keep the right for their of tone.
The men (and women) one of the factors in the development of varicose veins may be overweight. Just like during pregnancy, with a large belly is squeezed the lower hollow Vienna, blood flow is hampered, and its great amount accumulated in the legs, where there are varices and characteristic twisted veins. Wearing tight shoes, socks, stockings and socks with tight elastic band can also provoke the development of varicose veins, although there are the likelihood of varicose veins in your legs. Thus, the test for the possibility of varicose veins. 1.
Do suffer from varicose veins are your parents? No – 0, one of them – five, two – 10 and parents Manufacturers and other relatives – 15 points. 2. Sit or stand for long periods during the day? Yes – 0, at times – 5, often 10, all the time – 15 points. 3. Do you have flat feet? No – 0 Yes – 15 points. 4. There are constipated?