Way of Life
Posted on : 06-03-2012 | By : leeDS | In : General
Tags: Family Psychology, home and family
How can I live when you know that “you do not like it?” In this article we will not for some of these people do not like all that into something defective or not normal for any moral, ethical or social norms, but only with girls who seem to many people around them “netakoy” as well as how to live in such a ‘special’ in modern society. Today we often hear that there are more and more people are referred to as “gray mass”, “mediocrity” that they do not have manifestations of creativity, or rather some kind of creative endeavors, emotions, and they can not be spontaneous, they are very predictable and not interesting. But what the same happens when we find these creative and spontaneous people? In response, we hear: “You do not like that! YOU ARE weird! I’m starting to fear your surprise, and an abundance of varied emotions. ” I am among those people, because I am very emotional, like many of the girls, I can cry just remembering some touching story, I laugh a minute, making up for the course of the next joke, and it really does not like is not correlated with the apparent belief “drops Women’s attitudes are directly dependent on the so-called PIP “or simply on critical days. In addition, I am very peculiar some crazy ideas, and stories.
I propose some theory, for example, can express their point of view about the last Olympics, and then tell the interpretation dreamed of sleep, and then discuss the likelihood of collapse of ancient civilizations. This change of mood, thoughts often brings confusion into the so-called life ordinary people who are afraid to express their thoughts, experiences, keep them inside and bright explosions of such as we, the people with the mobile psyche, to use scientific language, take a slightly abnormal. Since high school I and some of my friends were not so much persecuted as nedolyublivaniyu from classmates, and so it was in school, and at the Institute, at work .. What is most interesting, most people thought you abnormal, but pointed out that you is a very positive person and with you fun and interesting. What is the most terrible in all this rejection, so this is what often is your favorite young person, which you do not mind chaesh, one day said, “Yes you just crazy! I was afraid of the appearance of your desires or even thinking “How sad to hear that … So what do we, girls or guys who are very active, versatile, bold in their thoughts, feel free to manifestations of emotion, ready to surprise your loved ones and give the same preslavuty creativity, about which so requests our contemporary society? We need to be a! Everyone likes to impossible! We are, after all, not a piece of chocolate cake! You just have to understand it and most importantly to take! There will always be people who will truly appreciate our spontaneity and creative approach to a vision of life. In addition, all the little men of genius crazy … well maybe just a little)).